Boots & Sabers

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1648, 04 Aug 23

UW Sees Dramatic Drop in “non-underrepresented students”

Well, that’s an interesting stat.

UW System data indicates drastic enrollment drops by “non-underrepresented” students. They’re defined as students who are white, international students, or those with family heritage in Asian countries well-represented in the student body—such as China, Korea, and Japan.


Enrollment by those students fell around 20%, from almost 160,000 in the fall of 2010 to just under 130,000 in the fall of 2022.

Well, let’s see… over the last decade or more, the UW system has been actively biasing their enrollment criteria to favor underrepresented students while telling your average white or Asian Wisconsin kid that they are not welcome. UW administrators have carved out “safe spaces” for underrepresented students under the premise that they are needed because white and Asian kids as threats. Is it any wonder that when you spend years telling a group of people that they are terrible bigots because of the color of their skin that they might choose to go elsewhere for an education?


1648, 04 August 2023


  1. Jason

    wait…isn’t choosing an applicant based on their gender, skin color, or heritage… bad? I’m nearing 50 and that’s what I’ve been told my entire life. jv, want to try to spin this in a positive slant (non-racist pronoun was used there).

  2. jonnyv

    Jason, I am not going to pay you rent for living in your head. You are constantly obsessed with my opinion. Interesting.

    And seeing as how the article doesn’t make this assumption as to why the decline is happening, and it is just Owen putting his own editorial spin on it. “Woah… it is SOOO tough to be a white man these days!!!!”

    I don’t believe that the drop in college enrollment has anything to do with Owen’s assumption because black student enrollment has also declined, and instead it is due to the increase in price of college educations. The value isn’t nearly as good as it was previously. If you can get a good paying job and not have the debt, many people will opt for that instead. College degrees are becoming less valuable these days with the vast other places you can learn specific skills for good paying jobs.

    FWIW. While while there might be a finer point… giving a minority or underrepresented class an advantage because of historical biases isn’t “bad”. Specifically excluding someone because of those same traits IS bad. Using criteria to allow admissions that will help better represent the overall diversity of the public vs just “raw test scores” or grades ok in my book.

    Here is more data on the college enrollment figures from 2010 to 2021. Women are starting to dominate in getting college degrees. Young men have usually dominated the “business degrees” and those are much less needed these days. Companies are not looking for business degrees in many industries nearly as much as they once were. While nursing, psychology, and education still require formal degrees.

  3. dad29

    giving a minority or underrepresented class an advantage because of historical biases isn’t “bad”

    So ……………..Bayside should be 17% black and 12% Hispanic. But it’s not, so only RAAAAAACISSSSS live there.

  4. MjM

    JV, as usual, is a bit late: Women are starting to dominate in getting college degrees.

    That rubicon was crossed 40 years ago in 1982 when girl/guy degrees were tied at 50/50 after being 40/60 eleven years earlier. By 1992 it was 54/46. By 2010 59/41. Expected to be 61/39 by 2030.


    “ The chancellors’ raises follow two previous rounds of salary increases within the past year. Most chancellors received 2% raises last January and again in April. Three chancellors — Mone, Gow and UW-Stevens Point Chancellor Thomas Gibson — received larger raises ranging from 4% to 7.5% last spring in order to to keep salaries competitive and bring some of them above the previous minimum pay range for their positions.

    The new base salaries for chancellors effective Jan. 1, 2023 are:

    UW-Madison Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin: $765,000 ($15,000 raise)
    UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone: $461,132 ($9,042 raise)
    UW-Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Leavitt: $287,061 ($5,629 raise)
    UW-Eau Claire Chancellor Jim Schmidt: $285,266 ($5,593 raise)
    UW-River Falls Chancellor Maria Gallo: $284,616 ($5,581 raise)
    UW-Stout Chancellor Katherine Frank: $281,432 ($5,518 raise)
    UW-Parkside Chancellor Deborah Ford: $276,020 ($5,412 raise)
    UW-Superior Chancellor Renee Wachter: $276,020 ($5,412 raise)
    UW-Green Bay Chancellor Michael Alexander: $270,608 ($5,306 raise)
    UW-Stevens Point Chancellor Thomas Gibson: $270,608 ($5,306 raise)
    UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow: $262,719 ($15,508 raise)
    UW-Whitewater Chancellor John Chenoweth (interim): 249,900 ($4,900 raise)
    UW-Platteville Chancellor Tammy Evetovich (interim): $249,900 ($4,900 raise)”. – MKE JS, Dec 9, 2022

    Gosh. Who sets the pay range? Guess.

    And finally…

    “MADISON, Wis. (AP) — University of Wisconsin System students would face a 5% tuition increase next year under a plan the system’s president, Jay Rothman, unveiled Thursday.

    Rothman told the state Assembly’s universities committee that he will ask the Board of Regents at its April meeting to approve the increase for the 2023-2024 academic year. If approved, the increase would mark the first time in a decade that tuition for in-state undergraduates has changed.

    Rothman estimated that the tuition increase would raise about $38 million annually. Most of it would go to cover 4% system pay increases in each of the next two fiscal years, he said.” – AP, March 2, 2023

  5. dad29

    At least THREE UW system campuses should close within the next 5 years due to horrible enrollment numbers.

    Won’t happen, of course. Vos doesn’t have the guts and LeMahieu is living on a different planet.

  6. Jason

    >And seeing as how the article doesn’t make this assumption as to why the decline is happening

    You didn’t read. “UW System data indicates drastic enrollment drops by “non-underrepresented” students. They’re defined as students who are white, international students, or those with family heritage in Asian countries well-represented in the student body—such as China, Korea, and Japan.”

    Your pathetic attempt to spin it any other way was exactly what I figured you would do.

    >I don’t believe that the drop in college enrollment has anything to do with Owen’s assumption because black student enrollment has also declined

    But has it been a drastic decline? No, so it’s not germane to the topic and does not rebut anything you’re attempting to rebut. The rest of your tripe is stupid and lacking any thought… also right on par for you. Thanks for coming when I wiggle my finger though.

  7. jonnyv

    Jason, I DID read the article. And as I said, it gives no reason for the drastic enrollment drops. It just says that they are dropping. Owen put his own editorial spin on why they are dropping. Of which he has ZERO basis in facts for. If you can’t separate those two things, maybe you are not ready for 3rd grade yet?

    Maybe the reason is that white kids have an easier opportunity to make good money without the college system due to established connections and have less need for it. And that there are still hurdles for black Americans getting into a corporate environment and getting a good paying career without it? Which is why black numbers are declining at a smaller rate than white. There is MY possible editorial take on it. Just as valid as Owen’s take. Both have no basis in facts and are guesses.

    Oh, that was your finger you were wiggling??? Due to the size of it, I assumed it was something else. **wink**

  8. dad29

    And maybe more ‘white kids’ of the male persuasion are going into the trades. Good money, no ridiculous debt.

  9. Tuerqas

    Or maybe the white kids required to pay full costs, cannot afford it anymore while black kids haven’t decreased as appreciably because the number of under-represented cost reductions, discounts and race-based scholarships has actually increased.

    I would agree that your institutional racism theory and Owen’s ‘being told you are a bigot’ are pretty equivalent guesses for the ‘drastic’ decreases. I would say money is the greatest factor. Liberals have been eating up verbal flagellation up for a few decades now so I think Owen’s is mis-placed.

    “Is it any wonder that when you spend years telling a group of people that they are terrible bigots because of the color of their skin that they might choose to go elsewhere for an education?”

    Is it any wonder that when you spend years telling a group of people that they are terrible bigots because of the color of their skin that their parents might choose to send their children elsewhere for an education?
    I think that would have been a better stated opinion…

  10. jonnyv

    Its funny to me that I am a 45 yo white man, and I have never felt like anyone was telling me I was a bigot. I have removed some words from my vocab in that time that are no longer acceptable that I might have used in my youth, but change is good. Maybe if you feel like you are being told that you are a bigot… it is because you are a bigot?? But more likely you just don’t care about the feelings of other cultures that we live with. A good litmus test would be if you were against cities taking down Confederate statues and flags. That doesn’t make you racist, but it does make you ignorant of how the past makes some people feel.

    There are inherit aspects of our culture that have roots in racism, recognizing those is the first step to changing those. If pointing those things out makes you feel racist, that could be a deeper issue.

  11. Merlin

    There are several reasons why enrollments are declining, but the couple that Owen cites are factually correct.

    The UW System has absolutely been biasing their enrollment criteria. They’re proud of that bias as a means to achieve an unrealized end. They feel no need to even justify the backend discrimination of that bias. Its impact (the discrimination) is deemed insignificant. Very Public Ivy of them.

    The sanctioning of safe spaces (in some cases racially segregated safe spaces) is real. Again, they make no apologies for promoting the inherent discrimination in segregating public spaces without demonstrating actual physical threat assessments dictating an actual need for increased public safety. They’re simply catering to preferences for cultural tribalism and attempting to sell it as a threat response.

    Not everyone loots and burns to show their displeasure. Some people just quietly choose not to participate and there is very often a financial impact to that non-participation. Doesn’t matter if you’re an education institution or a beer manufacturer; you still need to carefully consider the source(s) of your revenue in your decision making processes. There’s a downside to giving people a reason to take their interest elsewhere.

  12. Jason

    >Its funny to me that I am a 45 yo white man, and I have never felt like anyone was telling me I was a bigot.

    I bet Trump could honestly say “Its funny to me I was over 70 years old, and never felt like anyone telling me I was racist, until I became President”. But you couldn’t understand that point of view, could you?

    >A good litmus test would be if you were against cities taking down Confederate statues and flags. That doesn’t make you racist, but it does make you ignorant of how the past makes some people feel.

    That is the shittiest litmus test I’ve ever heard.

    >The sanctioning of safe spaces (in some cases racially segregated safe spaces) is real. Again, they make no apologies for promoting the inherent discrimination in segregating public spaces without demonstrating actual physical threat assessments dictating an actual need for increased public safety. They’re simply catering to preferences for cultural tribalism and attempting to sell it as a threat response.

    Did you get that word for word from ?

  13. MjM

    JV, deaf: I have never felt like anyone was telling me I was a bigot.

    The entirety of the side you subscribe to is telling you that. From your demented president to your local street race baiter. The simple fact that you are white makes you a racist bigot. This is the unrelenting message heard daily from the very people you congregate with. That you don’t hear it just shows the depth of your own white privilege: I’m too good to be called a bigot.

    JV, dumb: Maybe if you feel like you are being told that you are a bigot… it is because you are a bigot??

    Yes, because entrenched leftist college administrators just know that that17-year old A+ kid from Randolph is a bigot for no other reason than he happens to be white, and he should fall to his knees, acknowledge their conclusion as absolute truth, beg forgiveness, and still accept rejection.

    Or maybe it’s because those claiming bigotry in others are themselves the bigots, and that they do so because they have no rational argument.

    Or maybe it is because they are just stupid and it’s a scam that keeps on giving.

    JV, blind: There are inherit aspects of our culture that have roots in racism,

    “Academia”, for one. “Democrat Party” for another. One in the same, actually.

    Oddly, you don’t recognize them.

  14. jonnyv

    MJM. I think you are purposefully conflating the concept of “White Privilege” and racism. Having someone tell you that you have had an advantage your entire life and a leg forward because you are white isn’t racism. It might not be something that you want to hear, but it is the truth. And many want to immediately intertwine the two concepts because it advantages them to help “rally the troops” of their side. And there is a greater push to make sure that people recognize the advantages and disadvantages that some people are born into. That isn’t racism.

    And yes, Academia does have roots and policies that were rooted in racism. So you know what they tried to do, affirmative action to help balance that out. But apparently the right didn’t like that.

    Being in my mid 40s now, I have a lot of friends who are sending their oldest to college, and not a SINGLE one has ever expressed the idea that the college or institution made them feel like racists. All of them are excited to go to different UW colleges. Just a made up thing the right tries to push. Very silly.

  15. jonnyv

    Oh, Jason. people have been calling Trump racist since the 70s. From his and his father’s racist real estate practices violating the Fair Housing Act, right up to Trump taking out a full-page ad in the NYT condemning a group of black kids without evidence who were later found to be not guilty thanks to DNA. Oh, and don’t forget the BS that he pushed on Obama with the birth certificate crap. Is Trump racist??? I don’t know. Maybe he is just an idiot who does a lot of borderline racist things for the past 40 years.

    And I vaguely recall that someone said in the 80s he would have all the black employees leave the casino floor when he came in. But I honestly would have to look more into that if I cared.

    In general, extremely elderly people (Like Trump & Biden), I tend to forgive their racist ideals because they grew up in a much different time. My 94-year-old grandmother passed away 2 weeks ago, and I heard her say some appalling things growing up. It didn’t change the way I felt about her… but I wouldn’t have voted for her in any office. I would love it if they could change but most don’t. I think if you are going to be in office, those beliefs should disqualify you to the general public. But that isn’t always the case.

  16. Tuerqas

    JV – Its funny to me that I am a 45 yo white man, and I have never felt like anyone was telling me I was a bigot.

    Never? Really? I have called you a bigot for supporting all of the racism and institutional racism that your Party has been dishing to big city minorities in the US for decades at least a couple of times. Doesn’t count? As a strawman segue, every conservative here was talking about how SCHOOLING has been pushing the all whites are racists for a few decades now. Been in school these last 45 years?

    JV – That doesn’t make you racist, but it does make you ignorant of how the past makes some people feel.

    Meh, I feel pretty bad and pissed that people like Washington and Jefferson have been re-written in liberal History as evil racists, have had their names removed (very commonly from schools) and been generally defamed as bad people, but others don’t give a fuck that I feel bad about it and I am okay with that. Thought policing is not my cup of tea. Making everyone think the same really sucks for innovation and invention, but it is great for a Democratic United States sized sheep pen.

    JV – There are inherit (inherent?) aspects of our culture that have roots in racism, recognizing those is the first step to changing those.

    Too bad the people in libs in charge of ‘changing’ them are too busy using them to help the minorities they profit from.

    JV – MJM. I think you are purposefully conflating the concept of “White Privilege” and racism.

    Maybe you should be going back to liberal school. White privilege, when used in lawmaking, is said to be one of the greatest props for institutional racism…by liberal scholars. Sure the current definition separates it pretty well, but libs are actively changing that definition today. If you read professional articles like “Anti-Racism 101: Let’s Clarify ‘White Privilege’ Once And For All” by Dana Brownlee you will get a current literal definition. If you look at how it is used by liberals today, like on signs at BLM marches you will see signs like “Privilege is the problem” and articles on it by Academia you will find that white privilege is a “key source of racism” today.
    Separating them as entirely different things is something that conservatives are purported to do now, liberals have been using it as a source of racism for years and the definitions will change in the next decade and to be against that will be racist. So have you gone conservative on institutional racism now? You didn’t tell us.

  17. MjM

    JV remains DD&B: Having someone tell you that you have had an advantage your entire life and a leg forward because you are white isn’t racism.

    This is where you leftnics display your complete hypocrisy.

    Tell us which of theses statements is racist?:

    All blacks are criminals.
    All browns are lazy.
    All yellows are conniving.
    All whites are privileged.

    Which of these statements do you agree with?:

    The NHL is a racist organization because 73% of the players are white.
    The NBA is a racist organization because 74% of the players are black.

    Here is news for you….

    Any unsubstantiated assumption applied to an individual based on that individual’s skin color is racist.

    And guess what? That, as demonstrated, makes you a racist.

  18. dad29


    So shut up, Whitey.

  19. Tuerqas

    HEY! I am not whitey, I identify as caucasional!

  20. dad29


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