Boots & Sabers

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0844, 07 Dec 24

House Works on Deal to Extend Obamacare Subsidies

Just look at how the Washington Post frames this issue.

A one-year deal to extend the expiring ACA subsidies would avoid what was expected to be a bruising battle for both parties. Democrats, who crafted the subsidies and have fought to defend them, are set to lose control of the Senate and the White House next year, complicating their ability to make policy. Republicans, who are set to gain control of Washington, are wary of being punished by voters for any perception that they are rolling back health-care coverage, with the backlash to their ACA repeal efforts still fresh in many lawmakers’ minds.


GOP leaders have repeatedly said they are skeptical of the subsidies, which expanded long-standing ACA tax credits to millions of Americans, and the influential House Republican Study Committee has called to end the nearly four-year-old initiative.


It is not yet clear whether Republican leaders, who control the House, will agree to any of the proposals. Spokespeople for Republicans on the House Ways and Means and the Senate Finance committees declined to comment.

If House Republicans really worried about “being punished by voters for any perception that they are rolling back health-care coverage, then they are worried about the wrong thing. The American People just elected a change agent in Trump and Republican majorities to help him do it. We are sick and tired of all of this massive spending just being continued and expanded to no perceivable end to the utter ruin of our nation. Obamacare is a disaster and the federal government is squandering the wealth of our nation. If they can’t start saying “no” to something, then House Republicans should fear being cast from office at the earliest opportunity.


0844, 07 December 2024


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