Boots & Sabers

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1935, 26 Nov 24

Actress Lectures Americans

Sure. Uh huh. We haven’t had enough of the elite lecturing us rubes about how stupid we are for not voting for Marxism. Whatever.

Stone said her fellow Americans elected Donald Trump because they are ‘uneducated’ and don’t travel enough.

‘My country is in the midst of adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything,’ the Basic Instinct actress said.


‘Adolescence is naïve and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence.


‘We haven’t seen this before in our country. So Americans who don’t travel, who 80 percent don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete,’ she continued.


1935, 26 November 2024


  1. Merlin

    Ah, Hillary’s old deplorables tag is alive and well.

    Apparently this national adolescence has also been spending significantly less on the make-believe industry. Whether by choice or necessity doesn’t really matter, but it still directly affects sweet Sharon’s employability. Projects are drying up. Budgets are tight. Reality says the younger, prettier, and cheaper “adolescence” of her own industry will continue to work while sweet Sharon rails against the world’s injustices.

    It sure looks like at least some of the geriatric Hollywood-types also suffer from naïveté, ignorance, and arrogance.

  2. Jason

    80% don’t have a passport? And that’s somehow the measure of a man? From an American who flashed her coots coots mcgoots to the world for a paycheck? Yeah she’s niave in her irrelevance

  3. Jason

    Simple enough to fact check. Sharon Stone thinks there are 800,000,000 American citizens eligible for passports.

    What a has-been.

  4. MjM

    “Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything”

    Well, she’s right. And it’s fascinating that a 66-year old hag is still an adolescent.

    Clowns on the left coast, jokers on the right, here we are, stuck in the middle with loons.

  5. Tuerqas

    >‘Adolescence is naïve and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence.

    Marxism/liberalism doesn’t leave the average American enough money to travel abroad so they can pay for all the things that are good for them, er, us. Unchecked greed for money and power is very mature according to the left coast, apparently.

    Funny how the vast majority of people who earn their money through entertainment avenues and get paid to travel for filming in exotic locations with bodyguards to protect from modern day slavery seem to think that is the norm. Their idea of average is Kamala Harris’ middle class upbringing. And liberals who have wondered where classism and institutional racism originates always come up with “Republicans”. No Sharrie, the vast majority of Americans do not get paid to travel abroad, much less have the fungible income to do so as a vacation. And if you think they are largely naive, uneducated people, it may be time to start talking to your Demmie friends to have them start teaching education again rather than the liberal cesspool ideology they teach today.

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