Boots & Sabers

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0739, 30 Nov 21

We must not be ruled by fear

My column for the Washington County Daily News is online and in print. Here’s a taste:

While we are still learning about the omicron variant, we have learned that the short- and long-term consequences of overreacting to a virus are incredibly damaging. The stock market, as a leading economic indicator, has already begun factoring in more destructive public policy responses to omicron. We must do all we can to prevent more reactionary and damaging public policies.




In conjunction with the societal deconstructing pro-crime insurgency of antifa and others, our public policy responses to COVID-19 have precipitated an explosion in crime — particularly violent crime. With less employment, more addiction, and defunded police departments, criminals have more freedom to wreak havoc than they have in decades. One could argue that the lengthy court delays in Milwaukee due to closing courts contributed to keeping the alleged Waukesha Christmas Parade killer on the streets well after he should have been imprisoned for previous crimes. We must not be ruled by fear and prevent speedy and judicial enforcement of the law. Finally, last year we allowed our government officials to completely abandon our electoral system for fear of the virus. We spent centuries crafting an electoral framework to allow free and fair elections where laws were made in the light of day by elected officials. We threw all of that in the garbage last November and allowed government officials to make up the rules as they went along. We must not be ruled by fear and abandon self-governance.


COVID-19, of any variant, is something to take seriously. Please take the time to wash your hands, avoid unnecessary contact, stay home if you are sick, get vaccinated if you choose, and take other reasonable steps to keep yourself and your loved ones from getting ill. But we must not be ruled by fear and give up our way of life. The virus is here to stay in one form or another. We must get on with living.


0739, 30 November 2021


  1. Jason

    But Schelp ruled the order likely exceeded Biden’s authority, giving the ten states a temporary victory as the case continues to wind its way through the system. “Congress did not clearly authorize CMS to enact this politically and economically vast, federalism-altering, and boundary-pushing mandate, which Supreme Court precedent requires,” Schelp wrote.

  2. Mar

    Sadly, many people want to be told what to do, even if it is not backed up by science. They are of weak mind and don’t m8nd being ruled by a bunch of imbeciles like Senile Joe and by the fake doctor Fauci.
    Instead, they get their news from social media or the fake media who need to instill fear so they can get more viewers or more clicks on their web pages.
    We see this here, on this blog, where they believe in hate over science or just not don’t know the facts.

  3. Mar

    Meanwhile, from the WSJ: “Covid deaths this year have now surpassed the toll in 2020 with 350,000 since Inauguration Day. It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating Covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies, and more clinical experience.”
    Covid Killer Joe says that President Trump was failing at 220,000 deaths.
    So, after killing 130,00 more than President Trump, using Senile Joe’s standard, why is he still President? He should have resigned in disgrace.

  4. Merlin

    -Sadly, many people want to be told what to do, even if it is not backed up by science.

    I’m pretty sure a significant number of folks are perfectly willing to accept what they know to be lies if they stand to benefit from the lies someway, somehow. If the lies go sideways for them they feign righteous indignation at having been lied to. Pure bullshit, of course, but that’s standard fare from fools.

    I’m not sure they’ll be able to top having constantly criticized Donald Trump so viciously only to have accepted the ultimate lie that is Joe Biden. Biden just might make the history books for having been the greatest hoax ever sold to a free people. Ever.

  5. Tuerqas

    What free people, Mar?

  6. Mar

    Tuerqas: ???????

  7. Mar

    In good news, a President Trump judge issued a nationwide ruling, striking down Senile Joe’s mandatory vaccine for health care workers.
    I wonder if those who were fired will be allowed to go back to work, if their work allows it.

  8. Tuerqas

    There aren’t many meaningful ways that Americans can say they are free anymore and the number decreases every year. I would not have named it a hoax at all, it is liberal media game plan as usual. The liberals at least have already accepted no freedom from any liberal body. Though they can be told to protest literally anything from a conservative body, it is not freedom to do what you are told.

    It is not a free society if virtually half the people have accepted Government chains.
    Isn’t it racist that liberals have basically forced most black people back into chains?

  9. Mar

    Umm, Tuerqas, you might want to address that to Merlin.

  10. Mar

    But I will say this Tuerqas, some people living in the US are freer than others.
    For instance, my county, a fairly conservative county, is much more freer than those who live in California, especially those living in the LA and San Fran areas.
    And being from a conservative area, we are much more freer than liberal cities who believe that criminals are more important than victims, that you cannot go to Church, that pandemic restrictions that are not based on science are imposed on liberal sheep.
    Then the vaccine mandates, which are unconstitutional but imposed in mostly liberal cities and states, takes away what little medical freedom you have.
    So, I am.lucky to live an area where are free to.make decisions unless it is is against the law, passed by legislators and signed by mayor’s or governors.

  11. Tuerqas

    Sorry mar:).

    “For instance, my county, a fairly conservative county, is much more freer than those who live in California, especially those living in the LA and San Fran areas.”
    While currently true, isn’t AZ one of the places that liberals leaving their own places are congregating more and more? Won’t be long now, I think.

    And wasn’t the Waukesha parade killer freed from Milwaukee on bail? There is no way to be free if you live within an hour of a liberal prison city such as Milwaukee or all of CA…You aren’t that far from it. I still wish you well.

  12. Mar

    “While currently true, isn’t AZ one of the places that liberals leaving their own places are congregating more and more? Won’t be long now, I think.”
    I tend to agree but we will see. I think the majority of those moving here are fairly moderate to conservative here.
    But I only saw a handful of Biden stickers and 1 Bernie Sanders ticket during the last election

    But the true liberals probably congregating down in Phoenix, which is about as close to hell during the summer, temperature wise.

  13. dad29

    true liberals probably congregating down in Phoenix, which is about as close to hell during the summer

    May as well get used to it.

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