Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1943, 26 Dec 24

Persistent Unemployment Rises

Ouch. This is the stuff I want Trump focusing on when he assumes office – not vendettas or side issues. Border. Economy.

Continuing claims, the total number of Americans collecting jobless benefits, climbed by 46,000 to 1.91 million for the week of Dec. 14. That’s more than analysts projected and the most since the week of Nov. 13, 2021 when the labor market was still recovering from the COVID-19 jobs wipeout in the spring of 2020.


The rising level of continuing claims suggests that some who are receiving benefits are finding it harder to land new jobs. That could mean that demand for workers is waning, even though the economy remains strong.


1943, 26 December 2024


  1. dad29

    Nothing like adopting the language of the Swamp, eh?

    It’s not “vendetta” to prosecute the perpetrators (-traitors??) of abuse-of-office, nor for treason.

    It’s what is called “Justice.” At one time, the US had a whole Department dedicated to that.

  2. Merlin

    Geez, Owen! Now is not the time to be lowering expectations. There’s a lot to fix and limited time to do it. For the time being let’s assume that Trump 2.0 will be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

  3. dad29

    He just tripped over his tongue with his endorsement of H-1B. But since he’s effectively shoved it into the lap of Congress, you can rest assured that there will be no changes to that program during his time in office.

    However, there will be an increase in animosity toward him and any of his Congressional allies on this topic. Count on it.

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