Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0804, 21 Jun 16

WEAC Membership Plummeting


[Madison, Wis…] More than 58 percent of active union members left the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) since 2011, according to a new study by the Education Intelligence Agency. The drop in membership is the largest percentage change in the country over the last five years.

In just the last year, almost 5,100 members left the state’s largest teachers’ union – a 12.3 percent drop from 2014. Before the passage of Act 10, WEAC had almost 100,000 members. Today, the union stands at just 36,074 members.

The landscape for WEAC hasn’t changed since Act 10 was passed. We saw a big drop in membership right after ACT 10 went into effect with about a third of the membership leaving. Since that initial drop, another third has left. WEAC appears to be struggling to show value to the existing membership.


0804, 21 June 2016


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