Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0748, 19 Aug 24

Harris Seeks to Introduce Herself to Public

They’re kidding, right?

WASHINGTON — A mad scramble is underway to introduce Vice President Kamala Harris to Americans who know little about her, with both campaigns vying to leave a vivid impression that sinks in before voters start casting ballots this fall.


In the 11-week sprint to the election, Harris’ campaign is pouring tens of millions of dollars into an ad blitz meant to humanize a candidate whom the electorate may know only as the understudy to Joe Biden.

She is the former AG of one of our largest states. She is a former U.S. Senator. And she is the sitting Vice President. The American people know who Kamala Harris is.

The real problem is that the American people know who Kamala Harris is. Get it? So the effort here is really to introduce a different, electable version of Kamala who isn’t a dim-witted, mean, condescending Communist. It’s a con.


0748, 19 August 2024


  1. dad29

    How big is their lipstick factory?

  2. Tuerqas

    Sorry Dad, the lipstick factory got caught up in the methane blast from the super farm next door. Burned to the ground. On the bright side, there is a huge bacon sale in the area.

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