Boots & Sabers

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2105, 03 Jul 20

Renaming The Pettus Bridge

Interesting debate here. It’s almost as if history is messy and nuanced. Huh… who’da thought?

SELMA, Ala. (AP) — Thousands gathered in this river city in 1940 to dedicate a new bridge in honor of white supremacist Edmund Pettus, a Confederate general and reputed Ku Klux Klan leader. Just 25 years later, the bridge became a global landmark when civil rights marchers were beaten at its base.

Today, with thousands protesting nationwide against racial injustice, a years-old push is gaining steam to rename the Edmund Pettus Bridge in honor of Rep. John Lewis, who led the 1965 marchers on “Bloody Sunday.” But the idea is drawing opposition in Selma, including from some who marched with Lewis that day.

Pettus’ name has ironically come to also symbolize Black freedom and shouldn’t be painted over, some say. Others oppose the move because Lewis was an outsider who followed in the footsteps of locals who had worked to end segregation for years before he arrived. Still others fear a change would hurt tourism in a poor town with little going for it other than its civil rights history.

Lynda Lowery, who was 14 and received 35 stitches in her head on Bloody Sunday, doesn’t want the bridge renamed for anyone. She said the span over the muddy Alabama River “isn’t a monument, it’s a part of history.”


2105, 03 July 2020


  1. Mar

    I wonder when the people in West Virginia and Washington DC are going to start removing the statues of Robert KKK Byrd?
    Let’s start and ask Nancy Pelosi that.

  2. Pat

    Any word from Nancy yet, Mar?

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Nancy cannot tear down all the racist Democrats in history of her party…there would be nothing left!

  4. Mar

    Meanwhile, hundreds of minorities have been shot this past weekend with many dying.
    So, when will the terrorist group Black Lives Could Not Care Less About Black Lives going to march and demand the thugs in the inner cities to stop the killing?
    When will white liberals condemn the killings?
    When will liberal politicians do something about it?
    Probably never. It’s just Black and Brown lives that are being snuffed out. And liberals could not care less.

  5. Pat

    Mar, you may be right. But tell me, what are conservatives doing about it?

  6. Mar

    Well, President Trump has been talking about and has offered the federal government resources to help.
    Trump also has made conditions right for record unemployment low for everyone.
    Long term, conservatives have been pushing for school choice and better education. They are against the no bail and early release of some prisoners.

  7. Jason

    Mar, please don’t forget most have been against dad-less families, responsible parenting and upbringing, and enabling all citizens to become self sufficient.  All things Liberals have destroyed.

  8. Pat


    How has all that worked out so far?

    And Jason, liberals are for dad-less families, responsible parenting and upbringing? How so?

  9. Mar

    Actually, Pat, for many people, it has worked out quite well.

  10. Pat

    Well then, where is the problem?

  11. Jason

    Thanks Pat, let me clarify my poorly chosen phraseology.

    >Mar, please don’t forget most have been for two parent families, responsible parenting and upbringing, and enabling all citizens to become self sufficient.





  12. Pat

    Who’s most families?

  13. dad29

    Others oppose the move because Lewis was an outsider who followed in the footsteps of locals who had worked to end segregation for years before he arrived.

    You mean “craven opportunist”?  Who’da thunk??

  14. Mar

    Looks like Pat is being a Big Richard today.

  15. Pat


    No answer to what I thought would be an easy question?

  16. Randall Flagg


    As you read Mar’s comments, keep in mind he accused me of never saying wrong when, two post earlier, I showed an example of me admitting I was wrong.

    In short, Mar’s credibility = 0.

  17. Mar

    I answered your question, Ceazy Lying Pat.
    Maybe you are too stupid to realize it was an answer.

  18. Pat


    You failed to answer the follow up.
    “Well then, where is the problem?“

  19. Mar

    Damn, Pat you really are Ricardo Grande.
    That also sounds like a statement instead of a question.
    But guess what Crazy Lying Pat, you refuse to answer most, if not all, questions posed to you.
    So, I guess, I shouldn’t ask much out of you. That little hamster that runs the wheel in your brain is probably very obese and has troubles spinning that wheel.

  20. Pat

    Wow, Mar! Going full blown unhinged instead of being able to answer an easy question.

    A statement does end with a question mark.

  21. Pat

    A statement doesn’t end with a question mark.

  22. jjf

    See, Pat, the nicknames and the personal insults only make their arguments stronger!

  23. Mar

    Gee, jjf, I’m still waiting for you to make an cohesive argument. Just 1. Pretty please with surgar on it?
    Or you still learning how to use a data base?

  24. Mar

    Actually, Pat, a statement can be a question.
    English 101.
    Try learning the rules of grammar some day.

  25. Mar

    For instance Pat, if I said “Crazy Lying Pat, are you a moron or not? Can be both a question or a statement.
    For instance in your statement, you asked, so where is the problem?
    I never said there was a problem.
    You stated there was a problem. That was your opinion, not mine.
    So your supposed question was actually a statement.
    Besides, you didn’t address your statement to anyone in particular.
    I really hoped your English lesson helps.

  26. Pat

    But I’m telling you, Mar, that it was a question. Why not answer it?

  27. Pat

    “See, Pat, the nicknames and the personal insults only make their arguments stronger!“

    Trumpian tactics.

  28. Mar

    Yes, liberals, all they do is riot, loot, be racists, are full of hate etc.
    The 3 liberal amigos show that here everyday.

  29. Mar

    I already did, moron.

  30. Pat


    So what you said in your second posting, in reality, isn’t a problem.

  31. Mar

    Now, answer my question, Pat.

  32. Pat

    What was you answer again?

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