Boots & Sabers

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0708, 03 Oct 24

Hamas Disappointed With Lack of Arab Support

This is interesting.

DOHA, Qatar — The day after Iran launched strikes against Israel, a senior Hamas official told NBC News on Wednesday that the militant group has been let down by its Arab neighbors in the wake of the Oct. 7 terror attacks.


In an interview in Qatar’s capital, Doha, where part of the group’s political wing is based, Dr. Basem Naim said Hamas was “disappointed by the reaction of the region, of the countries in the region.” Although some of them had supported the group politically and financially, he said Iran “was maybe the only country regarding supporting the resistance.”

He has a point. Where is Saudi Arabia? Iraq? Egypt? Jordan? Turkey? Oman? The UAE? Qatar? Libya? Bahrain? Syria? It is telling that none of these countries have stepped out to support Hamas or Hezbollah


Two reasons. First, for decades, the myth of a unified Arab or Muslim block is just that… a myth. These countries all have their own interests and, as history has shown, the sharpest fights are often between siblings. They have given rhetorical support to the Palestinian cause in an effort to further their own interests, but they aren’t interested in expending blood or treasure on it.

Second, knowing this first fact, Trump’s Middle East policy of engagement and economic entanglement based on mutual self-interest is paying dividends. Many of these Arab countries have political, economic, and even cultural ties to Israel, the United States, and European nations that are more valuable to them than the Palestinian cause.

Iran is on an island even in their own sea. That is largely thanks to Trump’s foreign policy.


0708, 03 October 2024


  1. dad29

    largely thanks to Trump’s foreign policy.

    Do not make the mistake of ignoring the very serious religious differences between Shi’a (Iran) and Sunni (KSA, etc.) Mohammedanism. It’s not just the money.

  2. MjM

    S’ok. We helping out:

    “ The U.S. is at the forefront of humanitarian response to the growing crisis in Lebanon, announcing nearly $157 million in assistance today. We are committed to supporting those in need and delivering essential aid to displaced civilians, refugees and the communities hosting them.” – SecState Blinken, yesterday.

    …while the South drowns.

  3. Merlin

    Biden built them a temporary pier in order to steal all the humanitarian aid they could get their hands on… but it floated away. Palestinians will just have to comfort themselves with the warm fuzzies of good intentions. Actual results don’t matter. It’s the Democrat way.

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