Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0631, 23 Sep 14

Vagina Cookies

Um… OK.

A mother with an interesting take on empowering female children, pseudonym Autumn, signed up tobring in baked goods to her child’s class.

But when Autumn arrived, tray in hand, every single cookie was shaped like a vagina. The teacher noted that every kind of vagina was represented, including “small, puffy, white, brown, shaved, bald, and even a fire crotch.” They were frosted accordingly.

When the teacher told Autumn that the cookies were inappropriate, the mother began yelling about the importance of young children learning about sexuality. Autumn left the cookies and stormed out.

But later that night, the teacher got an email rant that will go down in history as one of the most anti-feminist pieces ever written. You have to read it to believe it, especially the part where Autumn wishes domestic violence on the teacher.


0631, 23 September 2014


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