Boots & Sabers

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1903, 03 Sep 24

Trump To Move Federal Government Closer to the People

This should happen.

Now, with Trump proposing the relocation of up to 100,000 federal jobs from Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia under his Agenda 47 plan, concerns about being abruptly moved are again troubling federal workers. The Republican’s proposals stir anxiety in the midst of an unusually competitive U.S. Senate race in heavily Democratic Maryland that could determine control of the Senate, with even the Republican candidate calling the plans “crazy.” The proposals also could hinder Trump’s chances to win Virginia, a state he lost in 2016 and 2020, where a U.S. Senate seat widely seen as safely Democratic is also on the ballot.

“It’s causing a lot of anxiety, a lot of discomfort within the workforce, as you are faced with these strong, negative, anti-federal worker stances and this uncertainty of what might happen to your job, your home and your livelihood,” said Dodson, who is acting vice president of American Federation of Government Employees local 3403, which represents the USDA’s Economic Research Service.




Businesses that provide services to the thousands of federal workers fear the ripple-effect threat of the proposed changes. At Census Auto Repair & Sales, for example, across the street from the U.S. Census Bureau’s headquarters in Suitland, Maryland, service manager Tay Gibson says his shop would feel the impact directly.


“I would hate to see the federal workers leave,” Gibson said. “That would be business leaving as well, and that would affect small businesses like myself.”

Every community sends vast sums of cash to Washington D.C. to support the federal government. It would be good for America to see those dollars spread around the country instead of being hoarded around D.C.


1903, 03 September 2024


  1. wisbadgerjim

    And this should happen in Wisconsin too. No reason for more employees in Madison. Shrink government, redirect jobs across the state.

  2. Jason

    >“I would hate to see the federal workers leave,” Gibson said. “That would be business leaving as well, and that would affect small businesses like myself.”

    This statement is so very enlightening to just how the liberal mind thinks about worker drones. Tay Gibson doesn’t care about the happiness, life quality, DEI, or anything about any public worker… they are more worried about themselves. How very inclusive of Tay.

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