Boots & Sabers

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0655, 03 Oct 24

CIA Solicits for Informants

Really? If you are living in one of these totalitarian countries and happen to be surfing around the CIA’s channels, you’re already on a list. Or you make the list. This feels like an agency that’s out of ideas.

The US Central Intelligence Agency has launched a new drive to recruit informants in China, Iran and North Korea.


The organisation posted messages on its social media accounts in Mandarin, Farsi and Korean on Wednesday, instructing users how to contact it securely.


This latest effort follows a campaign to enlist Russians in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, which the CIA says was a success.


“We want to make sure individuals in other authoritarian regimes know that we’re open for business,” a CIA spokesman said in a statement.


0655, 03 October 2024


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