Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


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0723, 20 Aug 24

Biden’s Self-Eulogy

This about sums it up.

Emotional Joe Biden cries then mangles his words during swansong speech that is bumped off primetime in final humiliation for dumped president

I stayed up late to watch Biden live. It was everything we have come to expect from Biden. Shouting. Outright lies. Slurs. Insults. Insults. One might have felt bad for him having to give his own political eulogy if one is willing to willfully forget how terrible a human being Joe Biden is. The only thing missing was the creepy whisper.


0723, 20 August 2024


  1. Merlin

    One last ugly dance at the end of the marionette’s strings. Now they’ll send him off on an unofficial five month vacation and allow Harris to illegally assume the duties of his office. Saving democracy one crisis at a time, doncha know.

  2. jonnyv

    Merlin. I disagree. I think that joe is truly gonna focus his efforts on the Middle East for the next 5 months to try and secure his legacy. Not sure if he will be able to accomplish anything, but that is where his focus will be.

  3. MjM

    I think that joe is truly gonna focus his efforts on the Middle East

    You mean, like giving billions to the Taliban and more pallets of cash to the Iranian mullahs?

    Actually, he is focusing (if you can call it that) on the West, with yet another week-long vacation at billionaire donor friend Joe Kiani‘s vineyard mansion in Kalifornia.

    And his legacy is already secured, Jack.

  4. Tuerqas

    Merlin, I too disagree with you. Harris will not be trusted with any reins now or after the election. She will be given credit for anything that can be spun into a positive until the election, but if she took the reins, she gets any blame and that can’t happen. She has little enough to offer as it is.

  5. Merlin

    Heh, we shall see!

    Biden is of no use anymore other than as scapegoat and his presence isn’t required for that. California vacation, Delaware vacation, rinse, repeat.

    Kamala Harris, even with the nomination, has no recent creds of her own that are not tied to old Joe failures. Harris has no response to the ‘what have you done for me lately?’ questions. They need to show her actually DOING something instead of having to campaign on her unpopular communist agenda. All of the pre-Biden footage is old stuff and damaging. They need to manufacture new large and in charge footage and that means a newly contrived crisis or two with Harris getting the credit for an illusion of leadership. She’s a really tough sell otherwise.

  6. Tuerqas

    With the word “illusion” added we are in total agreement.

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