Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1909, 28 Jul 24

Venezuelans Head to the Polls

I’ll spare you the suspense. Maduro will “win.”

Venezuelans have been going to the polls in what has been described as the biggest challenge to the governing socialist PSUV party since it came to power 25 years ago.


Nicolás Maduro – who has been president since the death of his mentor, Hugo Chávez, in 2013 – is running for a third consecutive term.


His main challenger is Edmundo González, a former diplomat who has the backing of a coalition of opposition parties.


Polls suggest Mr González has a wide lead over the incumbent, but as Mr Maduro’s 2018 re-election was widely dismissed as neither free nor fair, there are fears that the result of this election could be tampered with, should it not go Mr Maduro’s way.

Communists don’t suffer election losses. The elections are just for show. The only way to oust communism once it has taken power is with violence. Americans would do well to remember this.


1909, 28 July 2024


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