Boots & Sabers

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0718, 15 Jul 20

West Bend Teacher Tries Distance Leftist Indoctrination

Wow. This is apparently what this teacher feels is appropriate. Imagine what it’s like in the classroom.

A teacher in the West Bend School District (WBSD) sent out the following email today, Wednesday, July 8, in her regular “Summer Check In” communication email with WBSD parents. Take a moment to click the links to the “free resource” being offered in the email below. Here are a few sample statements from the video:

“That’s what our emotions are…they’re the voice of our inner child that has been sitting there and asking for attention.”

“When we take the time to align our mind with our physical body we actually bring ourselves into presence.”

“Mindfulness is being in the present moment… bringing your awareness into the present moment with no judgement, with acceptance and with a willingness to be with what is.”

“There’s a lot of racial injustice going on right now and…it’s something where sometimes our own biases can be passed on to our children, and we definitely want to raise this next generation to be all inclusive, and all accepting, as best we possibly can.”

“This is 400 years of work built up in the black community, this is the work that’s built up in us watching this.” “Have I ever felt racist in any way? Have I ever thought things like “Oh, I don’t want to go near that person or have I seen a black person passing by and have I moved away…”

” We can apologize, we can be vulnerable…”


0718, 15 July 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I need a shower after reading all the dripping woke religious excrement.

    The first consequence is no classroom discipline with that mindset.

    “No judgement” is code for no discernmrnt between right and wrong.

    If a student is beating crap out of another student, there better be some sober judgement regardless of skin color.

    No religion in public schools? How much of a heretic am I in opposing this woke “testimony”?

  2. dad29


  3. Jason

    Oh good, White Fragility at the local school district level.  I’m told I have to be accepting if someone says that I am racist… because of the color of my skin.  Hmmm, rather circular no?

  4. Mar

    I wonder if this sorry excuse of teacher was talking about liberal policies and current racism of liberal policies in public education?

  5. Randall Flagg

    There is a plethora of research on the effectiveness of mindfulness.


  6. jjf

    I can see how this would upset the anti-mindful and pro-racist contingent.

  7. Kevin Scheunemann

    Jjf, Randall,

    Is that the 4th or 5th commandment of the woke religion?

    So those exercising reasonable judgement in a classroom violate this important commandment?

  8. Mar

    “Mindfulness is being in the present moment… bringing your awareness into the present moment with no judgement, with acceptance and with a willingness to be with what is.””
    I guess if you see an innocent child being murdered, I guess you have accept it.
    No judgements.
    I guess if you see racism, you accept.
    No judgements.
    If we someone being bullied. Oh well, it’s in the moment.
    No judgements.

  9. jjf

    Not sure why WFA and Owen are so worked up about this, the counselor’s email was only sent to parents, right?

    But it’s all about the outrage, isn’t it?  It’s what they do.

  10. Mar

    Right, jjf, because as soon as the children enter the classroom, the teacher turns off her ignorance and reaches right of the book.
    No opinions, no selective homework etc.
    You are so naive. Or stupid.
    Not sure which one it is.

  11. Le Roi du Nord

    “I guess” tells the whole story.  No facts, no rationale, just a guess.

  12. Kevin Scheunemann


    Doesn’t matter.

    Are you saying teachers should exercise “no judgement” in the classroom?

    That is a ridiculous woke religious platitude sacrificning simple discernment between good and evil.


  13. jjf

    This post isn’t about a teacher, right?  It says she’s a counselor.  Does she also teach?

  14. Mar

    jjf asking another moronic question.

  15. Kevin Scheunemann


    The counselor is encouraging teachers to exercise “no judgement” in the classroom.

    Why do you avoid the religious question, the woke cult conviction that nothing is nether good or evil?


  16. jjf

    “Mindfulness is being in the present moment… bringing your awareness into the present moment with no judgement, with acceptance and with a willingness to be with what is.”

    I don’t see where this shows she loves Hitler.  It’s talking about awareness.

  17. Kevin Scheunemann


    Do you approve of a “no judgement” woke mentality in classroom?

    How can you discipline without judgement?

  18. jjf

    Well, it’s a good thing this counselor doesn’t say anything like that.

  19. Mar

    jjf, did a fellow rioter hit you in the head with a rock today?
    You’re dumber than usual.

  20. Kevin Scheunemann


    Are you saying discipline requires no judgement?

  21. Tuerqas

    “This is 400 years of work built up in the black community, this is the work that’s built up in us watching this.” 

    Actually, it is more like 3,000 to 4,000 years.  Slavery has never left Africa, it was commonplace when whites first arrived BC and was still common in many areas throughout the 20th century.  Shame on our US forefathers for letting profit trump human decency, but it was not anywhere near the beginning of slavery for blacks.  More than 85% of all the blacks sold out of Africa were already slaves of black masters just looking to make a profit by selling their property.

    I about fell over when Google told me ‘which country began slavery in Africa’ and it was Portugal.  Every Egyptian is nodding their head on that one:  “Yeah, that sounds about right. 15th century?…Yeah”

    Go ahead and rail against US whites for black treatment over the past 400 years, but save a little for the black Africans who sold them to us.  Can’t do it?  You racist.

  22. Merlin

    Free black slaveowners in colonial America have seen a bit of erasure too. Yet another bit of history not fit for the very selective modern narrative.

  23. Jason

    That’s Liberal Privilege for you T and M.

  24. jjf

    Tuerqas, there’s slavery (in all its historical variations) and then there’s racist thoughts and ideas used to justify self-interest and then there’s racist policy.  They can be disentangled and examined.

    And there’s the history of the USA.  The whole “1619” business starts with those Portuguese, right?

    Merlin, you’re imagining things.  Who’s erasing anything?

  25. Tuerqas

    Tuerqas, there’s slavery (in all its historical variations) and then there’s racist thoughts and ideas used to justify self-interest and then there’s racist policy.  They can be disentangled and examined.

    What I hear from you:  Only the present liberal view of racism and slavery is relevant, and only history that supports these current beliefs are important, or possibly even the only history that is true.

    Starts with the Portuguese?  Are you really that stupid?  The Portuguese came and saw the level of slave indoctrination and said why not profit from it?  They did not begin the slavery in Africa, all they did was increase the numbers of slaves caught by black overlords who appreciated their profits by selling to foreigners.  The Portuguese saw just how little Africans cared about other Africans from other tribes and capitalized on it.  They learned about (then) modern slavery from the Africans, they didn’t teach it to them.  How many slaves were in Spain/Portugal pre-1526?  Answer:  Few to none.  How many slaves were in Africa in 1525?  Estimated hundreds of thousands.

  26. Tuerqas

    I believe general white opinion (liberals included) is tainted by slavery in our history.  You see racists as people who hold blacks in some level of contempt because they are inferior.  I do too, but I also include those who believe Blacks need help and are to be pitied…because they are inferior.  If the liberal heart was bent to respect, rather than pity (ie, no racism), I think the black position in the cities would be strong and healthy, regardless of the branch of conservative racist idiots who are just gonna hate.

    You see blacks just as inferior as the hate racists, you just don’t think that equals racism because you feel pity rather than dislike.  You are wrong.


  27. Jason

    >Only the present liberal view of racism and slavery is relevant, and only history that supports these current beliefs are important, or possibly even the only history that is true.

    This is part of the Liberal Privilege that jjf has bought into fully.

  28. jjf

    Tuerqas, I’m not quite sure what you think you want to believe about my view of history (or science or whatever) but I prefer the whole picture.

    If you want to talk about racism in the Americas, maybe it’s interesting to note that the natives here might’ve practiced some forms of capture and slavery, but it also might be more relevant and more interesting if we want to be USA-centric to consider the problems that led to our current problems.

    The fact that slavery might’ve existed since time immemorial doesn’t invalidate what happened in the United States since its founding.

    Your observations about who pities who and who looks down on who…  yeah, there’s been plenty of examination and codification of those attitudes.  There’s names for all of it.  I highly recommend “Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America” if you would like to catch up on current thought.

  29. Tuerqas

    Why doesn’t that sound nice and intelligent, jjf.  The problem with your new tack is that I was commenting on the post, which was about a current school teacher who is specifically bring slavery back to the Europeans and dropping SLAVERY at their door, like they invented it in 1526.

    I find it very convenient for you that you defend every liberal position, but when a position is called out for blatant blindness to history by a teacher of our young, suddenly you can say things like:

    I’m not quite sure what you think you want to believe about my view of history (or science or whatever) but I prefer the whole picture.


    The fact that slavery might’ve existed since time immemorial doesn’t invalidate what happened in the United States since its founding.

    Those comments are not on topic.  I can pivot and respond to your comments, but I know your ilk.  You will take (like you already have) what I said about the actual topic and then apply it to your new topic.  They are called straw men, and they burn nicely in the fall.

  30. jjf

    Gotcha.  Let’s blame slavery on the Africans.  The Europeans were just following their lead!

  31. Tuerqas

    That is what you got out of my comment?  Really?  I have been saying that she is wrong (horribly wrong) for stopping at 400 years ago and blaming slavery on the Europeans, and you think I was just saying the blame should be on Africans?

    Well, I guess it is part of liberal debate doctrine to always lay blame, and relatively few people look past the beliefs of their own heart.

  32. jjf

    Go ahead and rail against US whites for black treatment over the past 400 years, but save a little for the black Africans who sold them to us.  Can’t do it?  You racist.

    So what was your point here, in your opening statement?  Who should we be railing against?  You want more railing against black Africans, and presto, we don’t need to talk about what actually happened in US history?

  33. jjf

    And again I ask, can someone show me that this is a teacher in a classroom and not a “counselor” sending out emails to parents?

  34. Mar

    Maybe if you were a wee bit intelligent, jjf, you might understand how a school system works and your point is completely irrelevant, like you are.

  35. jjf

    Show me how you get from “counselor” (sending a summertime email to parents) to OMG!!!  They’re indoctrinating Our Precious Children In The Classrooms!

  36. Mar

    Again, jjf, if you think school counselors spend 100% of their time in the broom closet sized office all day long and don’t visit classrooms and speak, then you are out of touch.

  37. jjf

    Mar, show me how you get from point A to point B.  A counselor sent a summertime email to parents, not kids.  Julaine sees red, wants to incite the base!

  38. Mar

    Sorry, jjf, I cannot fix stupid.

  39. jjf

    You’d think this would be so simple to explain.  Anyone?

  40. Tuerqas

    So what was your point here, in your opening statement?  Who should we be railing against?  You want more railing against black Africans, and presto, we don’t need to talk about what actually happened in US history?

    We shouldn’t be railing against anyone in the past.  It has led to blaming in the present, demanding recompense in the present for the sins of past humanity, and has led to the entitlement culture that liberals preach, but has clearly failed their minority targets.

    Yes, I used the word ‘teacher’ as the article mistakenly uses in the first place, it is from a counselor, but the video is about teachers and parents teaching their children using the liberal version of what slavery is, where it came from and what we should be doing about it now, among other choice items.  And I am assuming the counselor used these words and attached that video with the school’s approval, are you not?  Do you seriously want little elementary school white boys and girls to go and confront a black child with an apology?  You think that teaches the best message for children?

    And mindfulness, awareness and bringing ourselves into presence in an Elementary school?  Kids are still learning concrete black & white basics, because they are not mature enough for more complex thought and we should be teaching 4th graders and below about mindfulness, awareness and presence?  That is what (and when) we are teaching kids now that critical thought has been eradicated from public schools?  You know what happens when you teach complex concepts by rote to children instead of teaching them how to come to their own conclusions on complex topics?  Things like accepting simplistic one-sided beliefs on two or more sided complex topics, obey your Gov’t, racism, et al.

    Btw, if you want to talk about what actually happened in US history, you won’t find it in a school book published today.  You’ll get things like how slavery began 400 years ago invented by the Imperialist Europeans.  How whites should always apologize to every black person they meet.  By that same standard, shouldn’t Africans apologize to every American black person whenever they meet?

  41. jjf

    The email was clearly written for for parents in the summertime.  It was from a counselor, not a teacher.  It is not for kids.  There is no indication of how or when these messages might actually be presented to kids.

    It’s not as if it crossed over into actual politics (“vote for the referendum”) or religion (“Jesus loves you or else”).  It merits a brief questioning with a superior at best.

    WFA’s faux-rage is comical.  It’s what they do to keep the base agitated.  Owen is one of their primary water-carriers.

    A few years ago I caught WFA’s Julaine in another whopper.  In a WisEye interview, (at 20:00) she claimed “I don’t know anybody who pays minimum wage any more” and says there’s a pizza place in her hometown of Watertown with a sign in the window offering delivery driver jobs at up to $19 an hour.

    I called Marco’s Pizza in Watertown. They said that sign was in their window. Their actual starting wage was $7.25 plus tips and 29 cents a mile. Domino’s in Watertown had openings for drivers, too… $3.50 an hour while driving plus 70 cents a mile, $7.25 an hour when you’re waiting inside the store. Minimum wage in Wisconsin is $7.25.

    It’s all just talking points to her.

  42. Mar

    jjf, again, it should not have been written. Period.
    It was written by a staff member whose job is not to preach to parents or kids with their personnel opinions and beliefs.
    Did this counselor go to the school board or principal about this?
    It was very inappropriate.

  43. Tuerqas

    So your contention is that this counselor just sent this out as a tool for parents and things like the bullet point:

     How to initiate conversations about sensitive subjects, such as racial injustice

    is about how to discuss sensitive topics among adults?

  44. jjf

    There’s all sorts of glurge being posted or emailed or otherwise distributed by school districts who’ve now hired full-time social media people who are fueled to post something every day, multiple times a day.  The pressure to interact is pushed down on teachers and counselors, too.

  45. Mar

    “The pressure to interact is pushed down on teachers and counselors, too.”
    That’s a new 1 on me.
    When I was teaching just a few years ago, to send something out like this you had to have it cleared by the administration.
    Maybe you have an ear on the inside, jjf?

  46. Jason

    Glurge? Isn’t that your mom’s stage name?

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