Boots & Sabers

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1853, 07 Sep 22

Biden’s Blood Border


Almost 750 migrants attempting to cross the southern border have died this fiscal year, up 200 more than in 2021, according to Department of Homeland Security figures obtained by CNN.


Migrants face perilous conditions in their journey northward to the border and can often suffer from heat, drowning, crime or falling from the border wall.


Since October 1, which marks the start of the fiscal year, there have been 748 deaths, with one month still left in the fiscal year. In fiscal year 2021 there were 557 southwest border deaths.


1853, 07 September 2022


  1. Jason

    Roughly 250 black men where shot and killed by police officers last year, and a vast majority of that justified shootings. 1/3 the number of illegal immigrants dead so far this year crossing illegally.

    And really, why is the Daily Mail using the term “Migrants” and not “Illegals”? If someone dies from falling off the fence, they are breaking the law.

    >The figure is likely an undercount, as it only factors in the deaths that are observed by Border Patrol, not those handled by state and local law enforcement.

    What a hoot.

  2. Mar

    Is there any real doubt that Biden is a serial mass murderer?
    He is responsible for these illegal’s deaths, along with over 100,000 overdose deaths from drugs mostly brought over the southern border.
    Biden claims he is a Catholic but he really is the devil in disguise.

  3. Tuerqas

    >Roughly 250 black men where shot and killed by police officers last year…

    Who cares, it is not a Presidential election year. Conservatives know where an inordinate amount of crime is committed and who does it. Liberals only care and riot when they are told to. Why no riots over 250 dead black men killed by police? No news on it and no Dem organizers advertising free food for a ‘peace march’.
    If there were a better proof that Antifa and the whole BLM movement isn’t a true movement, but a paid prop taken out to influence elections I don’t know what is.

  4. MjM

    That stat does not include deaths occurring while traveling to the border.

    Nor does it include the deaths to American citizens caused by illegal aliens.

    >Roughly 250 black men where shot and killed by police officers last yeaR

    In 2022, as of yesterday, 299 black men have been shot and killed… in Chicago. 10 more were stabbed to death. 464 murders overall.

  5. Tuerqas

    >In 2022, as of yesterday, 299 black men have been shot and killed… in Chicago.

    By police? That sounds high. Where did you see that stat? I could not find it.

  6. MjM

    No. Criminal homicide. By (mostly) other blacks. Points being, 1) more blacks shot/killed in 8 months in a single city of 8.7 million by other blacks than by cops in a nation of 330 million over 12 months, and 2) nobody of Democrat persuasion gives a shit unless it is cop who does the shooting.

  7. Tuerqas

    Yeah, that stacks with Milwaukee and other higher crime cities. We’re on track for records again this year, 161 homicides to date, 82-84% black.

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