Boots & Sabers

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0707, 03 Jul 24

Leftists on Wisconsin Supreme Court Finally Make Move to Allow Abortions

Here we go.

Madison, Wis. — The Wisconsin Supreme Court decided Tuesday to consider two challenges to a 175-year-old law that conservatives maintain bans abortion without letting the cases wind through lower courts.


Abortion advocates stand an excellent chance of prevailing in both cases given the high court’s liberal tilt and remarks a liberal justice made on the campaign trail about how she supports abortion rights.

Persuading the court’s liberal majority to uphold the statutes looks next to impossible. Liberal Justice Janet Protasiewicz even went so far as stating openly during her campaign that she supports abortion rights, a major departure for a judicial candidate. Typically such candidates refrain from speaking about their personal views out of concerns they could appear biased on the bench.

While this case is about abortion, it really isn’t about abortion. Even though the law banning abortion was written in 1849, it is quite clear that it bans abortion. People in 1849 were not Neanderthal rubes who did not know how a baby was made. They knew what they were doing.

Here in 2024, the Democrats want Wisconsinites to be able to abort babies up until birth (and some even after that). The problem is that Republicans control the legislature and Republicans want to regulate abortions. The Republicans have repeatedly offered compromises to the Democrats to regulate abortions more along the lines of Roe or even just ban late-term abortions, but the Democrats have rejected all compromises. Democrats do not want any restrictions whatsoever for abortions.

To get their way, the Democrats and their Leftist base elected radical pro-abortion justices to the Supreme Court with the express mission of usurping the power of the legislature on this issue to impose their will on abortion. Click the link and read the whole story above. Even the AP isn’t pretending that the Leftists on the court are anything other than activists who have publicly, vocally, and repeatedly said that they will use the power of the court to impose their favored policy on abortion.

Again, this case is not really about abortion. It is about the Leftists on the Wisconsin Supreme Court tearing down our tri-branch form of government by using the High Court to impose policy against the express will of the Legislative Branch – with the collusion of the Executive Branch.

The timing is telling. The Leftists took over the court a year ago. The abortion issue was their #1 agenda item as they took power. Why has it taken this long? The lawsuits were filed almost immediately. Why did the Leftist majority wait this long to take it up?

Once again, it’s not about the law. It’s about politics. The Leftists want to keep their pro-abortion base angry and activated for the election in November. They need those angry pro-abortion mobs to swarm into the polls and elect Democrats. They need voters who don’t pay attention to think that Republicans are keeping them from aborting babies when it is the Democrats who have refused to compromise.

The court took up the case now because it is five months from the election. Holding the hearings and filing the briefs will help fills some news cycles about this issue leading up until the election. It will keep it top of mind and keep people from thinking about inflation, illegal immigration, high taxes, corruption, and all of the other issues that more directly impact their everyday lives.

Then, probably shortly after the election irrespective of the outcome, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will unconstitutionally invalidate a perfectly legal statute and allow unfettered abortions throughout the state. The result is inevitable, but the activist Leftist on the Supreme Court are going to milk the issue for every vote they can this year.


0707, 03 July 2024


  1. Mike

    They need to keep up their 50 year propaganda campaign to normalize the killing of unwanted human beings.

    We are also on their list.

  2. dad29

    Actually, 107 years ago, with the founding of Planned Parenthood. And, modified, in O wendell Holmes’ Buck v. Bell horror, not to mention similar (also non-lethal) utterings by various Wisconsin figures such as the shrink Dr. Rogers and Van Hise of UW….

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