Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2119, 08 Mar 15



ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Seniors at a New Mexico high school have voted to hold a prom with a communism theme, which they’ve dubbed “prom-munism.”

KRQE-TV in Albuquerque ( ) reports that Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School students voted online this week for the theme.

Senior Sarah Zachary says many of her classmates are jokesters and they wanted the prom to be funny. But She says lots of students also are intense about politics.

They should enhance the theme by creating a long line for punch served in shot glasses – one glass every 5 minutes – while the student council members have access to all they want. Or perhaps “disappear” 10 people every hour… oh, the possibilities!


2119, 08 March 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Student counsel ahould only hand out prom tickets to themselves and their friends, the rest (the masses) can only come if they come as serving slaves to the elite, and select, prom attendees.

    That would be liberalism in perfect action.


    “hand out prom tickets to themselves and their friends, the rest (the masses) can only come if they come as serving slaves to the elite”

    Isn’t that exactly what Governor Walker did by signing Right-To-Work at Badger Meter instead of in the rotunda of the Capital?

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    That was still far more open and transparent compared to when Doyle signed the Poto compact.

    If Walker would have done it in the Rotunda, would you have carried a sign saying, “Help me, if you sign RTW; I might choose not join the union.”

  4. Paul

    Bystander just wants to go to the prom for the proletariat pussy.


    Proletariat pussy? I didn’t know that Michelle Litjens was there.

  6. Paul

    Let’s hope you didn’t spend the afternoon thinking up that one.

    You know what the plural of pussy is? You.

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