Boots & Sabers

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0641, 05 Oct 24

Boom Job Report?

Let’s see… an administration that has weaponized every agency for political gain, and a BLS whose monthly reports are almost universally too high and are revised substantially downward in later months, issues a big positive jobs report the month before the presidential election, and then the media all takes the same line that the jobs report supports Harris’ economic agenda?

A hotter-than-expected jobs report released Friday sets up a contrast for the final month of the 2024 campaign as Democrats and Republicans prepare their closing economic arguments.


0641, 05 October 2024


  1. MjM

    Great news! But…

    Mostly g’vment, mostly part-time, and worst of all, mostly non-citizens.

  2. Merlin

    Wasn’t it revealed not long ago that they had been padding the jobs stats by about 850,000? I trust their jobs numbers about as much as I trust their inflation numbers. Lying liars are gonna lie.

  3. MjM

    The -818k “revision” total covered April 1, 2023 thru March 31, 2024.

    For the rest of this year (so far)…

    April: -67,000
    May : -56,000
    June: -88,000
    July : +30,000
    Aug : +17,000

    All months are revised twice. Aug24 has only been revised once.

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