Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1708, 13 Jul 20

Milwaukee Requires Masks

Nuts to that.

MILWAUKEE — The full Milwaukee Common Council voted 15-0 Monday, July 13 to approve Milwaukee’s proposed mask mandate ordinance — passed by the Milwaukee Common Council’s Public Safety and Health Committee Thursday, July 9. It now heads to Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett’s desk for his signature.

Some major modifications were made to the proposal leading up to Thursday’s committee vote. More than 600 people submitted a comment to the Public Safety and Health Committee, and just 26 more people supported the proposal than opposed it, similar to what FOX6 News heard along Milwaukee’s lakefront Sunday, on the eve of the full council’s vote.


The MKE Cares ordinance can be viewed here and requires masks for everyone three and older when inside buildings open to the public, and outside when within six feet of someone who is not a family member or member of your household.

I’ll share my view on masks… generally speaking, masks are useful in preventing the spread of airborne diseases in some circumstances. If I was in a high risk group, or if I am around people in a high risk group, then I might wear a mask in conjunction with keeping my distance and practicing sanitary practices.

I absolutely oppose the government – any government – mandating that we wear masks. In the same vein, I oppose them requiring me to wash my hands, keep my distance, wipe my ass, brush my teeth, or most other things. All of those things are great ideas, but outside the realm of government authority. Government’s job is to protect my rights. It is my job to protect my health.

One thing that is shocking, or perhaps not, is that the vote was unanimous. Clearly the population is not unanimous on this, so what does say about their representation?


1708, 13 July 2020


  1. dad29

    Another good reason NOT to visit Milwaukee.

  2. Pat

    They should have consulted Chuck Woolerly before making this useless decision.

  3. Mar

    The fact that masks 99% used in the public are as about as useful as a penguin in the middle of the desert.
    They won’t prevent you from getting a virus and it wont stop you from passing on the virus. That is just a fact.
    But these politicians have to show the public that they are trying to do something, even if it is having you doing stupid things.
    But the sheeple will wear them.
    But I pity the people who have to try and enforce the order.

  4. jjf

    Clearly the population is not unanimous on this, so what does say about their representation?

    Oh my word you are hilarious.  Can we apply this at the state level?


  5. Le Roi du Nord

    “Can we apply this at the state level?”

    Or at the federal level?

  6. jjf

    Le Roi, I began to wonder if Owen was anti-vax as well.

    Couldn’t the same argument be made for vaccines?

    Hmm.  What if government thought that requiring masks is a way to protect your rights.  Wouldn’t that be strange?

    I wonder what “promote the general welfare” means.  It’s a mystery!

  7. Kevin Scheunemann

    There the local libs are deflecting off the totalitarian liberal decision.

    Will you libs denounce this as violation of basic liberty?

    Even Pat will do that here.

  8. Mar

    Hey Pat, tell us your racist jokes. jjf says everyone tells them so it must be true.
    Start us off on your racist jokes.

  9. Mar

    Oh boo hoo, a snowflake was scared of a guy with a gun.
    The gun was never pulled and cops were not called.
    And this what happens when Democrats make someone else do their dirty work.

  10. jjf

    I’ll share my view on masks… generally speaking, masks are useful in preventing the spread of airborne diseases in some circumstances. If I was in a high risk group, or if I am around people in a high risk group, then I might wear a mask in conjunction with keeping my distance and practicing sanitary practices.

    So close!  So close to deeper understanding!

    Owen, if you were an asymptomatic spreader, would a mask help others?

  11. Mar

    KKKjjf, I know you like masks, especially white ones that go with white robes.
    And no, a mask would not help others.
    Unless it is a mask that is specically designed to control viruses.

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