Boots & Sabers

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0729, 18 Aug 20

Profound societal shifts are underway

My column for the Washington County Daily News is online and in print. Here’s a part:

2020 is proving to be a fulcrum year where events are shifting our society and culture in ways yet unknown. The swiftness with which our government stripped us of our rights in an overreaction to a public health concern at the same time that fascist mobs are given license to maraud by the very same government has shocked the sensibilities of many Americans and undermined some of the principles that have cemented our nation’s foundation since its inception. As our society shifts, it will be seen in what people do — not what they say. One thing they are doing is buying a lot of guns.


0729, 18 August 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    If we continue to let the leftist terrorist insureectionists terrorize without penalty, we may have to fight to save the country.

    I only know of a couple good ways to deal with terrorist Marxists.

  2. Jason

    >The swiftness with which our government stripped us of our rights in an overreaction to a public health concern 

    This cannot be understated.   We still do not know the numerator or the denominator of this virus.  One thing we do know is that the mortality rate is constantly going down as testing goes up.  We also know that the numerator is far larger than any forecasting model used.   We also know that the denominator is screwed with bad data from every state.


    Overreaction is a vast understatement at this point in time.

  3. jjf

    They have lost confidence in our government to maintain order.

    Nah, they’re just scared and they think a gun is going to protect them.  They will gloss over the problems the gun could bring.  They’ll succumb to the marketing and the fear.

  4. jjf

    If only we had some people who had spent their entire career learning about  numerators and denominators and can control for expected errors in calculations.

  5. Jason

    >They will gloss over the problems the gun could bring. 


    Wait, guns bring problems?  Do you think rocks bring problems?  Chairs?  Screwdrivers?  Dude, you’re worryingly disturbed.

  6. Jason

    >If only we had some people who had spent their entire career learning about  numerators and denominators and can control for expected errors in calculations.

    Oh, you mean Neal Ferguson?   I think his fellows labeled his model as “somewhere between negligence and unintentional but grave scientific misconduct.”


    Yeah, lets trust blindly some computer models, and yet cower in fear from a gun.

  7. Mar

    And jjf still has nothing good to add.

  8. jjf

    Because that’s what I said, right?  I said blindly trust and cower.

    Because you “know that words have meaning” and you’re “an intelligent and logical thinker.”

  9. Jason

    >Because that’s what I said, right?  I said blindly trust and cower.

    Lets turn it around.   What would Putin gain by your blind trust and cowering.

  10. jjf

    We’d ride bears together, bare-chested.  I’d grow out my beard.

  11. Jason

    2 hours, three replies, and jjf is out of material.  And I’m the uncivil one.

  12. jjf

    Stop the doxxing and the personal insults and I’ll be more convinced of your civility and sincerity.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    Oh, you mean like bringing up a COVID issue for your political opponents?

    What was that term you used… “civility”?


    If you don’t want others to dox…maybe you should stop your awful doxxing.



  14. Jason

    >Stop the doxxing and the personal insults and I’ll be more convinced of your civility and sincerity.


    Why do you keep saying doxxing?  Who is doxxing you?  Finding your public profile on another website is doxxing?  You’ve publicly shared your details here bud, I didn’t dox you.  Grow up and stop playing a victim Foust.

  15. Mar

    If jjf is civil then Senile Joe Biden is a perfect speaker.

  16. Mar

    Isn’t doxxing kind of like peaceful protestors going to people’s houses in middle of the night to protest?

  17. Merlin

    After watching most of Night 1 of the Greatest Virtual Show on Earth it sure looks like the party’s celebrities are just going through the motions. They have an enthusiasm problem. Maybe it was the lack of live crowd performances, but even darling Michelle looked like she’d rather be doing something else.

    Hard to tell how the b-list Republican anti-trumpers were perceived, but I sure hope Kasich cashes his check before the DNC stops payment on that performance. Paying rinos to convince democrats to vote democrat seems to be a serious waste of resources. They’re going to need more than this to get a lasting post-convention bump in the polls.

  18. jjf

    You’re “Jason” here.  I’m “jjf”.  How about we use those names?  And if I knew something about your appearance, I assure you I wouldn’t use it to attempt to strengthen my argument with insult.

    MHMaley brought up Kevin’s DQOVID issue here.  I didn’t.  I hadn’t heard of it before.  I looked, couldn’t see any evidence out there.  I asked Kevin if it was true or false.  If it had been false, surely I would’ve denounced MHMaley’s awfuk rumor.  But it was true, so Kevin talked about it.

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    “..Joe Biden is a perfect speaker…).

    As k would say, no one is perfect.  But Biden is without a doubt a much better speaker than the current occupant, who couldn’t put together a coherent thought if he was paid (which he is).

    Very poor comparison, mar.  Listen to one of trumps riffs, and tell me if those are truly “the best words”. Or if they even are words.

  20. Kevin Scheunemann


    Oh please.  You did not have to bring it up.   You saw doxxing moment and went with it.

    Don’t lecture about awful behavior, like doxxing, while you do it openly.

    That’s why I found you sermon on it so hilarious, and hypocritical.



  21. Randall Flagg


    You proudly state you own DQs, Owen has even blogged about them.  The COVID reports are public information.

    So in no way, shape or form were you doxxed.

    Perhaps we should call you Karen?



  22. Jason

    >You’re “Jason” here.  I’m “jjf”.  How about we use those names?  And if I knew something about your appearance, I assure you I wouldn’t use it to attempt to strengthen my argument with insult.

    None of this addresses the fact that you’ve shared personal information here which is not “doxxing”.  You’re playacting as a victim just to get out of having to deal with real discussions about your stupidity here.  I don’t care.


    By the way, your lack of ability to intelligently defend your statements is all I need to strengthen my argument.    Same with Lieroy, maybe I can give him some money and not have that count as support?  We are all still at a loss on that one ;)

  23. Le Roi du Nord

    j, you are at a loss over most everything, so don’t get all huffy.  Just because you miss a lot of things doesn’t mean others are wrong, it means you need to pay more attention.


    And the name is Le Roi du Nord, peasant.

  24. jjf

    Jason, you say you’ve never shared anything here that I didn’t share first?  I’ve never shared my name here.  Didn’t discuss my beard.  Who did that?

    When you bring up something like my neck beard, are you diverting from Real Discussion?

  25. Jason

    How else would I know your name dummy.   You’re the only “journalist” I know who thinks your name is not public knowledge.


    And yeah, I do think when I bring up your neck beard, nice of you to finally admit to it by the way, it’s after the point has been made and it’s just to reinforce how annoying it is to deal with your stupid antics… over and over and over.

  26. Kevin Scheunemann


    Perhaps on those threads it may be fair game, with facts in proper context.

    It was weaponized by a couple notorious liberals on completely unrelated subject matter…the New Zealand election delay of all places.

    I just found it profoundly interesting one of them lectured about doxxing and weponization of information to smear as bad, while they did it almost in same breath.

    Just looking for consistency and honesty on subject in practice.

    I’m big boy. I know radical liberals will come for me any way they can, but I found the anti-doxxing lecture hilarious.

    I at least have courage to use my real name, rest of you should “man up” and use your real name. With full transparency of identity, then let’s decide if doxxing is a good idea as policy….

  27. Jason

    >Just because you miss a lot of things doesn’t mean others are wrong,

    Just because you say I miss a lot of things, doesn’t mean that I miss a lot of things, and it doesn’t mean others are not wrong.


    Fun, just like always Lieroy.

  28. Jason

    >It was weaponized by a couple notorious liberals on completely unrelated subject matter…the New Zealand election delay of all places.

    Ironically, it came from the guy crying today that someone writing”neck beard” is “diverting from the ‘Real Discussion'”.   Guess he really doesn’t want to have a “Real Discussion” after all, just wants to be able to say all kinds of fake news, and then be a victim if someone questions him.

  29. jjf

    Nope, I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned my name here.  So why do you bully, Jason?

  30. Mar

    Ok, Le Roi, how about this.
    If jjf is civil then Le Roi never lies.
    And we know that doesn’t happen.

  31. jjf

    Kevin, I applaud your use of your full name.  I think it keeps people honest and improves behavior.  I think anonymous commenters produce poor behavior in the long run.

    You openly talk about DQ.  You’re proud of your mask disobedience.  So when MHMaley mentioned the infection, I asked you about it.

    Have I ever made fun of your family?  Your appearance?

  32. Le Roi du Nord

    “If jjf is civil then Le Roi never lies..”

    Finally you got it right.  Bravo!

  33. jjf

    Le Roi, it would seem quite simple to strive for civility.  Don’t you agree?

  34. Merlin

    Sure seems to be an awful lot of whining here today. Some of you need to go take a nap.

  35. Mar

    And Pathological Liar Le Roi lies again.
    jjf is still uncivil.
    Democrats lie at their convention.
    Just another day at the office.

  36. Le Roi du Nord


    Pretty easy thing to do, but they need to channel all that frustration and anger somewhere.  I guess looking like a 3rd grader throwing a tantrum fits them well.

  37. Mar

    Pathological Liar Le Roi, if you and jjf didn’t act like a couple of a-holes all the time, we might be more civil.
    But you and jjf absolutely have decided to be a-holes by trolling, lying, being racist (jjf), taking things out of context etc.
    When you 2 decide to put on big boy Depends, maybe we can treat with some respect.
    But until that happens, I will treat you like you treat us.

  38. jjf

    Le Roi, I thought it was the lie-berals who were so angry.

  39. Mar

    I don’t think so, jjf.
    You and Le Roi have bee beaten like a dead horse so many times on issues, that you have to strike out like a 2 year old going threw the terrible 2 stage.

  40. Jason

    >but even darling Michelle looked like she’d rather be doing something else

    I’ve always been a fan of Mrs Obama, she seems to be intelligent and respectful while the first lady. Her performance last night was terrible and just of the partisan hackery she used to decry. For example her comments about Trump throwing children into cages, even AP takes issue with.

  41. Mar

    The liberals yesterday were a bunch of angry men and women.
    Michelle Obama looked very angry.
    Bernie Sanders looked very angry.
    But I guess when you support terrorists, rioters and looters, you have to be angry.

  42. dad29

    One thing they are doing is buying a lot of guns.

    Another thing they’re doing is buying housing in ex-urbia–roughly 30 miles + from Big City.  Real Estate where I live is insane; slap an asking price on a property that’s not falling down crap and there are 5, 10, 15 offers in 3 days, many with NO pre-conditions, and if an inspection is required, seller can write a “stop-loss” clause into the contract.

    It’s crazy.

  43. dad29

    addendum:  they are also buying a lot of ammo for those new guns.  Try buying from any of the big on-line wholesalers……good luck……..and if you do secure a couple of boxes, you’ll pay a LOT for the privilege.

    There’s concern from ‘old hands’ with firearms that some of these folks (like the lawyers in St Louis) are not well-versed in handling them in stress situations, nor knowledgeable about Da Rulezzz re:  when to blow some bastard into the next century.

  44. Kevin Scheunemann


    Just checking if we need to dox you.

    Leave your full name an Social Security number below.

  45. Mar

    Watching the Democrats tonight. Very funny. Not much brain matter among them.
    Lots of hate. Lots of failures.
    But lots of incompetence.

  46. jjf

    Kevin, who else should you dox today?

  47. jjf

    Dad29, yeah, when I pointed out those things about the couple in St. Louis, what kind of response did I get here?  And now the GOP will let them speak at the convention, I hear.

    Have you ever considered that your economic metric about the price of ammo is merely a manipulation by the makers of and wholesalers of ammo?

  48. Kevin Scheunemann


    Just you.

  49. jjf

    Go on, Kev!  What would you like to know, and why?  Would you only use it all to “strengthen” your arguments?

  50. Kevin Scheunemann


    Let me see what I can find out first.    If you are one of the wanted protestors in Portland…that would certainly be interesting.


  51. Mar

    “Dad29, yeah, when I pointed out those things about the couple in St. Louis, what kind of response did I get here?”
    If I remember right, you were told how stupid your comments were and how off they were. And how much of a troll you are.

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