Boots & Sabers

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1421, 22 Sep 21

Wisconsin Reinstalls Statues Torn Down by Rioters

Isn’t it weird that it would take federal funds to do this? How is this an interest to anyone outside of Wisconsin? And how many other little things like this are we paying for all over the country when the local folks should just do it themselves?

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Workers have reinstalled two statues on the Wisconsin Capitol grounds that protesters damaged during a demonstration last year following George Floyd’s death.


Protesters in June broke off a leg and tore the head off a statue of abolitionist Hans Christian Heg. They also dented and broke a finger off the “Forward” statue.


The state received $60,000 in federal grants to cover restoration efforts. Workers from the state Department of Administration reinstalled both statues Tuesday morning.


They used a boom crane to lower Heg back onto his pedestal.


1421, 22 September 2021

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Pretty pricy to fix the leftist hate of everything that is good and right. We need an investigation of this awful insurrection and put these people in jail for a long time.

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