Boots & Sabers

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0746, 12 Aug 24

Harris Promises to End Taxes on Tips

She has absolutely no authenticity or substance.

At Saturday’s rally at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Vice President Harris said: “When I am president, we will continue our fight for working families of America, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers,” she said.

Yes, she copied Trump.

Yes, she was the tie breaking vote to pass the bill that increased enforcement on the collection of taxes on tips.

Yes, she is only doing this to neutralize a policy that was proving to be popular.

But can we step back for a moment and talk about what a terrible policy this is? It was terrible when Trump proposed it. It’s terrible now. One of the oppressive aspects of our federal government is the complex tax code. This is why we have a gigantic IRS that is chasing people all the time. This is why ordinary citizens live in fear of the IRS even when they do everything correctly. The tax code is so Byzantine that it is easy for good, honest people to make a mistake and face severe consequences. It is through this complex tax code that the federal government wields power over us.

Our tax code got this way over time because of exactly this kind of crap – politicians picking winners and losers. Why should tips be tax exempt? It’s income, isn’t it? Why shouldn’t other forms of income be exempt? Rental income? Income from a second job? Income from Gig economy jobs?

The answer is not to continue to have politicians pick their favorites and show their largesse through the tax code. The answer is a flat tax – or no tax at all. Republicans should be pushing to simplify the tax code – not continue to make it an instrument of political favor.


0746, 12 August 2024

1 Comment

  1. MjM

    including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips

    Only in the mind of leftists. Enact the former, the latter will auto-eliminate. See: Kalifornia.

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