Boots & Sabers

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0739, 22 Oct 20

Joe Biden is the “Big Guy”

It is looking more and more like the Bidens were conducting a very traditional corruption shakedown scheme.

Tony Bobulinski issued a statement on Wednesday saying that he personally witnessed Biden discuss business deals with his son, Hunter, contradicting claims by the former vice president.

‘I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business.

Bobulinski claimed that the Chinese were pursuing the deal as a ‘political or influence investment’ and that Hunter Biden was ‘using the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese.’

He said in his statement that he ‘took steps to prevent that from happening.’

Bobulinski also said in his statement that he was one of the recipients of the email from one of Hunter Biden’s business partners which  involved a deal with a Chinese energy firm in May 2017 which promised a 10 per cent cut for a person known as ‘the big guy.’

Bobulinski claimed in his statement that ‘the big guy’ is Joe Biden.


0739, 22 October 2020


  1. Merlin

    No kidding.

    Even absent all of the salacious details, who didn’t know that the Clintons, Bidens, and a long list of others have been peddling influence for decades? You can almost certainly find the Turtle at the top of that pile too.  All that corruption is apparently quite tolerable as long as you don’t seek to wear the crown.

    It’s a wonder Trump is still drawing breath after rocking their boat as hard as he has.

  2. Jason

    Its hilarious to watch the left come unhinged at this.  All they need is some distant relative to write a fiction about Trump, and it’s god own words written and unadulterable .   Yet when we have the FBI confirming the emails found on Hunter’s broken laptop, and they detail criminal activity at the VP level (or higher), it’s a nothing burger.  Look at Pat and Leroy’s commentary yesterday for proof of the worst double standard this country has seen – EVER.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Total denial by our local libs.


  4. Mar

    Merlin is right, corruption is on both sides. It’s amazing how these politicians come to Congress, mostly with little money and come out millionaires.
    Harry Reid is a big example.
    Biden probably would not have been caught except he had a meth head son.

  5. Pat

    The Bidens are all about leveraging their family name for profit which is why I attended Biden University and am having a Biden Steak tonight accompanied by a Biden Wine. Then a Biden Select coffee. I’ve got Biden Home furnishings and I smell great because I use Biden Perfume.

  6. Mar

    Sucks to be a grade school drop out, tight Pat.
    At least President Trump took risks. Sometimes he failed, most of the time, he won.
    The only risk you take is to decide whether to have oatmeal for breakfast or lunch.

  7. Le Roi du Nord

    Pat: not to mention that Made in Vietnam Nam Biden ball cap.

  8. Pat

    I loved the 60 Minutes interview he preemptively posted to show his brilliance. Looking forward to more brilliance tonight.

  9. Jason

    I remember when I first realized that my party was corrupt just like the other party.  I acted the same way, ignoring the elephant, bringing up any “whataboutism” I could about the other party, and yeah acting like most 12 year old’s act.  Just like Pat and Leroy are again today.



  10. Pat


    It’s refreshing to read that you admit to Trump being corrupt.

  11. Jason

    >It’s refreshing to read that you admit to Trump being corrupt.

    If you didn’t have memory issues, you wouldn’t be refreshed.  I’ve said it many times, I’ve shared my opinions very often… all politicians are corrupt.

  12. Mar

    But Pat doesn’t want to say the Democrats are corrupt.

  13. Pat

    I guess I’ll have to vote for the lesser of the corrupt candidates.

  14. Tuerqas

    Only an idiot would not admit that Trump is corrupt, most Republicans admit that pretty readily (Republicans here that disagree, please speak up).  What is, as Jason put it, pathetic is that most liberals still lap up working class Joe commercials.  He didn’t move from ‘working class’ to being worth more than 4 million from working a middle class job.  And if he is ‘average’ and makes POTUS, he can expect to come out of it worth closer to 40 million.

    In salary alone for offices held he has made over 6 million.  Then there are the perks and insurance about which he disgustingly made a commercial…like, his family wasn’t covered by the cadillac of cadillac virtually free healthcare that upper echelon officials receive…But he shudders to think what would have happened if his family did not have ‘affordable’ healthcare (and what the ‘affordable healthcare Act’ plans would have covered). Six million in base salary for what averaged to about 165 days of work per year (not counting re-election campaigns of course) and these last 4 years of unemployment, yup sounds like a working class life to me.

  15. Mar

    Thanks for voting for President Trump, Pat.

  16. Pat

    No thanks are necessary.

  17. MjM

    Tuerqas pleads: Republicans here that disagree, please speak up

    mmm-K.  Please give examples of how Trump has been found/proven to be corrupt.  And I don’t mean nihilistic, loud-mouthed,  bombastic, braggadocios.

    I mean corrupt, as in “10 held by H for the big guy”

  18. Pat

    Corrupt. As in secret bank account at an unnamed bank in China.

  19. Jason

    >Corrupt. As in secret bank account at an unnamed bank in China.

    Two things Pat.

    1) This has been answered, unlike Biden’s stance on Court Packing, and Krazy Nancy not answering questions.

    2) You are not a business man familiar with International Companies and doing business in China.  Read the answer to your question, nothing nefarious or corrupt.  I even highlighted the proof for you.


    The bank account is held by Trump International Hotels Management LLC and paid $188,561 in taxes in China from 2013 to 2015, the New York Times reported, citing an analysis of the president’s tax records. China, Britain and Ireland are the only countries outside the United States where Trump maintains a bank account.


    Trump Organization attorney Alan Garten told the Times the bank account was opened for the purpose of paying local taxes as the company attempted “to explore the potential for hotel deals in Asia.” It’s unclear which Chinese bank holds the account.


    “No deals, transactions or other business activities ever materialized and, since 2015, the office has remained inactive,” Garten said. “Though the bank account remains open, it has never been used for any other purpose.”


  20. Pat

    “But Mr. Trump’s plans in China have been largely driven by a different company, Trump International Hotels Management — the one with a Chinese bank account. In 2017, the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue — some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years’ combined. It was accompanied by a $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account.“

  21. Pat

    “You are not a business man familiar with International Companies and doing business in China.“

    And you are Jason? Please enlighten all of us on your international business qualifications.

  22. Jason

    So your central thesis is that Trump started a trade war with China to get concessions from them for the American People for the sole purpose of increasing profit from his China hotels? Haha, thats a great one Pat. Thats what I love about you… when want to show off your ignorance, you do it with flair.

  23. Jason

    >And you are Jason? Please enlighten all of us on your international business qualifications.

    1) Fortunately I don’t have to be to see that you are not. All I have to do is read your posts.

    2) I’m not biased like you, I don’t hate like you.

    3) Its just fun making lists like this. Don’t you agree?

  24. Jason

    Hey Pat, if you really want to keep discussing this with me… how about sharing your banking experience with us. I never knew such a thing as “secret bank accounts” existed. And I worked at a Top 5 Bank for a number of years… Learn something new every day!

  25. Pat

    “So your central thesis is that Trump started a trade war with China to get concessions from them for the American People for the sole purpose of increasing profit from his China hotels?“


  26. Pat

    “I worked at a Top 5 Bank for a number of years.”

    I’m sure you were the best employee working the night shift cleaning the rest rooms.

  27. Jason

    Even the Finance Custodial Engineers would know there’s no such thing as a “secret bank account”… but don’t let me stop you from showing off your stupid.

  28. Merlin

    The Biden former business partners sure have been quick to give them up. Unusually quick. Not the reaction you would expect towards a potential “first family” with a strong reputation for selling favors.

  29. Pat

    Want to discuss where the $17.5 million deposit came from, and the $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account in 2017?

  30. Jason

    So now you want to discuss international finance with a janitor? Interesting. Do you really think it was a single deposit of 17.5 million? Are you implying it came from China as payment for some favor?

    Mr. Double Standard really wants to up his Whataboutism game. Any further discussion with this Custodian will require you to admit that these Hunter Biden laptop files look pretty damning to Father and Son.

  31. Jason

    Merlin, knowing Hunter Biden’s proclivity toward illegal activities, such as prostitution and drug abuse and dealing, his buddies are probably lining up to trade information for leniency.

  32. Mar

    “I’m sure you were the best employee working the night shift cleaning the rest rooms.”
    Nice job shaming Pat.

  33. Le Roi du Nord

    “knowing donald j. trump’s proclivity toward illegal activities”

    Fixed it for you.

  34. Pat

    I love how you dance, Jason. Must have taken a couple classes from Arthur Murray.

  35. Jason

    “I’m a douchebag sociopath” Le Roi du Nord.

    Fixed it for you.

  36. Jason

    >I love how you dance, Jason. Must have taken a couple classes from Arthur Murray.

    Nah, can’t afford lessons. These skills are from watch you and Leroy Douchebag since the Hunter story broke.

  37. Le Roi du Nord

    Not at all jason/mar, my mother had me tested.   Are you two twins?

  38. dad29

    the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue — some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years’ combined. It was accompanied by a $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account.“

    Never before in the history of business has someone sold an asset, deposited the funds, and then drew on the proceeds.  Never.

    The NYT takes some people for idiots, and they are right.

  39. dad29

    So I’ll continue Merlin’s challenge:  show us all the corrupt deals Trump has done–meaning those done while he was President f/b/o himself or his family.

    In fact, since I’m really a nice guy, you only have to provide 3 examples.

  40. Jason

    “100% true jason/mar, my mother had me tested.”

    Fixed that for your.

  41. Mar

    “my mother had me tested” says the sociopath.
    Even your mother, who must have been a saint to deal with you, knew something was wrong with you.

  42. Pat

    Marbles arrives in time to give Jason a reach around.

  43. Le Roi du Nord


    You twins are clueless, as usual. Enjoy it while you can.

  44. Tuerqas


    Tuerqas pleads: Republicans here that disagree, please speak up
    mmm-K.  Please give examples of how Trump has been found/proven to be corrupt.  And I don’t mean nihilistic, loud-mouthed,  bombastic, braggadocios.
    I mean corrupt, as in “10 held by H for the big guy”

    Kind of a waste of time, really.  “Pleads?” What does that even mean in this context?

    First, examples that can be proven are pre-Presidency as very few people have ever successfully proven anything against a sitting POTUS… you got Nixon.  So right off the bat, no matter what I bring up you can likely say it was never ‘proven’.  Just like it was never ‘proven’ that Clinton had any sexual relations with Monica L or anyone else except his wife.

    That said, I’ll say a few things and you can chew on them if you wish or not.  My first litmus test is how much wealth any President has gone into the office with versus how much he leaves with.  The largest percentage shift naturally went to the President that lasted the longest, FDR.  I don’t know how you defend the position of no corruption when he went in worth less than 100k or so and died about 14 years later worth something like 68 million.  And he is not known for any corruption scandal, history texts merely tell us how great he was.  Trump is the first POTUS to never make his tax returns public since Nixon…NIXON.  Next are the more than 3500 lawsuits that Trump and his businesses have been involved in with only 489 ever showing any clear resolution of which he lost 38 (so there are at least 38 examples, look them up yourself.  And that does not include the hundreds where money was paid and accepted in return for not admitting guilt) The ease with which exaggeration and lies flow from his mouth, his seven or so bankruptcy declarations which he has fully denounced as being a cheap way to resolve debts, but if legal, why shouldn’t he take advantage of it?  To me this shows a pattern of corruption.

    The entire slavering left cannot prove much of anything against him with millions of dollars in researching just that.  Just as no righty could prove anything against Obama who went into the Presidency with about 4 million and left with 40 million.  So I doubt I could come up with any hard proof that Dems missed, but that you would find acceptable.  If you don’t think he is doing things like relaxing taxes on super-wealthy for his own gain, making deals with something thrown in for his companies, not showing his taxes so no one  can see his practices or know his starting point, etc, my hat is off to your naivete.

    I could certainly accept the ‘anyone is better than Hillary’ Trump voters in 2016 and he has not done worse than any other modern POTUS so his re-election doesn’t really bother me, especially against a 50+ year politico who seems to be losing marbles daily.  What sickens me about Trump supporters today is that more seem to be buying into him as being any kind of virtuous man than 4 years ago.  The man debates like a middle school child and has been implicated in literally thousands of incidences of wrong doings.  He unethically hides his wealth and tax dealings, but you demand hard proof of corruption?  You keep doing you, I guess.


  45. Le Roi du Nord

    And now faux news and the WSJ are saying Bobulinski proved nothing, and Joe wastinvolved

  46. MjM

    Tuerqas admits: Kind of a waste of time, really.

    So….  ya got nothin’.

    examples that can be proven are pre-Presidency

    I didn’t specify that any examples you might have in hand had to be dated in Trump’s’ presidency.

    So again,  I’ll ask:  show us the corruption.

    In the mean time….

    Just like it was never ‘proven’ that Clinton had any sexual relations with Monica L

    Off topic, but I’ll play just to set you straight:   “I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate,” Clinton said from the historic Map Room at the White House, where he had testified to a federal grand jury for more than four hours earlier in the day.  – WashPost,
    August 17, 1998

    Clinton was later impeached for…. what?….  oh, yeah… corrupt lying to a prior grand jury.

    My first litmus test is how much wealth any President has gone into the office with versus how much he leaves with.

    You should apply that to every politician.

    Next are the more than 3500 lawsuits that Trump and his businesses have been involved in

    You do realize that Trump companies have been the plaintive in more than 54% of those suits, dontcha?   1600+/- alone were filed against deadbeat gamblers with credit lines at Trump casinos.  As defendant,  700+/-  were personal injury suits on some of his hundreds of properties over the years  (read: the coffee was too damn hot at Mar-a-lago).

    FYI:  Hildabeast Clinton has had over 900 lawsuits filed against her, and she has never owned or operated a company.

    To me this shows a pattern of corruption

    Following law is corruption now?  That’s quite a take.

    Do you think WI-based ShopKo was corrupt in filling Chapter 11 early last year?  How bout multi-filer Hostess Brands (yes, Twinkies)?   J.C.Penny?  Hertz?   Chuck E. Cheese?

    Do you even know what Chapter 11 is?

    If you don’t think he is doing things like relaxing taxes on super-wealthy for his own gain,

    You mean, like setting mortgage interest deduction to $250,000 less than previous and capping local real estate tax deductions at $10,000  (you know, the cap that all the high tax blue state Democrats like Cuomo and Pelosi want eliminated)?

    making deals with something thrown in for his companies,

    Deals with whom, exactly?   Which companies have had something ‘thrown in’.   Again, if you can’t be specific you have no case.

    not showing his taxes so no one can see his practices or know his starting point,  etc, my hat is off to your naivete.

    My naivete?  You seem to believe Trump owns/runs a single entity in sole proprietorship, like some $0.75 tap beer bar owner who can use TurboTax to file his taxes.   If he showed you his returns you couldn’t possibly decipher them.  Most tax attorneys couldn’t decipher them or say if they were correct.

    I doubt even Trump himself knew his exact “starting point”,  as you say, on Jan 20, 2017,   but you can see every Trump company and his income from them every year on his federal disclosure.

    more seem to be buying into him as being any kind of virtuous man than 4 years ago.

    Your read on this is so far off….  it’s like you are Pluto.

    To Recap:  I asked for examples and proof of your accusation against trump.

    What you responded with were complaints about FDR and not divulging tax return and tallies of lawsuits over a lifetime of business dealings and following tax law (as created by the likes of …. Babblin’ Joe!) ,  all of which say nothing about actual “corruption”. …

    ….like “10 held by H for the big guy”.






  47. Le Roi du Nord

    And now faux news and the WSJ are saying Bobulinski proved nothing, and Joe wasn’t involved.

  48. Mar

    Actually, sociopath, it pains to detail what a disgusting human being you are.
    When I first came to this blog, you were ok and engaging, though mostly wrong but at least we could debate.
    But something happened between now and then when you turned and became a sociopath and quite frankly a disgusting human being.
    If you have any redeeming values, I really would like to see what they are because I’ll be damned if I know what they are.

  49. dad29

    And now faux news and the WSJ are saying Bobulinski proved nothing, and Joe wasn’t involved.

    Wrong, as usual.

    B’s emails/texts did not include dead-bang conclusive “proof” that Senile Joe was involved, because although he’s dumb, he is not THAT dumb.

    They did NOT ‘prove’ that Senile Joe was “not involved.”

    Feel free to try again someday.

  50. Pat

    And no one has not proven that Trump didn’t rape that 13 year old girl.

  51. Mar

    Well, Pat, no one has proven you didn’t molest my cat cat last night.

  52. MjM

    “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid” –  James Gilliar text to Tony Bobulinksi, May 20, 2017,

  53. MjM

    How to get around declaring income…..

    “Chairman Ye and Director Zang fully support the framework of establishing the JV, based on their trust on [sic] BD family.  5 million is lent to BD family in the 10 million charter capital.  This 5 million loan to BD family is interest-free.  But if the 5M is used up, should CEFC keep lending more to the family?  If CEFC lends more, they need to know the interest rate for the subsequent loan(s).”  –  CEFC China Energy Co.executive Zhao Runlong, July 26, 2017 email to Tony Bobulinksi.

    CEFC China Energy Co founder and Chairman Ye Jianming was “dissapeared” in 2018 by the CCP

  54. Le Roi du Nord


    I am still the good-looking, fun-loving, well spoken, and polite guy I was before you showed up.  Nothing changed except you crawling in.  I have never called any one here an idiot, uneducated, moron, stupid, made fun of their mother, or accused them of having a drug or alcohol problem.  Nor accused them of sexual deviancy, murder, or rape.  That is all on you and your ilk.  So strap on a pair, buttercup, act like an adult with more education than a carrot, and more sense than you exhibit.

  55. Mar

    Thank you for proving my point that you are a sociopath, sociopath.
    And delusional.

  56. Pat

    “Well, Pat, no one has proven you didn’t molest my cat cat last night.“

    That’s because they were distracted by you getting your nut sack licked by your cat.

  57. Mar

    Nah Pat, you just proved you are are the chief pervert among common perverts.

  58. Pat

    Thanks! You’re my inspiration!

  59. Le Roi du Nord

    See mar, you can’t help yourself.  Lacking a rational argument you resort to names.  Bravo !

  60. Mar

    The problem with you sociopath, is that you cannot handle an argument/debate without lying or being hateful.
    It’s just a fact. You have lied so many times, you lack any creditability.
    You have been so grateful so many times, you are not a functioning person in society.

  61. Le Roi du Nord

    So what is the debate/argument here?  That you can’t say anything without calling folks that disagree with you names?

    Yes, I am grateful that I’m not you.  Everyone should be.

  62. Mar

    Actually, you lie again. I treat others with respect as long as they don’t disrespect me.
    You show no respect to others and me so I show you no respect either.
    You don’t deserve any respect.
    I am glad you and others are not like me. No 2 people should be the same. What a moronic statement.

  63. Le Roi du Nord

    Sure thing, mar.  If calling folks that disagree with you morons, stupid, or uneducated is a sign of respect.

    And you just can’t hold back, eh?  Not even with an opportunity to show how respectful you can be…..

  64. Pat


    I’m not going to look at the link you shared as I’m positive it’s just another one of your personal attacks against me.

  65. Mar

    Oh, what a crybaby.
    But you want us to watch your crap.
    Crybaby Pat.

  66. Pat

    Marbles, I don’t have the foggiest idea what your rambling on about. You don’t have to watch my crap. You evidently chose to and it gave you a boo boo to your heart.

  67. Mar

    Oh Crybaby Pat. Can’t handle a you tube video?
    Well, it doesn’t involve violence and it truly show a liberal in action, led by the media and Democrat leaders.
    Very accurate, if you ask me.

  68. Pat

    That’s nice!

  69. Pat


    Who’s Tim Apple?

  70. Mar

    You know, Tim Apple CEO of Tim Allen’s Orchards.
    It’s not like he is the current president of the United States.

  71. Pat

    Did Biden say “George Trump”?

  72. Tuerqas

    My first litmus test is how much wealth any President has gone into the office with versus how much he leaves with.
    You should apply that to every politician.

    I absolutely do.  And you are so right, I should have said he has only been the defendant in 46% of the 3500 lawsuits, so no pattern of corruption there. Aren’t all large business holders involved in thousands of suits?  Yes, I have an idea of what chapter 11 is, do you?

     If he showed you his returns you couldn’t possibly decipher them.  Most tax attorneys couldn’t decipher them or say if they were correct.

    Of course I couldn’t, nor could most people.  If no one could, why not make them public?  Your defense of his secrecy is that a layman could not figure them out?   Yeah a lot of your comment is like that, I am seeing.  Like I said, pointless.

    So let me guess, you know that Democrats are corrupt, but Republicans are mostly incorruptible, right?

    MJM, I sit corrected, there are indeed people who think that Trump is a virtuous saintly person who never lies, never bends or breaks the law.  Everything ever said against him are the lies in your eyes.

    Good for you.

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