Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...

Tag: Nancy Pelosi

Trump Impeached

I see that in my absence that the rabidly vitriolic, vengeful, and venomous Speaker Pelosi and her cohort of malcontents have impeached Trump again for something that he didn’t do. So… not much has changed.

Mr Trump is accused of inciting a mob that stormed Congress last week after he repeated false claims of election fraud. Five people died.

The trial will be held after the president leaves office next Wednesday.

If Mr Trump is convicted, senators could also vote to bar him from ever holding public office again.

The trial follows Wednesday’s vote in the House of Representatives that formally charged – or impeached – the president with “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the riot.

The Republican president has rejected responsibility for the violence. In a video released by the White House after the vote, he called on his supporters to remain peaceful, without mentioning his impeachment.

Notice how the BBC refuses to use his title? They use the titles of other people in the story.

Anyway, the storming of the capitol building has all of the hallmarks of a crowd whereby a contingent turned into a mob and did what mobs do. There was no planning and no actual effort to overthrow a government. It was contemptible, harmful to the body politic and the Trump cause, and, ultimately fruitless… but I understand it. I also understand that many of these same Democrats cheered when mobs sacked the Wisconsin Capitol for weeks after Act 10. I understand that these same Democrats protected Antifa and BLM when they looted private businesses, government buildings, and set up rebellious zones within cities. Their attack on Trump and conservatives is steeped of the zealotry of hypocrisy.

But we need to pull the lens back a bit. What happened in Washington and around the country is part of a bigger picture. We have a fractured America in which some want to continue in a relatively liberal and free Republic and some want a Marxist Regime. And there is a great swath of people in the middle who just want to go to work and be left alone. Politics are always an amplified projection of our culture. It’s not our politics that is broken. It is our culture.


Trump’s Letter to Pelosi

Read the whole thing.

“You are turning a policy disagreement between two branches of government into an impeachable offence – it is no more legitimate than the Executive Branch charging members of Congress with crimes for lawful exercise of legislative power.”

Pelosi’s Hate

Nothing says “heart full of love” like calling someone a “coward” and “cruel.”

(CNN)House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a scathing warning Thursday to a reporter who asked her a question about her feelings about President Donald Trump: “Don’t mess with me.”

The California Democrat forcefully pushed back on the idea that she and her caucus are proceeding with articles of impeachment because of a personal dislike of Trump, after being asked by a reporter from Sinclair if she hates him on her way out of the weekly press conference.
Pelosi stopped and said: “I don’t hate anybody.”
She then walked back to the microphone, and said that while she believes Trump is a “coward,” that’s only about his political positions.
“I think this President is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence,” she said. “I think that he is cruel when he doesn’t deal with helping our Dreamers, of which we are very proud of. I think he is in denial about the climate crisis. However, that’s about the election.”
She continued: “This is about the Constitution of the United States and the facts that lead to the President’s violation of his oath of office. And as a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone.”
“I pray for the President all the time,” Pelosi said. “So don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that.”
Uh huh… sure you do…

Tinkle Contest

From the venerated Nancy Pelosi.

She called the meeting “wild” and said, “it goes to show you: you get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you.”

What does a skunk have to do with anything?

Pelosi’s Leadership Challenged

I, for one, support the continued leadership of Pelosi.

(CNN)Around the same time House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was declaring she had broad support to remain the top Democratic leader and jabbing back at her critics, a group of her colleagues met privately to brainstorm on whether there was a way to force her out.

New York Democratic Rep. Kathleen Rice, one of a small group who has gone public with the message that Pelosi should go, hosted a dozen Democrats in her office Thursday for an hour-long strategy session.
Rep. Cedric Richmond, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, who many have touted as a rising star in the party, attended the session, according to three Democrats who also attended. The CBC includes roughly 40 House Democrats, many in senior leadership and committee positions, including Pelosi allies.
In an interview on CNN before the meeting, Rice admitted that the problem facing the party now is that no one has emerged as an alternative.

Nancy Pelosi Wins Leadership


Pelosi got 134 votes to Ryan’s 63 — winning 68 percent of the votes after declaring before the election that she had the support of two-thirds of the caucus. The victory sends a message that while there’s a growing appetite for major changes in the party’s leadership structure and messaging tactics, it’s not strong enough to loosen Pelosi’s grip on a liberal-heavy group that’s rarely challenged her authority.

After getting shellacked time and time again, the Democratic Party has chosen to stay the course. That bodes well for Republican prospects. This also indicates that the Democratic Party is becoming more and more radical. As long as they continue to focus all of their energies on fringe issues and not issues that actually matter to vast swaths of the American population, they will remain in the minority.



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