Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0818, 11 Aug 24


What a silly harmless trend that the “experts” need to crap all over.

Mr Bailey is part of a new travel trend, known as “raw-dogging”, where passengers spend long hours mid-air just staring straight ahead.


The longer you do it, the tougher you have apparently proven yourself to be.


“Just raw-dogged it, 15 hour flight to Melbourne,” boasts Australian music producer Torren Foot on TikTok, blinking hard as if to stay awake.


“No music, no movies, just flight map.”




“They’re idiots,” says Dr Gill Jenkins, a GP who also works as a medical escort in air ambulance work. “A digital detox might do you some good, but all the rest of it is against medical advice,” she says.


0818, 11 August 2024

1 Comment

  1. Merlin

    Why? Don’t most normal people just sleep on a long haul? ORD to HNL can be a full snooze. Reach that sun and sand fully rested.

    Then again, what are the odds Mr. Foot is simply lying his creative ass off?

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