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1949, 14 Aug 24

Hamas Losing Faith in Biden/Harris

Biden and Harris are really letting down their constituents.

DOHA, Qatar (AP) — A top Hamas official said the Palestinian militant group is losing faith in the United States’ ability to mediate a cease-fire in Gaza ahead of a new round of talks scheduled for this week amid mounting pressure to bring an end to the 10-month-old war with Israel.


1949, 14 August 2024


  1. Tuerqas

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this is put on the back burner by the admin. The pro-war pro-racist terrorist backing may get them some thousands of HAMAS voters, but it can’t sit well with their base constituency, being on the racist side when they are used to pretending they have the moral high ground on all things racist, bigoted and misogynist. It won’t get one vote for Trump, but it may make some libs stay home, certainly the liberal Jewish population. I can see a high likelihood that Dem Ambassadors are telling HAMAS behind closed doors that support will slow through the end of October. The question is can Israel finish their objectives before the end of November.

  2. jonnyv

    T. What is their objective? What is the end game? When do we know it is done? This has been my problem with Israel (and Ukraine) for months. Does Israel think they can get RID of HAMAS completely? What is the plan for the refugees? What is the rebuilding plan? What will the gov’t be for Palestine when this is done?

    Reports are they have killed 17000 HAMAS soldiers, and around 40000 total. That isn’t the best ratio if it is even CLOSE to that.

  3. Tuerqas

    A few things on that: The end game is the safety of their people and return of hostages, something HAMAS should be willing to do as the first part of any actual good faith negotiation. Why have they not been returned? What is the end game of HAMAS? If it were just an independent State, I think something could be negotiated, but HAMAS and their allies are committed to ending Israel and genociding Jews in the rest of the world eventually.
    HAMAS have lobbed bombs into Israel for years. Could Israel break the back of HAMAS? I don’t know, but the entire State is Israeli land. They had given limited self Governing over to HAMAS with pressure from the rest of the world and all it has gotten is stronger attacks and stronger anti-semitic feelings, now flowing into America, once their greatest ally.

    There is rarely a good end to guerilla warfare, is there? However, that doesn’t mean you give up and let HAMAS run even more amok. Their end game is written in their manifesto and that is the side Dems are currently on. There is one thing I have seen throughout, however. Dealing with terrorists gets you more terrorism.

    As far as numbers go, as long as the self described ‘Palestinian’ people harbor their murderers, I mean fighters in their homes and businesses, they are combatants in my book. If HAMAS wanted full autonomy, the best way to go about it is not to commit violent act after violent act. As long as HAMAS is committed to killing all Jews, at least in the region, they are proving that self rule is not THEIR end game and Israel will have to treat it as a civil war.

    I really have little grasp on what Russia’s end game is. They have never given more than vague excuses for their invasion in the first place.

  4. jonnyv

    HAMAS wants Jewish people gone. That is pretty simple from their end. But many people want America gone too.

    Dealing with terrorism gets more terrorism. So does obliterating an entire generation of people. And from most people’s perspective it doesn’t seem like Israel seems to care about civilian casualties as long as they kill HAMAS. Bombing terrorists homes killing entire families that had no say in the situation. I feel like all they have done is create another generation of people who will HATE Israel and Jews in conjunction. By that logic, Iraq has a right to blow up the houses and kill the families of any American soldier involved in Abu Ghraib? I mean, they are harboring torturers. War is never pretty.

    Personally I think a 2-state solution is the answer, but not run by HAMAS. The problem is Israel has also been pushing further and further into Palestine land for the past 50 years. Most people around the world refer to the Palestinian land as the State of Palestine. Personally, move the Palestinians out of Gaza and over to West Bank, and just annex it away from Israel. But Israel will never give up the land unless forced to.

    And why haven’t they released the hostages. My guess is there are VERY few left at this point.

  5. Tuerqas

    >HAMAS wants Jewish people gone. That is pretty simple from their end. But many people want America gone too.
    What does this mean? They desire genocide, but that’s just those crazy Palestinians so it’s okay, you’ll support them? And the justification is that others (of the same faith, primarily) want us all dead too? Personally, this is another reason to support Israel.

    >Dealing with terrorism gets more terrorism.
    I don’t know how to take this either. Terrorists be terrorists, bro, let’em be? If one small group of people interspersed in a foreign country drop a nuke on a US city, say ‘Darn, well you can’t stop terrorism, right? if we go after the monsters it’ll just make more monsters.’

    >The problem is Israel has also been pushing further and further into Palestine land for the past 50 years.
    Learn about the history, dude, it is their land. There has never been a State of Palestine. Before Israel stuffed Jordan’s and Egypt’s offensive into Israel and took Gaza and the West Bank from them they were territories that were administered by those countries. Since the advance came through those territories, Israel took them as a buffer and has taken no new land since that conflict in 1967 (more than 50 years ago).
    Neither Jordan nor Egypt gave any indication of ever intending to give the indigenous people their independence, but Israel needs to? HAMAS took control of the Gaza strip away from Israel in about 1993, I think. So ‘ownership’ has changed hands a few times now, but HAMAS is not a recognized Government. If Palestinians ever wanted peaceful independent rule Israel would be all for it, but HAMAS only recognizes ‘ceasefires’ as long as it takes to get more missiles in and send them over the border. If the people ever threw out HAMAS a Palestinian State for the first time in History would be a real possibility. Their tacit and overt approval of a plan for Jewish genocide makes them culpable (just like a voter is culpable for the policies of their politicians here) so I do have less sympathy than I might normally have. You care more about the terrorists and refugees, I care about the victims from the initial surprise ambush of Jewish civilians.

    >By that logic, Iraq has a right to blow up the houses and kill the families of any American soldier involved in Abu Ghraib?
    No, that has no logic (and it was yours, not mine), just your feeling to use your own word. But by your logic, “Dealing with terrorism gets more terrorism.” no one should ever try to stop terrorists. Again, no logic on your side, in my opinion.

    >Personally, move the Palestinians out of Gaza and over to West Bank, and just annex it away from Israel. But Israel will never give up the land unless forced to.
    Again I think you are showing ignorance of the political history. Israel has shown good faith in dealing with non-terrorists. They have had little faith in dealing with terrorist leaders as both Arafat and all HAMAS leaders sworn goal has been to kill all Jews, it was the reason for HAMAS’ inception. How could they have any faith in promises of genocide? Would the US allow a new country with the publicly sworn goal of eradicating all Americans on our border? I would be for eradicating them first.

    >And why haven’t they released the hostages. My guess is there are VERY few left at this point.
    Bing, bing, bing! Good answer. But does HAMAS admit this and return the rest, and the bodies? Nope, it is leverage, but not leverage for peace.

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