Boots & Sabers

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0810, 12 Aug 24

Start With Deporting One Million Illegals

JD Vance articulates real policies while Kamals hides. 

When asked how he and Trump would accomplish their stated goal of mass deporting as many as 20 million immigrants – a proposal experts previously told ABC News would be a “nightmare” — Vance said they would take a “sequential approach.”


“I mean do you go knock on doors and ask people for their papers? What do you do,” Karl asked.


“You start with what’s achievable,” Vance said. “I think that if you deport a lot of violent criminals and frankly if you make it harder to hire illegal labor, which undercuts the wages of American workers, I think you go a lot of the way to solving the illegal immigration problem.”

“I think it’s interesting that people focus on, well, how do you deport 18 million people? Let’s start with 1 million. That’s where Kamala Harris has failed. And then we can go from there,” Vance said.

This is where most American are. No, we don’t want our government proactively knocking on doors searching for illegals. What we do want is to deport them when they are found and make it less comfortable for them to be here. Increase penalties and enforcement against employers who employ illegals. Deport criminals when they are arrested and identified as illegal – even if they just get a parking ticket. Make it difficult for illegals to get benefits from taxpayers like welfare, housing assistance, or education.

If we do these things; if we make it an unpleasant experience for illegal immigrants to live in a country they illegally entered; if we do this while making the border more difficult to enter; then many of the illegals will self-deport. This is how other countries do it. We can be a compassionate, welcoming country to legal immigrants while still maintaining our national integrity and trying to manage the expense of our welfare state.

The Trump campaign is having a substantive, nuanced discussion on hard issues like abortion, illegal immigration, and race relations while the Harris campaign is treating the People like toddlers.


0810, 12 August 2024


  1. dad29

    Easy way to find the “most deportable aliens” is to ask the local cop shop for names and addresses. They have them.

  2. Tuerqas

    Or if we could get hold of the prison roles (with pics) of Venezuelan and other Central/South American countries we would have a nice list to go on. Their jails are all mysteriously down over the last couple of years.

  3. MjM

    Not nearly enough. Start with 10 million.

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