Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2237, 14 Aug 17

Eliminating Down Syndrome By Killing Everyone With It

That’s one way to eradicate it.

With the rise of prenatal screening tests across Europe and the United States, the number of babies born with Down syndrome has significantly decreased, but few countries have come as close to eradicating Down syndrome births as Iceland.

Since prenatal screening tests were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s, the vast majority of women — close to 100 percent — who received a positive test for Down syndrome terminated their pregnancy.

While the tests are optional, the government states that all expectant mothers must be informed about availability of screening tests, which reveal the likelihood of a child being born with Down syndrome. Around 80 to 85 percent of pregnant women choose to take the prenatal screening test, according to Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik.

We used to call killing an entire people because they are different “genocide.”


2237, 14 August 2017


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