Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0723, 06 Nov 15

Another Goblin Down in Chicago

It’s almost a shame that an armed robber with such an awesome name met such a fate. Almost…

A robbery was thwarted at a Southwest Side corner store Saturday night when a patron with a concealed carry license shot and killed an armed robber, authorities said.

The dead man has been identified as Reginald Gildersleeve, 55, of the 5000 block of South California Avenue, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office. Gildersleeve was pronounced dead on the scene at 7:10 p.m., according to the medical examiner’s office. An autopsy is slated for Sunday.

Citing preliminary information, police said a man walked into a store in the 2700 block of West 51st Street in the Gage Park neighborhood around 7 p.m., announced a robbery to an employee working behind the counter and displayed a handgun.

Another employee came from the back of the store, and the gunman pointed his weapon at her, police said. He then made her go to the back of the store, which also serves as a currency exchange.

After that, a customer who was also inside the business pulled out a gun and opened fire at the robber, killing him, police said. Police initially said the robber was possibly in his 40s.

Police said the shooter has a valid concealed carry license and a valid firearm owner’s identification card.


0723, 06 November 2015


  1. JSR


    Isn’t this the same Reginald Gildersleeve you mentioned back on November 1?

  2. Owen

    Looks like it. How many could there be!?!?

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