Boots & Sabers

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1942, 14 Jan 25

MN Dems Boycott as GOP Elects First Black Woman Speaker

If you’re not following the shenanigans in the Minnesota legislature, you’re missing out. It’s a hoot.

The short version is that the GOP holds a temporary majority in the House after one of the Democrats was found to be ineligible because he didn’t live in the district. It’s a Democratic district, so it will likely lead to a tie in the House once a special election can be held. But for the time being, the Republicans have a majority and are trying to start the session.

The Democrats are refusing to even enter the building. The had an illegal fake swearing in ceremony at the library and they did not show up to the first day of work. Then this happened.

The unprecedented start of the legislative session went on with the usual pomp and formality of years prior. As if the Democratic half of the chamber weren’t empty, and the rules on how to proceed not the source of vehement dispute.


Secretary of State Steve Simon, as the statutorily mandated presiding officer, shook House GOP leader Lisa Demuth’s hand on his way to the rostrum at the front of the ornate chamber. He gaveled three times to start the session. A chaplain said a prayer calling for unity. The members said the Pledge of Allegiance. Rep. Peggy Scott, R-Andover, called the roll, pausing on each Democrat’s name to allow for silence to note their absence. And the members present took the oath of office.


Then, Simon called the roll again and, as he informed Republican leaders in the days leading up to the session, declared that 67 members were not enough to fulfill a quorum. He said the House may not conduct any further business, declared the body adjourned with a bang of the gavel, and took a seat to the left of the rostrum.


Democrats’ boycott had worked, at least for the moment. They prevented Republicans from using their temporary, 1-seat advantage — sure to end after a Jan. 28 special election in a heavily DFL district — to elect a GOP speaker of the House.


The problem became evident moments later: Who would enforce Simon’s ruling?


Republican Rep. Harry Niska, ready on the microphone, quickly moved to overturn Simon’s ruling — interjecting as Simon closed the session. Niska called the oldest member present  — Rep. Paul Anderson — to serve as presiding officer.


After learning how to turn on the microphone from the rostrum, Anderson took the role again and declared a quorum present.


House Republicans then nominated and voted unanimously for Rep. Lisa Demuth, R-Cold Spring, to serve as House speaker, to applause.

The Minnesota Republicans have elected the first black woman to every serve as Speaker of the House in that state and the Democrats were hiding and boycotting the vote. That speaks volumes.


1942, 14 January 2025

1 Comment

  1. Mike

    Since the statute says they are to be sworn in “on the appointed day”, do they now need to survive a special election since they abandoned their office.
    Republicans should call for special elections for their seats refuse to recognize them when they decide to return.

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