Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...

Tag: Bryan Steil

National Debt to be $31.4 Trillion in 10 Years

Insane. These is country-ending debt.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Bryan Steil released a statement following the release of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s economic outlook for the next ten years. CBO projects the national debt will rise to $31.4 trillion by 2030.

“The CBO’s forecast for 2030 is highly concerning. We must take steps now to prevent this from occurring. First and foremost, Congress should not pass reckless spending bills like it has year after year. I continue to work with my colleagues to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.”

Bryan Steil Announced Run in 1st District

The road has been cleared for him on the Republican side, but this is going to be a bruising race.

JANESVILLE — Republican Bryan Steil announced on Sunday, April 22 that he’s running to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan in Congress, becoming the frontrunner in the GOP primary.

“I want to take our Wisconsin work ethic and my problem-solving experience to Washington’s nonstop crisis factory,” Steil told several dozen supporters gathered at Performance Micro Tool in Janesville.

Steil has been a member of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents since 2016. He is a lawyer. Steil has been a longtime friend and former aide to Ryan.



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