Boots & Sabers

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0702, 30 Jul 24

Venezuela Erupts After Fraudulent Election

I hate to say “I told you so,” but I did. You can’t oust communist at the ballot box. They don’t allow it.

Protests erupted in the Venezuelan capital the day after President Nicolás Maduro claimed victory.


The opposition has disputed Mr Maduro’s declaration as fraudulent, saying its candidate Edmundo González won convincingly with 73.2% of the vote.




A heavy military and police presence was on the streets of Caracas with the aim of trying to disperse protesters and prevent them from approaching the presidential palace.


Crowds of people chanted “freedom, freedom!” and called for the government to fall.




In a speech on Venezuelan state television, Mr Maduro said it is his “obligation to tell you the truth”.


“We are all under the obligation to listen the truth, to gear up with patience, calmness and strength because we are familiar with this movie and we know how to face these situations and how to defeat the violent.”




Mr Maduro has accused the opposition of calling for a coup by disputing the results. “This is not the first time we are facing what we are facing today,” he said.


“They are trying to impose in Venezuela a coup d’etat again of fascist and counter-revolutionary character.”


The Venezuelan attorney general warned that the blocking of roads or breaking any laws related to disturbances as part of protests would be met with the full force of the law.

Does that rhetoric look familiar? The claim to speaking the “truth” and labeling all opponents as liars? The claim that opposing an obviously fraudulent election is a “coup?” The rigorous enforcement of laws against political opponents while allies run wild? All of this after disarming average citizens in the name of “safety.” Only those ignorant of history don’t know what’s going on. This is the classic Communist playbook and we are seeing it here in America.


0702, 30 July 2024


  1. Merlin

    Looks and sounds like many of my favorite Democrats!

  2. Tuerqas

    From the article:
    >Mr González also told a rally of tens of thousands of people that it was “time to re-establish democracy” – a reference to the fact that in its 25 years in power, the governing PSUV party has gained control not just of the executive, but also of the legislative arm and to a large extent, the judiciary.

    Yup, sounds exactly like today’s Democrat Party.

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