Boots & Sabers

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1922, 18 Dec 24

Study About Hydroxychloroquine Retracted

The science is never settled.

One of the most notable scientific papers that first popularized hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment was retracted from its journal due to ethical and methodological issues.


Retractions in scientific journals are rare and typically undergo an extensive investigative process. These retractions have been known to negatively affect the potential future employment, funding and reputation of researchers involved.


The paper, published in 2020 in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, originally claimed that treatments with hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, reduced virus levels in COVID patients and was more effective if used alongside an antibiotic, known as azithromycin.


notice from Elsevier, which publishes the journal, said: “Concerns have been raised regarding this article, the substance of which relate to the articles’ adherence to Elsevier’s publishing ethics policies and the appropriate conduct of research involving human participants, as well as concerns raised by three of the authors themselves regarding the article’s methodology and conclusions.”


The notice was attached to the paper, which remains on the journal’s website with a watermark that says “Retracted.”


1922, 18 December 2024


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