Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1957, 25 Mar 21

30% of MPS High Schoolers are Failing

And that’s WITH grade inflation. Perhaps the most stunning part of this story is that almost 20% fail in a “normal” year.

District data shows 30.3 percent of high school students were considered to have failed the fall 2020 semester. It’s a sharp increase compared to the previous school year in which 18.8 percent of students failed courses.


“It really comes down to ultimately, ‘have you submitted your assignments in Google Classroom or have you not,’” said MPS teacher Angela Harris.


1957, 25 March 2021


  1. Mar

    It’s actually far worse.
    “From the article: District data shows 30.3 percent of high school students were considered to have failed the fall 2020 semester. It’s a sharp increase compared to the previous school year in which 18.8 percent of students failed courses.”
    You have 30% who failed the ENTIRE semester compared to 19% who failed a course or 2.
    Now, that is a complete failure of a school system.
    And that is a racist school system.
    That is liberal racism at it’s worse.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    MPS should be abolished.

    Liberals love to protect their racism through MPS.

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