Boots & Sabers

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Tag: Donald Trump

Christie Endorses Trump

Well, this makes sense. First, Christie stays in the race long after it was clear that he couldn’t win and spent his time attacking anyone who threatened Trump. Now, after Trump gets eviscerated at the last debate, Christie steps in to draw the media’s eye away. Clearly, Christie is acting as Trump’s ally.

New Jersey governor and former Republican candidate Chris Christie is endorsing frontrunner Donald Trump for president, he has announced.

Mr Christie dropped out of the 2016 presidential race after a lacklustre showing in polls and state races.

Trump Wins South Carolina

Although there’s a lot of counting left to do. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the field does. As for Trump… I’m embarrassed for the Republican Party right now.

Pope Says Trump is Not Christian

Well, he’s definitely not Catholic!

(CNN)Thrusting himself into the combative 2016 presidential campaign, Pope Francis said Thursday that GOP front-runner Donald Trump “is not Christian” if he calls for the deportation of undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.

I have a hard time taking the Pope seriously when he won’t condemn pro-abortion politicians but slams Trump for his stance on immigration policy.


Palin Endorses Trump


Ames, Iowa (CNN)Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump Tuesday at an Iowa campaign stop, delivering a raucous speech full of Palin-isms during her return to the presidential campaign trail.

The Trump phenomenon sure is interesting. He has a lot of support and yet I don’t personally know anyone who is a Trump supporter – and I know a lot of conservatives. As far as I can tell, Trump supporters fall into the following categories:

Democrats – they want a Democrat to win the general, so they are pushing for Trump to win the Republican nomination. They figure he’s the easiest of the lot to beat.

Populists – Trump is singing the populist tune, which is funny since he’s a Manhattan billionaire. But some folks are buying it.

Anarchists – they hate the two-party establishment and just want to roll Trump into it like a grenade with bad hair to see what happens.

Idiots – this includes the conservatives who have bought his bullshit.

Opportunists – this is probably where Palin falls – and Rush and Hannity. Trump is rich and popular right now and they want to glom onto that popularity for their own purposes. Palin is a fallen star and this is a chance for her to be relevant.

Trump Flubs Bible Quote

Does it really shock anyone that this man is unfamiliar with scripture?

“Two Corinthians, 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame,” Trump said, drawing laughter from the crowd of students at Liberty University who knew Trump was attempting to refer to “Second Corinthians.”


Dark Money Funds Al-Shabaab Ad Supporting Hillary


The militant group Al-ShabaabAl Qaeda‘s affiliate in Somalia — has released a recruitment video featuring GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

The more-than 51-minute propaganda video comes on the heels of a war of words between Trump and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clintonover her suggestion that the real estate mogul’s controversial remarks about Muslims would be used to recruit jihadis.

The video includes a clip of Trump calling for a “shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the [bleep] is going on,” Trump says in the clip. The group bleeps out Trump’s use of the word “hell.”

Trump Calls for Ban on Muslim Travel to U.S.

Yeah… no.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” a campaign press release said.

The last thing we need or want is for our government to engage in religious tests.

“disillusioned and fed up with democratic processes”

Spot on.

The spirit of our democracy is very much at issue. Donald Trump says we have a corrupt system run by stupid people. Obama says we have a corrupt system run by evil people. Both of them are part of the same problem. I really don’t give a damn if they are disillusioned and fed up with democratic processes or not. If they are tired of the game, they should stop playing it, not engage in ideological commentary or entertain fantasies of personal rule.

The best way to restore faith in our democratic structures is to spend a lifetime trying to make them work, like Hubert Humphrey did, or Jack Kemp did, or Henry Jackson did, or Ronald Reagan did, or Ted Kennedy did. But it is easier, and surely satisfying in its own way, to throw a tantrum when democracy disappoints you.

Jindal Comments on Trump

And he nails it.

“He’s a nonserious carnival act,” Jindal said in a speech at the National Press Club. “Here’s the truth about Trump that we all know, but have been afraid to say. Donald Trump is shallow. Has no understanding of policy. He’s full of bluster but has no substance. He lacks the intellectual curiosity to even learn.”

Jindal, who has been stuck at the back of a 17-candidate primary field, called Trump a “narcissist and an egomaniac” who is “insecure and weak.”

“And that’s why he is constantly telling us how big and how rich and how great he is, and how insignificant everyone else is. We’ve all met people like Trump, and we know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful he is,” Jindal said.

The correct response to Trump is to roll your eyes and pray that America is not yet stupid enough to elect him to anything.

Trump Felt Like He Was In The Service


Republican frontrunner Donald Trump reportedly told the author of a forthcoming biography that while he never served in the military, he “always felt” that he had because he attended a military-themed prep school that gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.”

Sure, it was JUST LIKE the military except for the whole “people are trying to kill you” thing. 



Donald Trump says Obamacare is “very bad” and needs to go. “Repeal and replace with something terrific,” he told CNN on Wednesday.

What would the terrific replacement be?

The Republican presidential front-runner was vague, but health experts say that a number of the broad replacement ideas he outlined sound similar to President Barack Obama’s health care law, known more formally as the Affordable Care Act.

Grade School Taunts in Presidential Race

“Dumbdumb?” “Jackass?” Really, boys… and I do mean boys… grow up.

OSKALOOSA, Iowa (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump opened up a line of attack Saturday on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, accusing the leader in recent polls in Iowa of running his neighboring state into financial trouble.

It’s the latest broadside against a rival of the outspoken New York billionaire. Last week, Trump went after South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham for calling him a “jackass.” The New York businessman has characterized other candidates as unfit for the office and said the party’s 2008 nominee, Sen. John McCain, was not a war hero in spite of his years as a prisoner in Vietnam.

Spurred on by a raucous audience of more than 1,000 at a central Iowa high school, Trump said Walker has an advantage in Iowa because he’s from a neighboring state but that the edge is undeserved because Walker has mismanaged Wisconsin’s budget.


Trump said Walker deserved the criticism because a top fundraiser to the governor referred to Trump in a recent fundraising email as “Dumb dumb.”


Trump Slams POWs

Yeah, I think we can be done with Trump now.

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday questioned whether Sen. John McCain — who spent over five years as a prisoner during the Vietnam War — is a war hero.

“He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK? I hate to tell you,” Trump said at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa. “I believe perhaps he is a war hero.”

The comments met with a mix of gasps, boos, laughter and some applause from an audience that was present during a question-and-answer session with the real estate mogul.



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