Boots & Sabers

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1245, 12 Oct 24

Trump Surges Among Men

I think this has less to do with Trump and more to do with a cumulative societal response.

Polls indicate the political gender gap among young people has widened since Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee in July. Overall the vice-president seems to be pulling more young people into her camp – but her support among young women has risen faster than her support among young men.


Recent research by the Harvard Youth Poll indicates 70% of women under age 30 support Harris, while 23% plan to vote for Trump. Among men in the same age group, 53% back Harris and 36% support Trump.


Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life, part of the conservative American Enterprise Institute think tank, says that the political gender gap mirrors larger social divisions which have left many young men feeling like few politicians are looking out for them.

For at least 20 years, our entire culture has shifted to ignore or outright denigrate men. From school to politics to entertainment, our culture has been trying to rectify the previous generations’ oppression of women by overcorrecting the other way. The result is a generation of men who have been told their entire lives that they are the lesser of the two genders. Of the two major political parties, the Democrats have doubled and tripled down on this cultural shift. The Republicans have actually started to respect men again. Ergo, men – especially young men who are less ideologically inclined and more culturally inclined – are leaning toward the Republicans. Trump is a beneficiary of this trend and is making some effort not screw it up.


1245, 12 October 2024


  1. dad29

    our culture has been trying to rectify the previous generations’ oppression of women


    In 1918, women obtained the right to vote. Since then, they have oppressed MEN with WWII, FDR, Jimmuh Carter, LBJ, Korea, Viet Nam, and the Perma-War in the Middle East. Let’s not forget the vast increases in taxes and the 3-letter agencies of the FedGov, often mimicked by States.

    By the way, “the Republicans” don’t really show signs of “respecting men.” See, e.g., Liiiiiinnnnndddddssssssseeeeeey Graham.

    Trump, Vance, and a very few other Pubbies have displayed manhood as opposed to the namby-pamby slop “Oooooooh, sweetkins, don’t be hurt” regnant in schools, Governments, and society in general over the last 50+ years.

  2. dad29

    Wait! Wait!! I forgot the Great Depression…..

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