Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2211, 17 Jun 20

Blue Flu Hits Atlanta

Perhaps the communities and the Mayor should have kept their commitment to the police who serve them.

The police department said an unusual number of officers working the late shift had called out sick. The mayor said the city would be OK.
“There’s a lot happening in our cities and our police officers are receiving the brunt of it, quite frankly,” Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. She said the city has committed to the officers through a big pay raise, and “we expect that our officers will keep their commitment to our communities.”
She said she thinks morale is down tenfold.
“We do have enough officers to cover us through the night,” she said. “Our streets won’t be any less safe because of the number of officers who called out. But it is just my hope again that our officers will remember the commitment that they made when they held up their hand and they were sworn in as police officers.”

2211, 17 June 2020


  1. MjM

    This Is one flu I hope spreads exponentially.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Sick, criminal, leftists don’t understand the consequences of their rhetoric tearing fine police officers down.

  3. Jason

    They have the officers badge numbers and home addresses.  I’m sure they can try to get them to work again tomorrow.   No problem, and no need to force them to do something they don’t want to do.

  4. Merlin

    It’s the personal protection details for elected city officials that need to be claiming sick leave for awhile. Let the myopic oafs travel their city’s streets among the “peaceful protesters” without the protection of armed PD escorts. No PD armed security at their personal residences either. Let them buy their own armed security out of pocket. Better yet let them live with same personal protection the rest of us have.

  5. jjf

    What?  No one is suggesting that these lazy unionized public employees should be fired immediately for not doing their jobs?

  6. Merlin

    That BlueFlu could be highly contagious. Perhaps the sick officers should quarantine at home for 7-14 days in an overabundance of caution, of course, until public officials can find a cure.

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    Of course not!   Never before has such a large segment of public suggest public employees should be held hostage by criminals and criminal behavior.   that is unconsciounable.

    I am very pro union here.   I would have thought you would cheer.   You never disappoint in your cowardice to have a consistent moral stand.

  8. jjf

    And they have such cool equipment and guns and stuff.

  9. Le Roi du Nord

    “I am very pro union here”

    k, do you have a fever?  How could you say such a thing?

  10. jjf

    It’s a special union that kills people, so he likes it.

  11. Mar

    It’s a union that saves people’s lives, especially minorities. Which I know, jjf, that is why you don’t like the police.

  12. Mar

    It’s too bad that jjf is such a hater of the police.
    I guess, if jjf needs the cops because a thug is beating the crap out of him, he will hope a social worker, a psychologist, an undertaker and the Cookie Monster will show up to help him.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    These men and women are on front line of spiritual and physical battle against evil on our behalf!

    They deserve out respect and support!!!!

    You are insulting to every good officer, which is 99.9% of them, and side with criminal sanctifying evil.

    Awful. Just awful.

  14. jjf

    Here, have this sundae I made you, it’s 99.9% pure!

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