Boots & Sabers

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0639, 01 Aug 24

Vote “Yes” on Two Wisconsin Referenda

Just vote yes.

Wisconsin’s partisan primary election is Aug. 13, and voters will see two referendum questions on their ballots asking to give the state Legislature more power over distributing federal funding, an effort sparked by clashes over Gov. Tony Evers’ power to distribute billions of dollars in coronavirus relief money.

Question 1: “Delegation of appropriation power. Shall section 35 (1) of article IV of the constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?”

Question 2: “Allocation of federal moneys. Shall section 35 (2) of article IV of the constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?”

In a sane world, this would be a no-brainer. I don’t care if the Governor is a Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal, man, woman, Jew or Gentile, no single person should have complete and arbitrary authority to spend billions and billions of tax dollars. It is the antithesis of good government and a recipe for corruption and grift.

Vote “yes” for good government.


0639, 01 August 2024


  1. Tuerqas

    Why bother? I mean, I will vote for them, but the State Supreme court will illegally null them just like the last 2. Dems play a great game of never play unless you will win.

    I wish there would be a Rep statement before the election that any and every protester of a Trump win on State or federal grounds would be prosecuted for the same crimes that January 6th participants have been and with the same amount of prejudice.

  2. jonnyv

    T. I will support anyone being prosecuted that attacks a cop or forces their way into a federal building if Trump (or Kamala) wins. Or anyone caught destroying property. I bet regardless of who wins, that building will be on LOCK DOWN.

  3. Tuerqas

    Thanks, JV. What about State Capitol buildings? Should breaking and entering be prosecuted for them too?

  4. jonnyv

    Yes T. State buildings too.

    When it comes to the J6 people, some got what was deserved. Others got swept up in a political persecution and are paying a stronger penalty that they probably should. Ultimately they shouldn’t have been in the building at that time.

    I think we need to have reasonable responses and punishments as well. Are you participating in a peaceful sit-in in the capitol? Did you smash a window and cause destruction to get in? Did you beat down a police officer? Did you threaten officials in the building? Did you take federal property? Etc.

    In general I don’t support sit-ins or traffic obstruction, etc. But to equate those things with J6 would be asinine.

  5. Tuerqas

    No, no equating of peaceful sit-ins, I was more referring to the ACT 10 months of ‘sit-ins’ with multiple Capitol break-ins and at least 2 assaults that lead to zero prosecutions and very few arrests in Madison. I think those were the ones that were swept under the rug. I do equate those two illegal acts, and it is hard to not see the fact that libs in a lib city got nothing for months of disgusting and illegal behavior while one day that included some arrest worthy events on J6 got every identifiable person prosecuted. Cons in a lib city get different standards, no? But I understand it. They could not have tried to and convict Trump for treason if they let all the little fish go. The ‘little’ people mean nothing to Democrats.

  6. jonnyv

    I think that anyone that caused damage should have been prosecuted. Even the R’s in office admitted that the Act 10 protesters were not violent and didn’t cause much damage.

    Trump is not being charged with Treason. He is basically being charged for conspiracy attempting to overturn the election.
    Conspiracy to defraud the US
    Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding (a weak charge, IMO)
    Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
    Conspiracy against rights (another weak charge)

    And some of those charges hold some valid weight. The “alternate” elector slate. And his attempted intimidation of some counties to change vote counts or throw out votes. I am NOT a lawyer, and this will be decided in a federal court. But from what I have read, some of the charges have some actual teeth. January 6th, I actually said, “Man Mike Pence has some intestinal fortitude.”. I disagree with his personal beliefs, but I don’t doubt his faith to the country.

  7. Jason

    This friends is a classic “walk back”.

    >I will support anyone being prosecuted that … forces their way into a federal building


    >I think that anyone that caused damage should have been prosecuted.

    Oh, this is a classic too…

    “were not violent and didn’t cause much damage.”

    So it goes from Anyone forcing their way into a building, to anyone who causes damage,,, and then anyone who causes [i]much[/i] damage.

    What a fool

  8. jonnyv

    Jason, I will try to use small words for you… there are different levels of bad. They can each be treated unique and still get punished.

  9. dad29

    And what about the ones who were ushered in by the Cap Cops and/or given a tour of the facilities?

    I’m willing to bet that 95% of those people inside the Capitol had NO IDEA that it was strictly off-limits to citizens on that particular day. Should they be in the Gulag?

    As to what Trump “did,” it’s on videotape. And “alternate electors” have been around since at least the ’60’s, used by BOTH parties as “just-in-case” voters. Suddenly a criminal violation?

    Be serious or be Democrat.

  10. jonnyv

    Dad29, I could see a case where people were peacefully allowed in. But there isn’t a COLD CHANCE IN THE HELL YOU BELIEVE IN, that anyone didn’t know they were not supposed to be in there. “Hey man, I didn’t notice the torn down barricades, I didn’t see the dozens of people smashing windows and crawling up the side of the building, and violently beating police officers, I just showed up to this side door and a cop let me in!” Every single person knew they were not allowed in that building on that day. Again, I would have some sympathy for those that were NOT caught on camera attacking police officers and simply walked in with the mass of people.

    And I have sympathy for police officers that knew at one point that it was futile to fight the violent mob and instead just oversaw a flood of people coming in. And some of those officers maybe even believed in what the mob was doing?

    And you can look in enough places that show how the 60’s alternate electors and the 2020 election were different. I am not gonna argue that here. I will let the court decide that one. It is going to involve what they were actually trying to do, and if there was a bigger conspiracy involved. Not just a document.

  11. dad29

    First off, you’ll be believing in Hell soon enough.

    And you have no idea how big the Capitol building and grounds really are. It’s not hard at all to “miss” the FBI and Cap Cop plants breaking windows if you’re off-angled by 100 feet or so. Videotape of the disturbance also shows that the barricades were MOVED, not “torn down,” and there was no yellow tape.

    Didn’t know that you could read minds!! That must be how you know exactly what was on the minds of those grannies when they walked in while the cops held the doors.

  12. jonnyv

    If there is a Hell, I am sure I will see you there. Along with everyone else on this planet. Should be fun.

    Some barricades were moved, others were torn down.

    And I still think it is funny that you are so insane that you think the destruction and attacks were “plants”. That is some mental gymnastics and not worth discussing with you. That is just “weird”.

  13. Jason

    >And you have no idea how big the Capitol building and grounds really are. It’s not hard at all to “miss” the FBI and Cap Cop plants breaking windows if you’re off-angled by 100 feet or so.

    I saw jv’s words and immediately knew he only thought about Jan 6th as much as his liberal programming has allowed him to. He sees the breathless, planted, curated videos on the news and immediately thinks everyone within a 500 mile radius could see the two locations where mild violence was happening as coving the entire DC area.

    >there are different levels of bad. They can each be treated unique and still get punished.

    It’s hilarious how you can embrace nuance when pressed. Your statements that I quotednearlier and today’s show that flaw in you.

    Use small words, use big words, it doesn’t matter to me… They’re all feeble and shallow to us.

  14. jonnyv

    Jason. “Mild Violence” That is a nice way to put 140 Capital Police with reported injuries. And others who did not report it. I didn’t realize that BEATING officers with poles and weapons was “mild”. 41 people who were convicted (and many who were not found) of using a deadly or dangerous weapon on an officer. I will remember that during the next riot.

    Playing down the violence that happened that day isn’t a good look. If you want to say that a majority of people didn’t commit violence, that is one take. But to actually talk about how the violence that DID occur wasn’t bad. Yeah. Sure. That is just an idiot take and gross.

  15. Jason

    >Jason. “Mild Violence” That is a nice way to put 140 Capital Police with reported injuries.

    Awww, you don’t like the nuance when its turned around. Poor you.

  16. jonnyv

    Lolololol. You don’t understand the word. Hahah. Thanks for the belly laugh. Maybe it will be on your vocab test next year little guy.

  17. Jason

    More nuance….
    According to The Post, 65 D.C. police officers suffered concussions, swollen ankles and wrists, bruises, and irritated lungs from pepper spray. Officers were pushed down stairs, trampled and punched. 81 Capitol police officers were assaulted during the siege, but the extent of their injuries was not detailed in reports.”

    Rolled ankles, sprain wrists.. reads like minor violence to me.

    Oh .. then this… “According to The Post, 65 D.C. police officers suffered concussions, swollen ankles and wrists, bruises, and irritated lungs from pepper spray. Officers were pushed down stairs, trampled and punched. 81 Capitol police officers were assaulted during the siege, but the extent of their injuries was not detailed in reports.”

    Btw jr… This is right from the horse’s mouth… Union Chairman
    Gus Papathanasiou

    ““Their inaction cost one officer his life, and we have almost 140 responding officers injured“

    Note the nuance between you saying “140” and the factual “almost 140”.

    Feeble and Shallow, and now False.

  18. jonnyv

    You really are not doing yourself any favors when it comes to the word “nuance”. But whatever little guy.

    “Rioters seized Fanone, dragging him down the steps of the Capitol. They beat him with pipes, stunned him with a Taser and sprayed him with bear spray, he recalled. In the midst of the assault he had a heart attack, and he got a concussion from the blows to his head.”

    “Violence that day left officers with head wounds, cracked ribs and smashed spinal disks, according to Capitol Police Labor Committee Chairman Gus Papathanasiou. Court documents in the federal criminal investigation describe a number of alleged assaults that sent officers to the hospital.”

    Yeah… mild. Grow up pal.

  19. dad29

    Gee. JonnyV memory-holed the nuanced second-degree murder-by-cop, and the nuanced reckless disregard manslaughter (by cops) of a woman who never even got into the building.

    And which of the CapCops or DC cops began the festivities by assaulting the crowd with nuanced tear-gas canisters?

    “A number” of “alleged” assaults.

    Also nuanced.

    Jason knows how to use English. Too bad you don’t know how to use truth.

  20. Jason

    Awww Dad29, it was quite fun to watch jr flail around just like his presidential candidate. Coherent thought and mastery of the English language elude both of them.

  21. jonnyv

    Jason understood the word Nuance like Alanis Morissette understood Ironic.

  22. Tuerqas

    >Playing down the violence that happened that day isn’t a good look.

    Over 900 police were hurt and 9 murdered during the 2020 Dem election drive, er, I mean riots. Over 550 million dollars in damages to State and Federal property and multiple billions in private property damage were caused by those riots as opposed to about 1.5 million on J6.
    I do not believe that the press was taking advantage of nuance to say that the 140 injured police and 1.5 million dollars of damage caused during J6 was worthy of the almost 500 convictions of jail time and money well spent while less than 300 convictions were handed out nationally for crimes like assault and arson and a couple of murder charges from the 2020 riots were equivalent in either scale or prosecution. It was not nuance how liberals believe one was horrible and super dangerous and the other events were unfortunate events caused from righteous almost legal vigilantism after the death of George Floyd.
    The lib news did not use nuance, it blatantly manipulated ‘truths’ to make their believers think of each event in a specific and different set of lights.
    I do think Jason was wrong to use the word nuance as it is a much too subtle term to describe the difference in reported events and he was wrong in assigning the nuancing to you rather than your news sources. It is easy to see why you think there is no nuance (much less that over 900 injuries, 6 deaths and 2 billion in damages are less bad or equivalent to 140 injuries, 1 death and 1.5 million in damage) as you take liberal news as base fact and non-liberal news as base falsehood. With no registering of the difference between the way that the 2 events were reported there is no nuance (much less an actual comparison) for you to recognize.

  23. jonnyv

    T, there are parallels between the GF riots and the J6 riot. Not only in how the media (liberal and conservative) talked about them, but how the public perceived them as well.

    I honestly believe that both groups of people were doing the thing they thought was important. The J6’ers were adamant that an election was stolen and they were there to “save democracy”. I don’t fault them for their patriotism, as wrong as I think they were in their beliefs. I do fault them for the violence and destruction. I also believe that the GF incidents people were demonstrating a reaction to years of police brutality and what they see as unfair treatment of minorities by those in force. And I respect them for that belief and what they did. And in both occasions there were people to decided to go too far and start to cause destruction, and BOTH sides should decry that and push for a more civil resolution.

  24. Tuerqas

    And yet, one group gets prosecuted to the max while one was prosecuted very loosely and generously, all along party lines. And your response is arguing the word nuance. This does make sense to me, don’t get me wrong. Liberal criminals were barely touched in most riot cities regardless of damage or police injury so for you there is no outrage.
    The oxymoron here is that libs were all sympathy for the one police death and the terrible ankle injuries and headaches from bruising of the J6 cops even as they pretty much agreed that all the police injured or killed during the riots were probably deserved, or at least not worth prosecuting. In the end, the typical lib response is the exact wording of heavily liberal biased media sources. Nuances of lib media wording are considered stark fact and conservative media sources are checked by politifact and all called false, based on their wording.

    Here are a couple example liberal media (thus all liberals) ‘nuance’:
    Talk about numbers to a liberal and one will soon see that when it comes to Government and politics, liberals do not really see a difference between million, billion and trillion. Those terms are just nuances to them. Just look at the damage numbers above. You think that the J6 riots was worse than the Dem riots to get voters in, and 1.5 million vs 2+ billion is just a small difference, a nuance.

    Trump spends about 10 million in Executive orders and Biden has spent over 2 trillion. A typlib response is ‘what is your point’?’ or that is Biden showing initiative rather than just breaking the law by stealing the powers of the Legislative branch. The amount is just nuance to a liberal UNLESS the numbers favor the Democratic Party. Then they just might have import.

    The border Czar was immediately decried as false because she was never given that ‘official title’. Biden was Czar while in office under Obama, no one ever cried that he never held that title and at the time when KH was branded as border Czar by liberal press Biden liked the sound of it, he used it publicly on at least one occasion.
    That was politifact ‘nuance’. Instead of addressing the actual issue, they intentionally used the phrase ‘official title’ as their fact check base so it was indeed false. A small phrase that created an entirely different outcome for the meaning to the public (well the programmed half of the public). You would not have seen it and may not recognize it as dishonest now as I talk about it. If she had been very successful on the border crisis management issue, do you think you would be championing conservative sites that tried to take credit away from her because she was not officially given the title border Czar? Do you think politifact would have upheld the point if it was conservative? Of course not, but since she failed you will go no farther in your search for the truth than Politifact did. To libs the whole border crisis was Trump’s fault. In fact, KH says exactly that in her attack ads, it is not an exaggeration. She blamed an out of office Trump for killing a weak proposal for border closure in Congress like that was the cure all and a private citizen nixed it.

    Yeah Jason, your choice of the word nuance was a mistake. The phrase you were looking for is programmed hypocrisy. Try going back and use it in place of nuance. It fits pretty perfectly in every instance save one.

  25. dad29

    That was politifact ‘nuance’. Instead of addressing the actual issue, they intentionally used the phrase ‘official title’ as their fact check base so it was indeed false.

    Actually, that’s a variation of the “Clinton Parse.”

    Lie by artful, nuanced, text-switching.

  26. Tuerqas

    I would have accredited Machiavelli, but I am sure the tactic is as old as any Democratic or Republic institution. Machiavelli just wrote the treatise on it.

  27. jonnyv

    J6 vs GF. The GF group rioted and caused millions of dollars in damage. And anyone that hurt a cop should have bee prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But, I don’t recall any police being killed during the riots. There were a few instances of police being shot while in cars that I recall, but I don’t know if they were ever connected to the GF riots.

    The J6 was something different. Not your normal far left-wing riot and destruction. They were a group of low IQ knuckle-draggers who broke into the capital with the sole reasoning of stopping the federal election from being certified. And they were made an example of.

    And T. To be fair, I don’t trust cops in general. There are good and bad cops, and just assume to start that any cop you deal with is bad, and then be pleasantly surprised. I have taught my son that anything other than a traffic stop the only word he should ever say to a cop is, “Lawyer”. But I do respect the difficult job they deal with at times.

    And people can call Harris the “border Czar”, but her job was never to secure the border. It was to work with Central and South American countries to see WHY migrants are coming to our border and make efforts to stem them. The term Border Czar is a media term clearly. It was used for whoever was working with ANYTHING to do with the border based on the media. They called Roberta Jackson that in early Feb 2021. Then Harris was asked to work with the countries as stated earlier. But I am fairly certain no one from the Biden administration used that term. Now, if you can prove me wrong, I am here for it, but I doubt you can with this one. And honestly, it doesn’t matter anyway.

    “In a meeting with Harris in March 2021, Biden said Harris would lead U.S. diplomatic efforts and work with officials in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to stem migration to the United States. Biden said that when he was vice president, he “got a similar assignment” and that the Obama administration secured $700 million to help countries in Central America.”

    That won’t stop the right from falsely claiming things. Just the left won’t stop falsely claiming shit about Trump. Welcome to election season. I did find an article from 2021 where Greg Abbott started calling her that. Even in the AP article from 2021 announcing Biden’s assignment, no where did they use the term Border Czar.

    And you can say that she failed in the job she was given, that is fine. But this is as much of a problem of the Biden administration as it is the previous 10 presidents and congresses for NOT doing anything on it. And this congress shot down the best bipartisan option they have seen in decades because they wanted to run on it. Again, political roulette during the political season.

    It was also “Bidenomics” up until about a week ago when it is now… “Harris Economy”. As if she had hardly anything to do with it or the dip we saw this weekend.

  28. Tuerqas

    >The GF group rioted and caused millions of dollars in damage.
    See, there is your liberal ‘nuance again. I don’t call that nuance, though, I call it lying. Billion(s) with a B. No more than hundreds of millions in any one city, but add it up and even lefty sites that give numbers say between 1 and 2 billion (non-lefty sites estimated 3.2-3.8 billion, but they included insurance claims of private property damage). At the time, Portland alone was asking for over a billion in aid from the federal Government. So regardless of whether there were billions in actual damage that local Government asked for over a billion to pay compensations and repairs.

    >The J6 was something different. Not your normal far left-wing riot and destruction. They were a group of low IQ knuckle-draggers who broke into the capital with the sole reasoning of stopping the federal election from being certified. And they were made an example of.
    And the thugs that caused billions were typical high IQ liberal intelligentsia…right. No I get it, I would believe you if you said those responsible for the rioting were the average liberal IQ. And the idea that the J6 protestors all (or most) had the idea of overthrowing the Government is liberal media ‘nuance’ again.

    >And honestly, it doesn’t matter anyway.
    Honesty, how refreshing!

    >And T. To be fair, I don’t trust cops in general. There are good and bad cops, and just assume to start that any cop you deal with is bad, and then be pleasantly surprised.
    More lib news ‘nuance’. It doesn’t matter that there are many city neighborhoods in the US where the police are in danger every minute they spend there. It doesn’t matter that 12.5% of the population are responsible for 50% of all murders in the US and they live and hide in those neighborhoods. Dems want racial division for the same reason you accuse Republicans of blocking a weak and ineffective bill, they run on it in EVERY election so you very well (or you should) that they will never even try to fix it. Funny how you cannot perceive the blatantly obvious even while accusing your political enemies of the same reasoning. Dems TELL you not to trust ‘Cops’ because they need to get you to vote a certain way, truth be damned. If i were a police officer, you’re damn right I would go into many black neighborhoods with a different mindset and a hand near my side-arm than I would with a traffic stop not in or near those neighborhoods. You want to call basic survival sense ‘racism’, go ahead, you are anyway. Going in guns ablazing is not the right way to handle calls to those neighborhoods, but neither is going in expecting to be offered a beer and sit down to a rational conversation of a problem with your gun in your car. Police can’t even get the name, much less location of a known murderer from eyewitnesses in those neighborhoods.

    >And people can call Harris the “border Czar”, but her job was never to secure the border. It was to work with Central and South American countries to see WHY migrants are coming to our border and make efforts to stem them.
    And did she (or Biden)? Has illegal migration (which she does not believe is illegal) been stemmed from her ‘efforts’? It took her over a year just to see the border from the date of the assignment with zero accomplishments, unless you believe that Dems wanted the border open looking for more voters. Then her performance was exemplary. Please do. She should run on her performance instead of running on her half-assed district attorney record and capping the price of insulin for seniors, a bi-partisan bill that she had literally nothing to do with as she was not needed to cast a tie breaking vote, because, you know, bi-partisan. Ooo, she put away murderers and abusers as a DA? Hurrah, she did her job, not including the dozens of open abuse cases against the catholic church where she was responsible for just closing down and sealing them. Run on the truth. Her ads say that she is going to give working class Americans the ability to live on one paycheck when the record shows that after 3.5 years of Dem policies (to which she is largely to the left of liberal mainstream) have made that all but impossible with the inflation their policies caused. Run saying you will take more of their paycheck when the tax cuts run out, which Trump would extend to their benefit if they are working. But there may be a new Gov’t program you can get on to save your money and use other’s money to help live on. See how that goes for a while. The non-workers will likely go for it.
    Yep, everyone is allowed to lie to the public thanks to liberal leaders, lazy pretend ‘conservative’ leaders and a historically objective media that gladly left objectivity to sell gossip and lies to the public for more money.

    >But this is as much of a problem of the Biden administration as it is the previous 10 presidents and congresses for NOT doing anything on it.
    You mean except Trump who actually was trying to close the border. So 9 of the last 10 Presidents, right? And please describe how open the border was under Reagan, also in the last 10.

    >It was also “Bidenomics” up until about a week ago when it is now… “Harris Economy”.
    Fair, but everyone knows that Biden is no longer running anything so the glory and blame go the administration. While KH may not be calling the shots either, she gets the credit or the blame from now on. I think that is why Biden will not step down before the election, so the lame duck can take all blame, but any potential ray of hope can be claimed by KH. You can safely sit on that fence and give out the praise to KH on the off chance there is any good news, but still blame Biden for all the bad that your media will let you believe. You know she WILL take credit for anything good that happens, right? So why shouldn’t it be the Harris admin at this point? Has she offered anything except blatant lies presented as promises? Any solutions? Any plans going into effect? If not, she shouldn’t have blame for the Bidenomics that she has publicly supported for almost 4 years, run on being a brand new name in politics because she does not want to run on anything she could put her name to except a few wins while a DA. Really? Capping insulin at $35 which she had nothing to do with? Attack ads are all Dems have with no race riots going on. What Dems really need is another minority victim of some police force. That is their best chance of KH winning.

  29. Jason

    >Yeah Jason, your choice of the word nuance was a mistake. The phrase you were looking for is programmed hypocrisy.

    That was on purpose, isn’t it ironic?

  30. jonnyv

    T, I will give you the “millions” comment. That was just a generic large number I put in there and the destruction was in the 100s of millions.

    Please tell me what Trump is going to do to reduce inflation? Eliminate taxes on tips? Increase tariffs (that will actually increase prices)? Extend tax cuts, driving our national debt further upwards causing MORE borrowing? What is he going to do about housing prices? Do you want to see the value of your home drop significantly (personally I am ok with that), because that is what it will take to make homes affordable for people. Even with today’s “market crash” the market is still up “hugely” since Biden took office. We will see how much of today was a blip vs a trend this week. Too many people think that Trump has some magic bullet or that HE was the cause of low inflation and gas prices. When actually so much of that has nothing to do with the president and is worldwide economics. Feel free to look at the US inflation vs the world over the past 4 years and you can tell that we actually handled it pretty well.

    KH currently has a 50/50 chance, maybe 51/49 depending on which polls you look at right now. I think those numbers drop if the markets continue downward. But if they flatten out or even recover, her chances will stay here. Trump is doing enough to hurt his chances right now by opening his mouth about anything race related. Man, I hope he keeps it up. He has run a very good campaign up until now, and I think that KH has thrown him for a loop now that he is the old man on the ticket. He has to change tactics mid election. I think KH will do better with local social issues that I agree with. I think that Trump may handle foreign affairs better. But neither is going to be able to control the middle east where this is bubbling up.

    And I don’t trust cops because I have seen the way they treat people. As a teen I watched them pull in a bunch of my friends who reported a car stereo stolen and try to get them to flip on each other when THEY were the ones who were stolen from. Telling each other that the others confessed because they thought it was some insurance scam. Standard BS cop tactics. As an impressionable teen, it was enough for me to understand that many cops are just looking for the easy way out and not to trust them. We have seen enough bad cops with itchy triggers and quick fuses. It only takes a few bad apples. I am also friends with a cop who I consider to be a great guy. But, that doesn’t stop me from not trusting ones I don’t know.

  31. dad29

    I don’t recall any police being killed during the riots.

    And no cops were killed on J6. The only one who died died from a stroke the day after.

    We see your Foo-Foo Dust insinuation and call it a Lie By Insinuation.

  32. dad29

    Increase tariffs (that will actually increase prices)?

    Please show us the “increased prices” resulting from Trump tariffs during his first term.

    We’ll wait.

  33. Tuerqas

    >Please tell me what Trump is going to do to reduce inflation?
    My first guess would be listen to his advisors on the subject. The problem with the current regime is that what is happening fiscally now is what they want to happen. It only hurts around elections as they come up with answers their voters will believe. That used to be a lot harder when people were required to think for themselves and given the tools in school to do so. Getting their followers programmed to auto-disbelieve in anything not from them and then to have them believe everything Dems say. They have that now. Absolutely nothing will change a single programmed liberal mind on who to vote for. Dems have carte blanche to do anything they want even in public. If KH herself were in a security photo shooting a high powered rifle at Donald Trump, you would declare the pic or footage a fake and move on with your beliefs intact.

    And after saying that out loud to myself I see the pointlessness of arguing with you. I will not drink lib Kool-aid and you will not stop. Not that I want you to leave (we can still discuss things), hearing what libs are taught these days is useful and it does confirm well with multiple lib sources. You would be amazed (if you cared) to see just how exactly the same your words are on political subjects as other liberals. And I like the extra source to compare with. Conservatives have much more varied opinions, but they are still rallying behind one crude individual as that is the only choice to avoid socialism. So they were basically stuffed into the same boat of having exactly one choice chosen by the two Party leaders. This is why Republicans let it happen. They get the other half of the people no matter their fractured beliefs by default even if they too promise nothing they have any intention of keeping.

  34. jonnyv

    Dad29, isn’t it republicans that always say if you increase taxes on corporations it will just increase prices on goods that the consumer will pay? And that is EXACTLY what a tariff is.

    “An April 2019 working paper by economists found that the tariffs on washing machines caused the prices of washers to increase by approximately twelve percent in the United States.[23] A 2019 paper by Federal Reserve Board economists found that the steel tariffs led to 0.6% fewer jobs in the manufacturing sector than would have happened in the absence of the tariffs; this amounted to approximately 75,000 jobs.”

    And while this isn’t a price increase… “After tariffs on Chinese goods jumped from 3 percent to 12 percent, Beijing retaliated by raising tariffs as high as 25 percent on many U.S. goods, including agricultural products and food, devastating U.S. farmers, particularly in the Midwest and Deep South. The USDA estimates that the retaliatory tariffs cost the U.S. $25.7 billion in revenues between 2018 and 2019, 95 percent of the total lost to tariffs imposed by European nations and Canada.”

  35. jonnyv

    T. “Avoid socialism”. Amazing how your statements line up with a lot of the hyperbole of right-wing statements as well. I am not trying to convince you to vote D. You won’t. You have some silly made up scenario in your head about school indoctrination and communism.

    Clearly I hope that Trump loses, because I don’t think he would be good for the country, nor do I think he has the demeanor to handle big problems. And he has some sort of dictator fascination & envy. If he can’t come up with a stupid nickname to attack something, he is kinda stumped. I prefer a candidate who thinks before they speak, and that isn’t Trump. But, what I am most interested in IF he loses, is… all the calls of stealing the election that will certainly come. With zero proof. But long term, I wonder how the Republican party will deal with it. Because MAGA are a community. They are DIE HARD. And I think that many of them will lose interest if their guy isn’t elected. There will still be Republicans, but MAGA are a different breed, and I saw it at the RNC. All they wanted to do was spend time with OTHER MAGA. It was like a fun family reunion for them, and Trump was the center of it. Without him, where does that passion go?

    And if Trump doesn’t win in 2024, I can almost guaranty he will be the guy in 2028 if he wants to be. And there will be many politicians who try to scoop up the MAGA faithful if Trump decides not to run again, but I haven’t seen anyone be able to take hold that part of the party yet. Vance doesn’t have the charisma that Trump has.

    As far as trusting the people around Trump. 70% of the people he appointed or worked with in the first term won’t support him this term, and many have called him an idiot and unserious. Some of the ones that still support him from the first term are grifters and now felons. He doesn’t have a good track record of picking great people. He picks sycophants and suck-ups… and family.

  36. Tuerqas

    No such thing as Communism, it is simply an unworkable theory. The second S in USSR stood for Socialist, we just called them Communists because it was Trotzky and Lenin’s dream/goal early on. The Chinese Government is a Socialist Government. I have never used the word Communist here on B&S save as a theory so any “silly” talk on Communism is all in your head as usual.
    At its base, Socialism believes that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (or the one if you are a Trek fan). Democratic based Governments (includes all forms of actual Republics, but I will be using the term Democracy to mean them all) believe that the individual right is sacrosanct. I believe western culture favors individualism, the constitution being a prime example. Far eastern culture has much more of a ‘we’ mentality and I think it has worked for China pretty well. It is not the evil boogeyman that the US has believed in the past.
    A ’we’ mentality society may produce leaders with that goal in mind, the betterment of all at the expense of some. Western culture produces individualists with personal interests as the primary goal. This is a big part of what liberal education is aimed at changing. Demonize the founding fathers and tossing out or changing the Constitution becomes much easier, for example. When people have the idea that the betterment of all at the expense of some is the best (or only) good goal of Government the Constitution is meaningless as it is aimed at protecting the individual from the masses. They are incompatible. That is why schools are trying hard to replace the belief in the collective over the belief in the individuals in public schools. The basic idea that individualism is bad and the good of the collective is paramount in the liberal/socialist mind. And you believe in that so it is working.
    The problems for the Socialist Party hiding as the Democratic Party are that the Constitution is based on the rights of the individual. It has to be trashed or re-written entirely to be compatible with Socialism. The Constitution is a polar opposite of Socialism philosophically. Second, there is still a stigma attached to the term Socialism so they cannot come out of the closet until that stigmatism is removed. Another 10-20 years ought to do it.
    Socialism does not hold the stigma for me that it does for many conservatives. I firmly believe in the right of the individual, but I can respect the idea that some freedoms could be given up for the good of the many in a localized area or that some societies could be very happy that way. Socialism is no more corrupt than Democracy, but it is easier to consolidate power in a Socialist society so is more susceptible to much greater amounts of corruption.
    So it starts with changing the base opinion of Americans towards group think and away from individual think. That is why they now teach that everyone is equal rather than equal in opportunity or just ‘created equal’. Men and women are equal, black and white is equal, everything is and needs to be equal. So teaching to the lowest common denominator and ignoring exceptionalism is now the norm in public schools. Teaching equality for all is very different from teaching that everyone is actually equal. Tell the woman hit so hard in the Olympics by a trans man boxing as a woman that she quit boxing, that men and women are physically equal. They should have equal rights, not BE equal. Transgenderism is an extension liberal came up with to combat that. They thought if they blended the sexes with transgenders people might buy the everyone IS equal more easily. The jury is still out on whether that will help or hurt their cause in the end for me.
    My biggest beef with Dems is the turning from the Constitution. There is a way to change the constitution. It’s easy, just add an amendment. Dems have not tried that in my lifetime, they have tried to suborn it, reinterpret it, ‘modernize’ it, or just ignored it. Examples? Making local gun control laws and trying for national bans on some weapons is ignoring the constitution. Using the courts and executive orders to bypass and pull the teeth of the Legislature is suborning it.
    A current American liberal is a Socialist, just in the literal and philosophical sense with no stigmata attached. If you believe the collective is more important than the individual you do not really believe in the western idea of Democracy. Perhaps without knowing it, you are against the values offered by the Constitution and you believe the needs of the many do indeed outweigh the needs of the few. The constitution is not ‘outdated’ it is antithetical to Socialist values.
    Your whole Trump diatribe is false fluff. You would vote for the Dem Party person no matter who they were every time. All MAGA means to me is supporting the constitution. If individual rights were restored and protected, America would return to being the best at just about everything. Exceptionalism works much better with the western mentality as it currently is, and the Constitution strongly supports it. To replace the ‘me’ mentality with the ‘we’ mentality they have to change quite a few lynchpins in American Democracy and American hardwired thought. That is what schools are concentrating on these days. Dumbing them down doesn’t hurt either, you don’t want a bunch of questions, just compliance with the many. Individualism welcomes and encourages questions, the opposite of what Dems are trying to accomplish.

  37. jonnyv

    T, I disagree about your take on MAGA. IMO, there is a subset of the R party that are MAGA or maybe you want to call them Trumpsters. MAGA became more than just a slogan. Those are the Donald Trump ride or die folks. These are the people who are putting posters of Trumps head on shredded bodies. People who are buying the paintings of Trump riding a dinosaur carrying an American flag. These are the people who believe EVERY single word he says. People who believe he was picked by their god to run and save the country. I saw some of the merch at the RNC, it was laughable. But people were buying it. People who tailgate at his rallies. People who dress like him. People who wore the stupid ear bandage in support. He has some sort of hold over them, that I can’t understand why anyone would worship any politician like that. I am happy they found someone who speaks to them, and they have a community. But as long as Trump has that hold and support, he is going to be the head of the R party as long as he wants.

    As far as the woman from Algeria who is a boxer. She was apparently born with all the women parts, but is intersex. She was allowed to box in the 2021 Tokyo olympics, and lost. She was raised as a girl. And last time I checked, Algeria isn’t exactly the hotbed of trans-rights activism. She was born with an X chromosome (hence intersex), and produces more testosterone than most other women. Is that what we need to check all the athletes for now? Are we doing chromosome checks? Testosterone checks, because some women without an X chromosome produce a lot of testosterone? Because I do recall many people screaming that if you were born with a vagina only THEN you are a woman. Apparently she was. There are a lot of women at the olympics who look more masculine than feminine.

    Phelps was born with multiple genetic things that made him a better swimmer, and we celebrate that. The olympics are a place where we celebrate the genetic outliers.

    We vs Me. “WE the people of the United States…” Literally the first word.

    I can easily take your point about “dumbing down students” and say that for a long time many conservatives have attacked teachers, professors, scientists, & higher education in an attempt to dissuade people from going to higher education and seeing the world from a new perspective and meeting people who are different than them. They would rather have uneducated worker drones. Both arguments are dumb and short sided.

  38. dad29

    From your cite, Jonny:

    …trade analysts Tori Smith and Tom Lee from the American Action Forum found that U.S. consumers largely bore the brunt of the tariffs, paying a total of $48 billion—with half of this figure paid by U.S. firms that rely on intermediate inputs from China…

    Total retail sales in US (2022) were $6.5 TRILLION. $48 Billion isn’t even a zit on the ass of that elephant.

    “Washing machines”? How often do you purchase one of those? (By the way, that’s similar to the “housing price” crapola from Pubbie Propaganda outlets–as though you buy a house every year or two….

    And those “steel jobs” had to do with the quickly-implemented Canadian stop-over for PRC steel. The purpose of those tariffs was to REBUILD the steel industry in the USA. Kinda necessary for stuff like defense.

  39. dad29

    He doesn’t have a good track record of picking great people

    He was fool enough to trust Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. Won’t happen this time around.

    By the way, what was the name of JFK’s A.G.? Refresh my memory……..

  40. dad29

    JohnnyV giggles at the attendees of the RNC.

    The DNC will be fair game, Jonny. Think they’ll put tampon dispensers into the men’s rooms at McCormick Place?

  41. jonnyv

    Dad29, I didn’t “giggle” at the attendees. I LAUGHED at the insane merch, and I would LAUGH at anyone who wore it. But thankfully, I didn’t see anyone actually wearing some of that trash. And yes, if you see insane AI generated merch at the DNC, PLEASE point it out and laugh. If you see Tim Walz head on Hugh Jackman’s body, I hope you point and laugh.

    It was RFK, and it was controversial then too. Doesn’t change the facts that DJT didn’t surround himself with good people. But, by your argument he relied on dumb people to pick MORE dumb people? How is that any better? And even then, he had 4 years… it didn’t change. But we are just gonna have to trust him that THIS time it will be different.

    You literally asked me to provide you proof of increased prices, I did. And you say it didn’t matter cause it was so small. Good to know. Washing Machine prices matter, as do housing prices. And neither candidate has said squat about how they plan on bringing house prices down so young people can afford them.

  42. Tuerqas

    > The purpose of those tariffs was to REBUILD the steel industry in the USA. Kinda necessary for stuff like defense.
    But, but, Biden did that with his 800,000 new manufacturing jobs right? That’s what the internet says, so that is what I believe!!!

    >T, I disagree about your take on MAGA. IMO, there is a subset of the R party that are MAGA or maybe you want to call them Trumpsters.
    That is your training kicking in. You say they are a bunch of crazies even as you know that you will vote for ANY Dem over anyone else. Blind following is no better at all than MAGA Trumpsters. Individual rights is a big key in the MAGlock. Go to a rally and bring up that subject with a knuckle-dragging MAGite. Sure they have as bad a reputation as the average Lib, but everyone breaks glasshouses with a hard enough thrown rock. I agree with the idea of individual excellence. I am a MAGA supporter in the sense I noted above, not a Trumpster or Trump supporter or believer in Trump demagoguery. I know to a liberal, agreeing with one or more of their premises must make me a Deep Trump supporter in your eyes. Sorry for the dissonance headache on your end. I only commented on it all because it was 3/4 of your response to my prior comment that was off the tracks talking about Trump instead of my commentary. Now your response is again all about Trump and an example I threw out on my real topic that I spent virtually the entire comment on.
    Silence is agreement or acceptance…or ignorance of the topic. You are always so eager and glad to consider me a font of ‘right wing hyperbole’ so I offered you part of my explanation of how my beliefs are different and either it was over your head or you subconsciously see the truth of we vs me mentalities argument. Unless you think saying that the Constitution starts with we makes us a Socialist Government ever since it was established and all my thought more silly claptrap. Or maybe you believe that a Constitution guaranteeing an individual’s rights would not use the word ‘we’? Should the Constitution have started with an ‘I’, for every single citizen in the US? ‘We all agree that Government should never take inalienable individual rights from the people’. Does that mean ‘we’ the majority can take rights as we wish away from the rest? Your absurdity was not clever, it was…silly?

    >I can easily take your point about “dumbing down students” and say that for a long time many conservatives have attacked teachers, professors, scientists, & higher education in an attempt to dissuade people from going to higher education and seeing the world from a new perspective and meeting people who are different than them.
    Um, no you can’t, you can only take it under lib terms which MUST include something on how conservatives, what, started it? Deflect much? Or is the lib perception of conservative attacks on education the REASON behind dumbing down students? They started dumbing them down because conservatives complained that they sucked at their jobs? Your response is not anymore coherent or relevant than sticking your fingers in your ear and screaming ‘La,la,la, I am not listening to you’.
    You can only accept the lib history that conservatives were attempting to dissuade people from broadening their minds for nefarious purposes. I believe the conservatives (like me) were indeed trying to dissuade people from spending money they did not have for a general degree that they would not be able pay back. Universities used to provide further learning for ‘professional’ services. Now, for 20 times the cost you can get a degree in Art appreciation. You know that people are not equal in IQ, you can call some groups knuckle-draggers. University was for people who wanted to go into more challenging professional fields that required such things as higher IQs. Libs are really guilty of enticement. The whole idea that anyone and everyone (excluding righty knuckle-draggers of course) deserved to go to College for a limited number of professional jobs is and was ludicrous and so are 35-45% of the classes being offered today. And now we have a generation of university kids that have degrees and no jobs, or at least no job requiring a degree. Degreeless job vacancies we’ve got up the wazoo, though. No correlation there, right? The only way the information available fits to a lib, though, is that dirty right wingers tried to stop people from ‘broadening their minds’…regardless that they were not equipped to get a meaningful College degree in the first place. If your first year or two are filled with ‘remedial’ classes teaching basic English, simple math and J.R.R Tolkien theory, you should not be in College. What an exclusivist conservative prick I am for believing that, right?
    The reason conservatives have attacked teachers, professors, & higher education is because they are teaching grades 1-12 more and more poorly while demanding more and more money that Gov’t (i.e. us) generally gives them. And Universities and Professors have eagerly added so many fluff classes that a person can spend 100-300k to get a literally worthless degree, all while Profs are demanding more money for those classes. That, and of course changing historical meaning and teaching children not how to think, but simply to believe what teachers tell them. Scientists are under criticism for lying to support a political party. Even libs accept that Fauci lied to us, but it ends there for them, and that is a cognitive dissonance to me. Right wingnuts were correct in calling him a liar, in knowing that he knew about the Wuhan labs and what they were doing. Libs jumped all over it, scoffing calling names and screaming that science was on their side…and it is, politically. Now that it is all proven that he is a partisan liar, there is no position for libs. You would say: ‘He should be punished for lying’, but you don’t care about it. Very few libs would sign a group complaint and simply shrug when another partisan DA refuses to prosecute. You just reset to believing all other scientists that spout lib views and values. You simply correct after every glitch. That, my friend, is programming. Not questioning, not being angry at liars (as long as it based along party lines) just goes away as soon as the wrongdoing is admitted. Restart the libs, we were caught in lies and mis-deeds again. Restart and all the fault is with right-wing knuckle draggers again.

  43. dad29

    T, my friend, you spend far too much time being nice to him. Just demolish his talking points (not hard) and he’ll go away. You won’t get him to vote (R), Trump or no Trump.

  44. dad29

    The scientific/economics term for those price-increases is “trivial.” But hey, you found some!

    neither candidate has said squat about how they plan on bringing house prices down so young people can afford them

    Ah, you Lefties and your Magic Wands! You believe in the fairy godmother.

    Normal people don’t.

  45. jonnyv

    No, I don’t see where Fauci lied when talking about the lab leak itself. He said he believes (and apparently still does) that it was animal to animal transmission. And according to his testimony in congress, “I’ve also been very, very clear, and said multiple times, that I don’t think the concept of there being a lab (leak) is inherently a conspiracy theory,” he said. The conspiracy theory is that somehow he is deleting files and covering it up. I DO think he was dodgy when he talked about the gain of function that was happening at the Wuhan institute. But I don’t expect him to know exactly what that institute was doing with the grants, although maybe he or someone under him should have. And FWIW, I think it was a lab leak, and I always have. Yet, I am not out here calling the other side liars and making up shit about them. I saw some crazy conspiracy theories ABOUT the lab leak, the Wuhan lab, and Fauci in general many years ago. I don’t think we will ever know the honest truth because the Chinese gov’t will hide and not be forthcoming with any evidence that makes them look bad.

    35-45% of the classes that were offered 25 years ago were useless in college. I know, I had to take some of them. You and I have similar views on some of the college cartel scam. I took bowling, “art sense” (basically meditation), Africology, and a few other classes for general ed requirements when I went to UWM for Architecture (but ended up in business). But I want everyone to be able to go to college if THEY want. And I think we SHOULD be pushing college as a great option for a large portion of the population. Higher ed is a great place to expand your viewpoints, network with other people, and even take some classes that you may not normally think of. I don’t think there are many bad classes in college, but there are bad majors. If I want to take a class on how the writings of JRR Tolkien reflect modern day Marvel cinema… and there are enough other people in college who want to take that too. Great! Teach it. Spend your money on it. But it shouldn’t be a major or required. Now take everything you believe about colleges, loans, and tax dollars and look at the idea of privatized local public schooling.

    Yes we do have a void of blue-collar jobs currently as well and need to find a way to get kids to be excited about the trades. But very few people grow up to want to be a roofer or plumber. Most of those jobs are fall-back gigs for people.

    Your comment of “Libs are guilty of enticement” may be the stupidest thing I have heard today. You really clearly think that “libs” are the SOLE problem with the country and you make up a way to blame them for everything, and that is your blind spot. Some people are not cut out for college, but it has very little to do with their IQ. But “enticing” kids with a better future??? “Enticing” them with statistically a higher future ceiling and earning potential? There are plenty of kids to get to college and were mediocre HS students that thrive. And vice-versa. I was an RA/Housefellow my Jr year of college and saw plenty of different types of kids.

    It wasn’t “libs” that were telling kids to go to college. It was PARENTS. Parents of all political spectrum. Under the hope that their children would have more opportunities in the future. And the Banks and colleges profited.

    And once again you are wrong about me. I won’t vote for any Dem blindly. I would vote for an independent or even a Libertarian. But, I won’t vote for anyone who supports banning abortions or contraceptives. I won’t vote for anyone who thinks that religion in schools is a good idea. I won’t vote for someone who would privatize schooling without HARD firewalls and exceptions for kids with special needs. I WILL vote for candidates who support stronger age restrictions on firearms, and I will vote for politicians who try and push more public transit. I will vote for candidates who support better city re-zoning which I think would help push down housing prices. I would vote for anyone who pushes universal healthcare as well. Just show me ANY republican who would fit into that, and I am here with my vote. I am not a Dem or die kinda guy, I have never donated to any political campaign in my life. I do have the things I believe strongly in, and they tend to align with more Democrats than Reps.

  46. jonnyv

    Dad29, what does THIS even mean?
    “Ah, you Lefties and your Magic Wands! You believe in the fairy godmother.”

    There are policies that candidates can suggest and push. National and local. Look at the city of Austin, TX that just lowered the minimum lot size for single family houses. And whether by coincidence with the market, or because of that. Their pricing is starting to drop. Things like THIS can help. Allow more multi-family housing in cities and suburbs. And probably other things I am probably NOT thinking about. This isn’t magic fairy dust. These are real life changes we can make to help tame the house prices and add more supply.

    But maybe you are one of those NIMBY Brookfielders? You wouldn’t want an affordable family duplex built next door or something?

  47. dad29

    No national policy should ever interfere with or dictate local zoning. You may be too young or too uninformed to know about the multitude of Federal housing programs created to “make housing affordable.” But feel free to look up the FHA and its Section 8. There is a stylish (but now dated) high-rise apartment/garden apartment development in Downtown Milwaukee which was Fed-financed to make it “affordable.” Then check out VA lending programs. Get back to me.

    Bayside should have Section 8 housing and multi-family dwellings on 1/8 acre lots! Who needs garages or parking spaces when you have All-Electric Busing……oh……wait….

    Bayside has a NIMBY rep, too….and we lived in side-by-side duplex housing in Brookfield after we moved out of the 2-acre property which was a playground for multitudes of children including some from that down-market Tosa.

    The Feds cannot wave a magic wand or sprinkle fairy dust and make housing “more affordable.” If they get uppity and start determining lot-sizes in Brookfield or Bayside, residents will sell and move to Summit or Port Washington, assuming they don’t revolt first. And by “revolt” I don’t mean writing sternly-worded letters.

  48. Tuerqas

    > “I’ve also been very, very clear, and said multiple times, that I don’t think the concept of there being a lab (leak) is inherently a conspiracy theory,” he said.

    Out of curiosity, what do you think this means? I guess I am not sure of the context. By itself it just means that a lab leak is not a conspiracy theory and has nothing to do with his knowledge or complicity with it. When asked by Senator Paul if he still supported gain of function research from NIH funding of the lab in Wuhan he answered this: “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not never and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
    Sorry, but if he isn’t lying about it why use the word incorrect followed by a triple negative. Parse that out. A double negative cancels each other out. So take out the not never and he is actually saying that Paul was incorrect to say that the NIH does not fund gain of research at the Wuhan institute of virology. Did he mean to say that, because that means Paul WAS correct. When you tell the truth it is easy. When you lie things can slip out. And for the record, I did not bring up “lying specifically about the leak”. He lied about everything else, it takes a lib to say he has not yet been caught in that particular lie (though his words say he did) so it must be obviously true because he is a scientist first and a liar second or something. Let’s not forget that while Trump was still POTUS, he called Paul’s early questions about the possibility that the Corona virus was manufactured “preposterous”. He may have ‘said it many times since, but while Trump was sitting, he most definitely did say that a leak was virtually impossible, preposterous even.
    You can’t take a single word Trump says is true because he does lie and exaggerate a lot, but Fauci somehow only lied about what he has specifically admitted he lied about until or unless more proof comes out. The one reason for that is politics. You agree with Fauci’s political beliefs so he gets every break.

    >But I want everyone to be able to go to college if THEY want.
    Perhaps a decade after HS I might agree, but if you did not learn English or math past 6th grade, much less 12th grade and could not pass a now extinct entrance exam, we disagree. College’s primary or even secondary purpose was never supposed to be just a chance to meet people you have never met. It isn’t to expand your friend base or viewpoints. Hell, there is only one viewpoint in Colleges today (a difference from 35 years ago anyway). It is what the liberal Professors teach almost unilaterally at Public Universities. There may be variances in Syllabi, but the viewpoints are all the same. If some students are independently wealthy they can go ahead and spend their money on College, but you and all other libs want me to help pay for it down the road so that the College drop outs and fluff degrees don’t go too far into debt.

    >Your comment of “Libs are guilty of enticement” may be the stupidest thing I have heard today. You really clearly think that “libs” are the SOLE problem with the country
    Incorrect, they are the sole problems with education, however, which was the subject of conversation. Privatizing education has its drawbacks, but public education is on the verge of complete failure, unless the goal is to keep kids ignorant of anything non-liberal. I can’t help it that you keep ignoring the meat of every subject and attempt to pick off small support statements as if they are SOLE subject of the comment.

    I say Fauci is a liar.
    You say, Fauci did not conclusively lie about a lab leak possibility (lately).
    This insinuates that he may not have been a liar at all even though we both know he lied on multiple subjects, especially and consistently during a political opponent’s Presidential tenure.
    I say libs are deeply (and wholly) at fault concerning all levels of education.
    You say I blame liberals for every single thing (even as you blame right wing knuckle draggers for everything).
    I say liberals are indeed Socialists in their beliefs, an obvious truth that you should agree with as Socialism is at its core simply putting the masses before the individual.
    You say…nothing. Probably because lib public and social media hasn’t informed you on what to say on it yet.
    But you do respond with hating Trump, right wing knuckle draggers, and the police, none of which I directly brought up.
    I say that the GF riots were much worse than the J6 ‘attack’.
    You disagree, humorously using ‘millions’ to describe billions exactly as I pointed out as a typical lib ‘nuance’. Then you continue with how (and I love this line I put in caps) “The J6 was something different. NOT YOUR NORMAL FAR LEFT WING RIOT AND DESTRUCTION. They were a group of low IQ knuckle-draggers who broke into the capital with the sole reasoning of stopping the federal election from being certified. And they were made an example of.”
    Rioting by left wingers is normal, even a lib admits it, but disagree by demonstration if you are conservative, MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF THEM!!!!
    I say, “This is why Republicans let it happen. They get the other half of the people no matter their fractured beliefs by default even if they too promise nothing they have any intention of keeping.
    You say I blame libs for everything.
    I say you will only ever vote for a Democrat.
    You say, yes I would…so long as they believe in all the normal lib beliefs that a Democrat usually pretends to stand for.
    I can go on, but why, right? Your game of deflect, blame the right and accuse anyone with an alternate view as a right wing knuckle dragger gets dull after a while. There is a reason I often sound like the right more often than not. You are trained to put anyone not liberal in the same box. Ever consider that the problems with liberalism in the US today looks the same to most non-liberals? No. No you haven’t and you won’t.

  49. jonnyv

    Left wing people tend to protest more, and that can lead to riots by opportunists and extremists. No debate there.

    I haven’t “blamed the right” for anything. I just don’t believe in their societal beliefs mostly. It isn’t their fault, nor is it left wingers fault for most things. We work as a society. You seem very apt to have to find blame in someone that doesn’t align with your beliefs. Ok.

  50. dad29

    No, Jonny.

    Left-wing protests are LED by opportunists and extremists, who often foment riots. If you think that the Pallie demonstrations are all about Palestine, you’re seriously under-informed. They were created in the Marxist mode of “haves/have-nots”, mutatis mutandis the particulars in the Middle East. Same with Tampon Tim’s burn-it-down in the Twin Cities and the Kenosha riots.

    We can go on! The current hoo-hah over the death of the cocaine + meth-loaded man at the Hyatt is more of the same. They haven’t (yet) led to riots, and you will note that they haven’t gained much traction in “the community”; only in The Press. There’s a reason for that: “the community” is not convinced that D’Vontaye Mitchell’s death was racist………maybe because 2 of the 4 men involved were members of “the community.”

  51. Tuerqas

    Yah, sure okay. JV doesn’t blame the low IQ knuckle draggers, he just, you know refers to them that way out of affection. Personally, I would rather be blamed for acting on my true beliefs than being called that, but maybe that is just me. Of course, I would rather be a caveman with independent thought than a human robot, so I have that going for me.
    And maybe JV is right in which case all of the people put away for rioting should just be released immediately like a Joe Biden prisoner swap. After all, according to our foremost lib they shouldn’t be blamed and with no blame there is no crime, right? It could be the next step away from personal responsibility or something, who knows what is behind the Dem groupthink program. Libs certainly don’t know the plan of the great lib Oz.

    Yes, I find blame in criminal acts and I find blame in purposely weaponizing the legal system to harshly prosecute one end of the political spectrum and not even prosecuting many at the other end.
    Do you know why the black population will never get ahead as a race in America? Because their Dem Party ‘supporters’ want them exactly where and how they currently are. Yep, more blame where it is deserved. And their feud with the police will continue as crimes are often the most lucrative job minorities can find. Dems ghettoized them and zoned them out of business to control them, but handouts only go so far and they have to get ahead somehow. Illegal activities for money when their supporters in society say they deserve recompense, respect and apologies, but are silent on things like jobs start to sound more attractive and less like a crime. JV doesn’t blame them, he blames society which he supports, and he is a typical liberal.

    The right may indeed use white privilege even more than the left, but the institutional racism is all lefty. They run every large city with a ghetto and yet ghettoes still exist. Minorities may have been given hand outs, but they have not been given opportunity by the lefties in power.

  52. dad29

    They run every large city with a ghetto and yet ghettoes still exist.

    JV has a solution for that!! The Feds should overrule local zoning so that ghettos can be built in Brookfield and Bayside.

  53. jonnyv

    T, for what it is worth, I never called them low IQ. that was YOU. There were plenty of smart people who stormed the capital on J6. They made a bonehead knuckle-dragging decision that day. And many are paying the price, and I don’t feel bad for them. FAFO.

    Dad29, I don’t see where you get the idea that I want to turn other cities into “ghettos”. But sure, if you think that eliminating minimum lot sizes, allowing multifamily homes, and opening up zoning to more than just single family residences causes “ghettos”??? Well, maybe YOU are the racist one. I look at major cities throughout the world and I see dense walkable safe cities. But you are clearly some sort of classist who doesn’t want lower income families to move into YOUR city. You clearly support big gov’t telling people what they can do with the land THEY own. Good to know. When you are not too busy being scared and looking out your windows clutching your gun, check my post where I said Fed and LOCAL. But go ahead and ignore the stuff you don’t want to see.

  54. Tuerqas

    For what it is worth, knuckle dragger means low IQ to everyone but you, even other libs. Even the internet.

    >But go ahead and ignore the stuff you don’t want to see.
    Preaching to yourself now, I see.

  55. dad29

    You are ignorant as a post about Brookfield, pal. We lived about 4 blocks from a multi-fam development which was build in the mid-’60’s in Brookfield, and it was not the only one. There are plenty of lower-priced houses in Brookfield, just as there are in Pewaukee (which also has a bunch of multi-fam buldings.)

    You clearly support big gov’t telling people what they can do with the land THEY own.


  56. dad29

    I look at major cities throughout the world and I see dense walkable safe cities.

    Who cares what you think, white-bread? I can walk 4 blocks and point out several residences occupied by blacks (and Arabs, and Koreans) in the area where I now live. Those are people who WANT to be here.

    Believe it or not, Mayonnaise spread, there are a lot of blacks who WANT to live in Milwaukee. They don’t need your thoughts about what’s good for them. Keep your White Superiority in Bayside.

  57. jonnyv

    Oh Dad29. I did spend some money in your city yesterday. Dropped $1500 on a new table saw. So, you’re welcome for the taxes.

  58. dad29

    From the link inside the Biz Insider:

    All of these factors make it challenging to determine precisely how much supply-side reforms have contributed to Minneapolis leading the Midwest in new housing supply for 5 years in a row. To some extent, it is a matter of personal judgment and prior beliefs about housing markets. However, it is worth noting that, besides these reforms, there is nothing unique about Minneapolis that can explain its higher rate of supply. The city has not experienced exceptional population or economic growth; in fact, it has mostly trailed comparable cities. It has not had particularly favourable local construction market conditions, nor has it seen significant or unique changes to tax policy. And yet it continues to build at a rapid pace – consenting to over 600 new dwellings in January of this year.

    In brief: We have no damned idea whatsoever of the effects of the ONE BILLION DOLLAR plan that we can prove conclusively.

    The report in “One Final Effort” does state that rents in MN have decreased even though population has increased. But it’s not actually the housing:

    single-family zoning abolition may not be the sole solution for increasing housing supply in areas where multi-unit developments and apartment construction are already prevalent. Reforms such as eliminating parking minimums and facilitating transit-oriented development may be more important.

    So. The rental-price improvement is in MN itself, not the ‘burbs–which remain NIMBY. Obviously, Walz & Co. did not want to poke the beehive by jamming triplexes into the ‘burbs, especially when all the parking would be on the street ONLY..

    The increase in supply is exclusively due to building du- and tri-plexes on smaller lots and without a parking-space requirement which may or may not be a good idea. Finally, the plan was only put in place in 2020 and that is a very short window on which to judge results–especially in housing, which demands a 5-20 year review for any sort of statistical validity (as the website itself mentions.)

    Having on-street-only parking in a snow-town?

    Bring that up to MKE’s mayor Corvair Johnson. Sounds great.

  59. dad29

    By the way, “the Feds” had NOTHING to do with the Minneapolis program.

    One more thing: it is important to know what “building code reforms” were actually made by Walz and/or MN. Putting up junk is not a solution if you have to live in same.

    What”s “my city”? Maybe you don’t know this, but the sales tax does not accrue to localities EXCEPT the tax above 5%; and since you live in Milwaukee County, that extra tax went directly to Milwaukee County, not to “my city,” wherever that is.

  60. dad29

    So 5% to the State, and any excess to Milwaukee County–since YOUR RESIDENCE determines not only any excess over 5%, but also its destination–which is Milwaukee County.

    It was, indeed, long ago. More than 15 years…..

  61. Jason

    >So 5% to the State, and any excess to Milwaukee County–since YOUR RESIDENCE determines not only any excess over 5%, but also its destination–which is Milwaukee County.

    I’ve only ever had to declare my county with something like a motor vehicle purchase. Any retail purchases are paid at the rate of the county the store is in, and they do not ask my county. So unless people are following the letter of the WI Dept of Rev laws, that tax is staying in Waukesha CO.

  62. jonnyv

    Dad29… ummm.. that isn’t how taxes work. The municipality still gets its cut of the state tax. But it was $8 cheaper in Waukesha than it would have been in Milwaukee.

    And I only bought it there cause it was in stock there. Bliffords orders it.

  63. dad29

    The municipality still gets its cut of the state tax.

    How much? When?

  64. dad29

    Since there is no “Blifford’s” you may have purchased at Bliffert’s.

    You see why I ask the questions above?

  65. dad29

    JohhnV do you believe that increased demand generally causes prices to rise?

  66. jonnyv

    Dad29. First of all… thanks for correcting the name on that. I think my autocorrect renamed Blifferts to Bliffords for some reason. Not shocking with such an odd name. I usually stop in on the one near Shorewood. Eh whatever. Now I go to Ace Hardware or Home Depot up in Cedarburg depending on what I am looking for. Nothing beats Ace if you need to talk to some 70 years old dude about a random screw size with an odd head to it. He has probably seen it.

    Yes, I do generally believe that increased demand will cause increase prices, assuming a limited supply. Why do you ask?

  67. dad29

    An thank YOU for adjusting my question to the one I should have asked…..’limited supply’!!

    If you’ve driven through Milwaukee’s central city recently, you’ll have noticed many areas where there are no houses. They’ve been torn down and the lots have been ‘paved over’ with grass. So supply is a lot less than it was 20-25 years ago.

    At the same time, Milwaukee has been on the receiving end of a number of Biden/Harris Illegals. It is also a destination for LEGALS–about 45,000 as of 2023. Since the Harris/Biden Administration will not provide reasonable estimates of ILLEGAL immigrants (nor will their wholly-owned subsidiaries Evers and Johnson), let’s take a conservative guess and say that the ILLEGALS are equal in number to the LEGALS…..

    IOW, we have about 80,000 people who have arrived in Milwaukee while the housing stock has diminished during the last 10 years or so.

    Now do you understand why “low-cost housing” is a challenge?

    Yes, the Feds just gave MKE $2.1 million. But here’s what it’s for: the grant funds are meant to help develop and implement housing policy plans and improve strategies for affordable housing production. (Source Channel 58 6/24)

    Not one stick of lumber nor one inch of plumbing-pipe. Nope. The money’s going to………ahhh………”policy planners and strategizers”…….who just may be friends of the Mayor.

    Let’s review: less housing available, lots more people in town, and “policy planning” gets $2+ million.

    So yah, the cost of housing is going up.

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