With respect, we have learned that the vast majority of the money that Americans have been spending on these programs was not reaching them. Most of it was being wasted or stolen.
Further, we’re broke. We have a $36 TRILLION debt and it’s continuing to rise. Even if these programs are worthy and good, American can’t afford to support all of them. The rest of the world has to step up. We’re tapped out and need to get our financial house in order before paying for other people’s stuff.
President Donald Trump’s freeze of U.S. foreign humanitarian aid and shuttering of the U.S. Agency for International Development is having devastating consequences globally, several humanitarian nongovernmental organization leaders told ABC News.
“The United States Government provides about 70% of all funding for HIV and AIDS globally, and so pausing any of that is a big shock to the system,” said Christine Stegling, a deputy executive director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and an assistant secretary-general of the United Nations.
“Community clinics are closed because communities are not sure what the guidance is, and they’re not sure what costs can be covered, and they’re afraid that they will be asked to repay services that they have charged to U.S. government contracts,” Stegling told ABC News.
The United States Government provides about 70% of all funding for HIV and AIDS globally, and so pausing any of that is a big shock to the system,” said Christine Stegling, a deputy executive director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) …
So US tax-paying citizens, who represent just 4.17% of the 8 billion population of all UN countries are paying nearly 75% of the cost for this (fraudulent) worldwide program.
It’s long past the time to F*** the UN. Defund, evict, and deport the entire scam.
Also, from the linked story:
Search for Common Ground, a global peace-building organization, receives about 40 percent of its funding from the U.S.
Based in DC (naturally), a quick look at their financials shows total income of $44 million, of which $23.9 million went to salaries in 2023, an increase of more than $6 million over 2022.
CEO Shamil Idriss makes $320,876. President Marjorie Williams makes $290,000. Sr. VP Lena Slachmuijlder makes $280,000.
Stop government funding of all “non government” organizations. They are all frauds.