Boots & Sabers

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0756, 21 Aug 24

Target CEO Rejects Accusation of Price Gouging

Remember that he is a big-time Lefty.

There’s no room for price gouging in a ultra-competitive business like retail, Target CEO Brian Cornell said on Wednesday.


In an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” the retail chief disputed campaign talking points accusing grocers of inflating prices. He said retailers have to be responsive to customers or risk losing business.

He was asked by CNBC’s Joe Kernen, who referred to comments by Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris and asked if Target or its competitors ever benefit from price gouging. Harris last week proposed the first-ever federal ban on “corporate price-gouging in the food and grocery industries,” saying some companies are charging excessively and fueling household inflation.


“We’re in a penny business,” Cornell responded, noting the small profit margins in the retail industry. He described the many places that customers can turn to check for lower prices or to find merchandise elsewhere, from going to stores to browsing on their phones to compare the prices of a gallon of milk at different retailers.

Sadly, Kamala Harris and the Leftists have been successful in pivoting the discussion away from inflation to corporate behavior. The reality is that prices have gone up substantially under Biden/Harris. This is textbook inflation. Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. This causes the value of the currency to decrease because it takes more money to buy the same value. Inflation cannot be caused by the private economy because that economy does not control the money. Government does. Inflation is caused by the government printing or spending more money than the economy can naturally absorb. In the case of our current economy, it is both. The federal government is spending a gargantuan amount of money, but since they don’t have enough tax revenue to cover the spending, they are just printing money to cover the cost.

The only real fix for inflation is to dramatically reduce government spending. The reason that the Democrats don’t want to do that is because federal spending has become a gigantic gravy train for millions of people. If they cut it off, it will anger those people. So the resistance to doing what needs to be done to fix inflation is not an economic one… it’s a political one.

Drastically reducing federal spending would also trigger a recession. All of that spending goes somewhere and if it is cut off, those jobs and businesses go away. It will take some time for the Invisible Hand of our economy to reallocate those resources to more productive means. It would be painful. But it is also the only way and the alternative is that we continue to devalue our currency to the point that there is no wealth left for anyone except political elites. This is where the current path leads and has been replicated dozens of times in modern history.

I know this seems elementary to most of our readers, but this kind of simple economic understanding is being lost. A natural result of the decline of education in America is that we have two generations of people who have not been taught the very basic understanding of how our government and economy works. And yes, I believe that our education was intentionally changed to achieve the level of ignorance necessary for communism to take root.


0756, 21 August 2024


  1. Tuerqas

    Even big time lefties don’t like to be falsely blamed for things by the DP, I guess.

    Question for anyone/everyone. What bothers you more, the blatant lying that the DP screams, or that the followers actually seem to believe them?

    These are not just false promises KH et al are spouting, evidence is overwhelming that their schemes plan for exactly the opposite in most cases. Anything pro-middle class is a blatant lie as the majority of the middle class votes Republican. Like weeds, Dems won’t even let similar beliefs vote for those beliefs, they choke them out to vote Dem or don’t vote(See what I did there? Green Party getting choked out by the Dem weed…eh, eh?). Make it stupidly easy to vote regardless of rules like citizenship, unless you are not a Dem, then it’s suppress baby suppress!
    Fully programmed libs are incapable of voting for a conservative so I discount even the possibility. Cornell and his company can be thrown under the bus and blamed for Government excess and he will still vote Dem. The tax cuts that certainly helped me and my middle class brothers and sister are characterized as evil rich tax cuts and will expire if Dems keep office, thus ‘saving’ the middle class?!?. It will put the middle class further behind the inflationary 8 ball, but KH shouts out they are ‘helping’ the middle class…by printing scads of money and spending it for us thus launching an inflationary climb that is digging deeply into middle class wallets. Oo, and then they take credit for a tenth of one percent decrease in one month of 2024 inflation as their policies are ‘reducing inflation’. Never mind that it has been and still is at higher rates since 2021, you know the start of his admin.
    Dems blame the pandemic job losses on Trump even as their forced closures caused them and are now touting and taking credit for letting people go back to work as ‘job gains’. Biden claims close to 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, but close to 600k of them were re-openings. And of course if Trump does win there is no way to match the re-opening numbers counted as gains so 4 years from now the Biden years will be advertised as the golden years.
    Lib media tries to twist this by saying ‘No, manufacturing jobs never bounce back after a recession’, but no other recession had perfectly good and healthy businesses forced to shut down through Gov’t control either…apples to zucchini comparison there. This is the typical liberal straw man of misusing facts and stats to prove a false point. Multiple of my clients in manufacturing moved to half production using every other line from pandemic false 6 foot restrictions and with the decline of purchases dropped their 3rd shifts. The 2 clients I can point to dropped almost 1800 employees from the pandemic and both are now back at full production with one extra shift for one of them so about 2,000 jobs ‘gained’ just for 2 companies I worked with personally. This is not anything like job losses from recessions where companies go out of business because they can’t make it anymore. This was private company planning on a nation-wide scale that not only has gone unrecognized by the Dem administration, the credit they deserve has been stolen by Dems and many have now been blamed for price gouging with promises to ‘fix’ it by force through price controls. Dem excess, lies, graft and theft have reached monstrous proportions well beyond normal Governments of the recent past and their followers’ response has been “Yea!!!” As incomprehensible as it is inexcusable.

  2. Merlin

    -Question for anyone/everyone. What bothers you more, the blatant lying that the DP screams, or that the followers actually seem to believe them?

    Even people on the right are perfectly willing to absorb blatant lies if those lies might bring enough personal short term benefit AND they’re likely to never have to publicly acknowledge having swallowed those lies. Joe Biden’s 2020 student debt forgiveness campaign promise is a perfect example. The potential personal benefit was just too good to ignore and because the act of acceptance of the lie occurred in the form of a secret ballot, there was a reasonable expectation of perpetual deniability. If you’re Joe Biden, that’s a near perfect political scam that flipped a lot of votes he wouldn’t have normally received.

  3. dad29

    Look at old “Jaywalking” spots from the Leno show. The number of f*n DUMMIES he encountered is frightening.

  4. Tuerqas

    All true Merlin, I guess I was aiming at the fantasy being painted rather than hard short term benefits. Virtually everyone can get behind a good self interest offer. I don’t even see the lie there. He offered free get out of certain types of debt free and granted it for as long as he could before SCOTUS shut it down. I believe that was to the tune of about 170 billion in successfully cancelled debt.

    I was talking more about the fantasy portion. An America where the middle class will be miraculously saved, even though all evidence shows their polices do and will continue to do the exact opposite. Dems do not back away from any policy (look at HAMAS) they are all good no matter the transparency of the lie. How can those same policies suddenly start penalizing the wealthy while helping the middle class? Where one income can support a family while all policies once again put the greatest pressures square on the middle class. Your example of things like debt relief to some at the cost to all people working hits the middle class hardest. The wealthy will not be troubled by it and the poor are not affected by it.
    So many Dem policies take money from the working people to give to non-working people and you won’t read about it, but they give as many breaks to the wealthy as Reps do. If they didn’t there would not be more multi-millionaires and billionaires supporting Dems over Reps. But again their ads are saying that the wealthy will be paying for more than they have been, even though evidence has shown that middle class has paid for their policies and their tax breaks and favors to the super-wealthy. The full on lies that they are promising even as they have the full intent of continuing to crush the middle class so they can move to full on Socialism is nauseating. The ad technique of taking your worst asset and advertising it as your best asset is most repugnant to me. The Pick N Save example has always been the clearest. Their fresh produce is always a day or two from going bad, always has been so they branded themselves as “Fresh”. Their produce is still just as bad as it ever was, but they tell you every day that ‘fresh’ is their pride and goal. Dems have been doing that all throughout the 21st century, proving that if they hear it enough people will start to believe it on any topic, even the provably false ones. That pisses me off the most.

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