Boots & Sabers

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2122, 26 May 20

The Swamp Protects Its Own

Rules for thee...

The Department of Justice on Tuesday will reportedly stop its investigation into three of the senators who sold off stocks early in the coronavirus pandemic.

Prosecutors are reportedly letting California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Georgia Republican Kelly Loeffler, and Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe know that the investigation into their alleged insider trading, has been closed, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.


2122, 26 May 2020


  1. Le Roi du Nord

    Sorta like DoJ walking back the Flynn prosecution despite pleading guilty twice.

  2. Jason

    >Sorta like DoJ walking back the Flynn prosecution despite pleading guilty twice.

    Sorta like cowardly Leroy ignoring all the refutations of his stupid troll talk.

  3. Mar

    “Sorta like DoJ walking back the Flynn prosecution despite pleading guilty twice.”
    Le Roi pretends to be smart because he has a degree in hard sciences. Probably has a degree in how to solve male impotence.
    But I digress. I guess he doesn’t care about all the protocols the FBI decided not to follow, like reading a person their miranda rights.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    Are you actually almost making a value discernment that what commie lib Feinstein did was evil and wrong?

  5. Le Roi du Nord

    No k, I made no statement about commies or libs.  Where on earth did you get that?  I did, however, make a statement about a confessed criminal.

  6. MjM

    Nazi Nort gotta Nazi:   Sorta like DoJ walking back the Flynn prosecution…

    Prosecutorial misconduct,  falsifying documents,  perjury before courts,  withholding of exculpatory evidence, and threatening family members.

    At least you are consistent in your Third Reich world view.

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    Will you denounce the Senators more strongly than Flynn?

  8. Le Roi du Nord

    OK then, why did flynn plead guilty – twice?

  9. Le Roi du Nord

    Sure, I’ll denounce all senators with a R or D after their name that have failed to stand up to the lies trump spews forth, and all senators, R or D, that profited from insider information, and all elected officials that profited at public expense by playing golf at their own private golf club(s).

  10. Merlin

    I’d question the sanity of a Senator who didn’t sell off based on insider knowledge. Sharing that insider knowledge with others is where they create a problem for themselves, although in this case it didn’t take insider knowledge to see an economic shit storm was coming. Sharing is the crime.

  11. jjf

    Keep draining that swamp, Merlin.

    It’s all about timing, isn’t it?

  12. Kevin Scheunemann


    That was not a denouncement of Feinsteins awful actions.

    Why can’t you ever take a specific moral stand?

  13. Le Roi du Nord

    Sure was k.  Read it again. What part of “all senators” didn’t you understand?

    And it was very specific as to what violations.

    Is your problem that you are frustrated that you don’t get the answer that you wanted, or that you are still struggling with the definitions given to words in common usage?

  14. MjM

    Nazi Nort  only reads Leftist Media Headlines: why did flynn plead guilty – twice?

    See if you can comprehend this,  numbnutz.

    12 days after that filing federal prosecutor Van Grack, who had been part of  Mueller’s Russia Hoax investigative team,  removed himself from all DOJ cases.

    This after Van Grack falsely claimed before the court in 2019 that prosecutors had turned over to Flynn’s lawyers all exculpatory evidence, and that the government “has not affirmatively suppressed evidence,” or that it was “aware of any information that would be favorable and material to defendant at sentencing.”

    Most notably, Van Grack left out the fact that FBI had closed it’s Flynn investigation in January 2017 after finding the investigation “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.”

    Van Grack also failed to inform the court of this:

    What is our goal — truth, admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” –  senior FBI  counterintelligence official Bill Priestap, from partially redacted documents finally turned over to Flynn’s defense, discussing the plans for the Flynn interview.


  15. Kevin Scheunemann


    All Senators did not do what Feinstein did.

    It is disgusting to transpose obvious evil behavior to the innocent.

    You tend to do that…a lot.


  16. Le Roi du Nord


    How do you know they did or didn’t ?

  17. Kevin Scheunemann


    If Ron Johnson did that, liberals would have him strung up by now…

    So guilty until proven innocent?   Blame good people for evil, but not call out specific evil when evil.   That is an awful, disgusting, mindset you have there.

    This is a stark constrast from your “tolerate everything attitude”.



  18. Le Roi du Nord


    What part about this don’t you understand, “I’ll denounce all senators with a R or D after their name that have failed to stand up to the lies trump spews forth, and all senators, R or D, that profited from insider information ”  ?   I added the bold in an effort to draw your attention to what I actually typed, not what you dreamed up.

    I didn’t say anything about “guilty until proven innocent”, nor about johnson, and I certainly didn’t say anything about tolerating everything.

    Is the warmer weather and high humidity affecting your reading comprehension?  Or is it activating your need to make stuff up that is so easily disproved?

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