Boots & Sabers

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0702, 25 Aug 22

No Ratchets for Mandela Barnes

I had forgotten about this gem. Barnes has led such an immoral personal life that these little windows into it get lost in the wash. By the Left’s standards, the misogyny and transphobia displayed should be disqualifiers for office.

Barnes was listed as a host for a 2009 event titled “Pretty In Pink A Vicky Secret Affair,” a lingerie party that barred “ratchets” – slang for trashy women – from attending.

The scandal initially broke as Barnes ran for lieutenant governor in 2018. Facebook screenshots of the event published by local media outlets at the time show that Barnes was listed as one of the party’s co-hosts.


Barnes’ party also advertised prizes “FOR THE GIRL GOIN’ THE HARDEST IN HER VICKY’S!!!”

The Democratic Senate candidate’s Facebook event said that bouncers at the door would be “handin’ out free choke slams and sleeper holds” to men who showed up and that it is “a Vicky’s Secret party, why would you wanna roll on the ground wit a dud anyway???”


0702, 25 August 2022


  1. Tuerqas

    Wait, it’s classy women who prefer choke slams and sleeper holds and rolling around on the floor with a strange man while in lingerie?
    I had that all wrong…what do trashy women like?

  2. Merlin

    Was this before or after Jesse became known as Mandela?

  3. Merlin

    The threat of bouncers handing out WWE treatment to uninvited males was Mandy’s version of event security. Mandy was protecting the merchandise.

  4. Jason

    Ironically, the guy is working for the biggest ratchet to ever lead the State of Wisconsin.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    Goes without saying. Democrat candidates are awful. Just awful when it comes to the treatment of women. Feminists are quiet. Woke crazies are silent. Why am I not surprised by their gross hypocrisy?

  6. penquin

    what do trashy women like?

    According to some fellas, they like being grabbed by the pussy

  7. Jason

    >According to some fellas, they like being grabbed by the pussy

    I remember the apoplectic outrage from triggered liberals when that came out. I have yet to see anything close to that with Barnes. Can you see the hypocrisy yet?

    I remember the breathless news media playing that audio in loops, and 2/7 coverage of it. I have yet to see anything close to that with Barnes. Can you see the hypocrisy yet?

    Of course not, Punkquin, you’re a drooling partisan.

  8. penquin

    breathless(sic) news media(sic) playing that audio in loops(sic), and 2/7(sic) coverage of it.

    Link, please

  9. Tuerqas

    >Link, please

    Only you, Penquin…

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